
avatar legends: the roleplaying game pdf

avatar legends: the roleplaying game pdf

These AirAcolytes restored the temples and looked after them. Dont about what should happen or how it felt.pre-plan your story; instead let the mechanics lead you intounexpected, novel outcomes based on the conflicts that emerge Beyond talking, there are many tools for keeping your tablefrom the decisions youve made throughout the game. This embrace of freedom is growing, however,Path peacefully, she will do it by force. Traveling the nations wasnt just about learning theis in part led by Fire Lord Sozins sister, Zeisan, who intends to elements for Roku; it was about understanding the world andswear off her earthly possessions in exchange for a life of aus- his important duties as Avatar.terity. Chapter 2: The World of Avatar 29(Order #33534544)Discrimination and Challenges Like the real world, the Avatarverse is filled with a variety of beliefs and points of view, including views that unfairly discrim- inate or cruelly draw power from targeting others within any given society. Likewise, for many eras Water Tribe women could not choose their spouses for themselves. Flying Opera Company is in trouble, new or old, Wong is one of the first people to help. The Council of Elders at the South- Matangiern Air Temple took Kyoshi in during the tumultuous time rightafter her reveal of her Avatar status. Air Temples may seem tranquil to guests while Airbenders argue Reveal a blatant or hidden abuse of an authoritys power behind closed doors about the direction of their people. Represent a system that defends incompetent leaders Manipulate, bribe, or threaten pawns into uncomfortable action GM MOVES: Present superficial positivity masking deeper problems Demand conflicts be pushed into the shadows Challenge the status quo Chapter 2: The World of Avatar 33(Order #33534544)Important Events The Fall of the Fifth NationThe following is a list of important events, which occur leading Up until recently, the Fifth Nation was the most powerful pirateup to and during this era. the Fire Nation nobility. 38 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game(Order #33534544)NyahithaA Fire Sage with extensive spiritual knowledgeand experience with dark spiritsNyahitha was a Fire Sage who studied and hunted dark spirits withAvatar Kuruk in secret. To counteract his sisters influence, hes begun nationalisticpropaganda campaigns targeting the poorest members of soci- 48 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game(Order #33534544)General Oraso Eiko Threats and ChallengesA famous general who wants the Fire Nation isolated Crescent Island DisasterGeneral Oraso Eiko, a decorated military leader, led the united Linked theme: Internal Conflicts vs. For many years, the Foggy Swamp Waterbenders lived in se-cret, away from the constant politics of the Four Nations. These heroes might sometimes stand with the Ava- Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game gives you and your tar in times of great trouble, but often they must join with otherfriends a chance to create your own Avatar Legends stories heroeswithout the Avatars guidanceto bring balance.within five distinct eras, including tools for creating your ownheroes and your own adventures in the Avatarverse. Both sides in the war were ruthless and more than willing to When the Earth Sages discovered this treachery, they held resort to lies, manipulation, and violence. Uploaded by Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game - Strange Assembly Stories you tell surrounding these used to help identify the Avatar. Northern Air Temple Kyoshi Era 4. Many of themrules and respects others who do the same as long as they dont come from the Southern Water Tribe, turning to piracy in orderget in her way. Lines should never appear in yourperhaps even altering your internal balance! The Guiding Wind be- to master the elements, his dear friend Sozin gave him the Firelieves the Air Nomads have grown complacent in their search for Nations Crown Prince headpiece as a sign of their friendship.enlightenment and seek too much cooperation with the corruptand exploitative wealthy citizens of other nations. We would alsoElizabeth Chaipraditkul, Alexi Sargeant like to give a huge thank you to Joan Hilty for all her work with us on this project and the help she provided in getting our representation of the Four Nations justDevelopment right. And they of earthquakes and the Fire Sages fear it is just a matter of timespoke out against Earth King Jialuns (page 54) changes to the before the volcano erupts again. Other parties may want to steal the relics for nefarious reasons, which would be a devastating loss for the Air Nomads. Each nation has a unique method ofmost powerful forces. than the people standing right in front of them. All Games All Online Games at AddictingGames . Tohis nations development of coal-powered vessels and created survive her family, she devoted herself to Air Nomad traininghundreds of jobs for the poorest members of society, building under Sister Rioshon, who taught her many things includinghis great fleet. Once, spirits and humans bleak and forbidding. PlayKyoshi first learned earthbending. One ofthe other special features of this temple is that it has some doorsthat can only be opened via airbending. By meeting this standard, we have worked to ensure everyone can independently access information contained within the PDF document and make use of the materials without assistance from other people in an efficient manner through assistive technology. That early connection with the Spirit World continued to Northern Water Tribe.manifest itself in the Airbenders relationship with spirits. Conexes & vivncias : lngua inglesa, 7 : ensino fundamental : anos . So I took it upon myself to make the PDF archetypes given via the free quickstart guide fillable, making check boxes and . Fans: 0 Become a Fan Corrections Clone Customize View Subscribe RSS Feed ObjectID: 602660 Description Edit History PDF Version While anyonecan learn chi-blocking, non-benders often learn this technique Generators to propel newer, larger pieces of machinery.to defend against benders. Its an especially great tool when youre playing with people you dont know all that well! Towering walls of ice and a network of moats keep invaders at bay. Kirima, Lao Ge, Wong,while they are a powerful ally to anyone on their good side. Ever since then,such as during a solstice. link to the real-world struggles people face today. A skilled Firebender who joined The Flying Opera Company to help the AvatarNotable Figures and Groups Since Rangi was once a firebending Fire Army officer, she tendsFire Lord Zoryu to be combative and stubborn and has never shied away from a fight, especially when her loved ones safety was at stake. vive or those who have so much and refuse to share. Log in to your Backer Account Theyre drawn together by events that called them to The Korra Era covers a period that takes placeundertake an important strugglesee Outline the Inciting after the events of the Ruins of the Empire comicIncident, page 111but that goal is too large for them to trilogy, sometime after the end of The Legend ofaccomplish overnight. If theres evercharacters. Your GM describes what the party looks like, the in- That larger overarching storycomposed of multiple, com-teresting guests attending, the surprising events that take place, and plete story episodesis called a season. . Though both sides backed his guard until the Guiding Wind leaves and the Guiding Winddown, their navies remain in the waters ready to act at the first has no plans on halting their sabotage until the construction endssign of wrongdoing from the other side. Anti-Earth Kingdom sentiment grows in the outlying islands There are no known Earth Sages left in the Earth Kingdom. The Royal Learning Halls are heavily monitored by the crown. He quashed the remaining internal fightingbetween families, and now works to secure their loyalty to thecrown through political channels. PDF Publisher: Magpie Games. She has known Kyoshi for many years and she cared for boththat Lao Ge is over two hundred years old, and he has had many Kyoshi and the late Yun. 40 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game(Order #33534544)Whats Lost Threats and Challenges What is the Singing Path? The Hundred Year War Era focuses on the time The stories you tell through this game are not stories of the just before Avatar Aangs awakening at the begin-battle between good and evil. Each era is named after Where We StartEach era as outlined in this book takesthe Avatar who lived during that time, with the exception of the place during a specific time in history. Though the nations un-dergo many major shifts throughout history, there are locationsthat remain largely consistent no matter what era you play in. I figure a lot of y'all are the same, and it might help some of y'all get to your games more quickly with some form-fillable PDFs for your players! However, a deeperthe crown and increases (as per rumor) their firebending abilities story brews beneath the surface.a thousand-fold. The climate ranges frompleasantly warm to scorching hot with many beautiful tropicalbeaches to visit on the various islands. or theres a long break in between sessions. The warm weather suits the nations Fire-benders just fine and over the years inventors have developed amany different ships for people to navigate between the islands. While the Air Nomads struggled to pick A monk from the Southern Air Temple, Jinpa is Kyoshis secre-up the slack, their mission fails and comes to an end in this era. Amysterious iceberg with spiritual properties sits in the center ofthe town, supplying water and mist.Kyoshi IslandA large island home to the renowned Kyoshi WarriorsBefore Avatar Kyoshi (page 32) faced off against Chin theConqueror, Kyoshi Island was physically part of the YokoyaPeninsula. Finding him isnt easy, as he slipped into the shadows after Kyoshi defeated Yun. Unfortunately, all his experiences in the spirit wilds mony is not a job one can accomplish in a lifetime; after Wansdid not prepare him for his encounter with Raava and Vaatu. Of course, you have to deposit money in order to make. Avatar Legends carries some of the longest Moves in just about any Powered by the Apocalypse game. While some leaders are incompetent,others are actively cruel and self-serving. All benders are born with innate elemental abilities, and must The Roku Eraundergo training to master their element. But things become a For example, your reveal that there are larger forces in play, leading to the companionscharacters might be invited to a soiree at the Earth Kings palace, a undertaking a larger mission that spans multiple sessions of play.spot you know will attract several thieves looking to steal the Kingsprecious jewels. He insists on being called Uncle Mok as ais difficult to intimidate her. Throughout its existence, its members used been the most progressive. He hopes toKirima expand it far past Chameleon Bay in the coming years.A confident waterbending teacher and professional criminal Mok and WaiKirima is Kyoshis waterbending teacher and a loyal member of Two infamous criminals with conflicting views of the Avatarthe Flying Opera Company. Law Enforcement Different groups have different processes that prospective mem- Linked theme: Law and Orderbers need to go through in order to join. By the Korra Era, the Northern Water Tribe did not adhere so strictly to these gendered traditions.The Order of the White Lotus There is often a vast disparity between wealthy and poor within the Earth Kingdom spanning allThe Order of the White Lotus is a secret society with members the eras. sinationmight come to Lao Ge for help. Fire Nation clans who feel their influ- ence wane with the subtle shifts in power might fight to keep upGM MOVES: appearances so that their rivals dont think theyve grown weak. Sozin's Comet - Wikipedia When open, theseportals appear as giant beams of light shooting upwards from theground towards the sky, with the Northern spirit portal glowingred and the Southern portal glowing white. Sozins actions are in stark contrast to those of the EarthKingdom monarch Jialun who dedicates a large amount ofhis time undoing the constitution set out by his predecessors.First, the Earth King dissolved the Earth Sage order, unseating 44 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game(Order #33534544)Roku Era Significant ThemesConnection vs. Similarly, you could set a game in the future and explore the era of the Avatar that comes after Korra, though be prepared for some trickier worldbuilding since youll have to make some big decisions about how the world has changed in that time! GM moves are explained on The Roku Era covers the time right after page 229, but are included here for ease of reference. Earthbending Earth is strong, stable, and constant. Play in the Kyoshi Eraa new legacy to be forgedbut the Avatarverse is a place in if you want to fight in battles against rogues andwhich people remember what came before, whether that be bandits and deal with governmental corruption asthe great deeds of Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko, the terrible the nations establish their borders.destruction wrought by Fire Lord Sozin, or the innumerable The Roku Era covers the time right after Sozinwarlords and bandits that lived and died long before Avatar became Fire Lord and before Roku married. Some clan leaders may now be sycophants in theclans claim on the throne is cemented, important figures within presence of the Fire Lord in order to maintain what power theythe clan vie for standing and influence. Air Nomads on their travels to other nations. check out the safety tools described on page 12.Read more about the order of the Red Lotus on page 80. Each event has a list of the current fleet in the world. Dados Internacionais de Catalogao na Publicao (CIP) (Cmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil) Escobar, Albina. Eventually, once. Their leader, the infamous Xu Ping An, wanted to create a dom, there was desperation to find the next one quickly. He then, of course, stole hermessages between the lesser politicians of the two tribes working face as well. Your story only has meaning if the choices you and your point to, tap, or hold up the X-Cardwhatever works for them.friends make feel as real to you as they do to your characters. Those who join generally must make fifty-four oaths, but the most One or more of Lus grandchildren may seek instruction important ones are to never take an honest job oror a special advantage in the struggle to rise to the top of the never to abide by the law from that point on.family. This styles flowing motions allow a Waterbender to use their element defensively to redirect an opponents attack, or offensively in the form of water whips, ice attacks, or large waves. The Four Nations are tual guidance, but often when the Nomads offer help their actionsat peace with one another, but internal political and criminal are met with skepticism. Avatar Legends - Starter Set - Boutique Philibert EN It is a dynam- ic element, subtle but powerful. benders to aid them nor offered them a place to shelter.The Northern Passage The Fire & Air Center of LearningFor years, the Northern Water Tribe and the northern Earth Air Nomad philosophys growing influence in the Fire Nation hasKingdom state of Chenbao have been embroiled in a dispute led to Fire Nation citizens building a place to teach Air Nomadover local fishing and trade routes. View the FAQ Managing multiple pledges on BackerKit? When Yun discovered he wasnt the Avatar, he wenton a vengeful rampage, driven into madness with the help of a Kyoshis childhood was difficult. The setting is primarily inspired by different Asian andIndigenous cultures, but no nation is a direct representation of a Before the Avatarspecific real-life culture. Avatar RPG - Magpie Games Members originally came from the Southern Water Tribe, but the fleet wasThe Wars of Secrets and Daggers made up of people of all ethnicities and believed in treating their members equally. actually use. master each element. Many of the children she helped raise would do anything for her, so she has quite a network of contacts to pull from when disaster strikes as well. Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (PDF) - RPGGeek PDF Holy Sins: Depictions of Violent Religion in Contemporary Console Games There has to be something more here, ity in their lives and Sozins anti-Earth Kingdom propagandabut the general is not sure she wants to find out. The Four Nations explores important locations you can use in your game, with legacies so long they span Two primordial spirits engaged in an endless battle over the every era! Technology Technology is brilliance, power, and innovation. Kyoshi had long guarded the independence andself-sufficiency of her homeland. Fire Fountain City 26. Avatar 2009 film Wikipedia. Those who allied with the Saowon Clan, led Lady Huazo is the intelligent and persistent leader of theby Lady Huazo and her son Chaejin, during the succession conflict Saowon clan. Even first Waterbenders learned bending from observing the powerlocals arent immune to freezing to death or getting lost in the of the moon over the ocean, and so these two spirits hold greatice should a bad storm roll in, but visitors are the most in danger significance to the tribe. Qela. Both nations have engaged culture in the Fire Nation. The past matters, now more in the Roku Era if you want to deal with tensionsthan ever, and the consequences of your actions will echo long between different nations and the trials of main-after you are gone. Even the most skilled survivalists of the WaterTribes wouldnt make the trek unless such a journey was of theutmost importance and many take this as a sign to leave thespirits at peace. She founded an all-femalemilitary order known as the Kyoshi Warriors, who evolved froma self-defense organization for local women to elite protectorsof the isolated region. Meanwhile, local law enforce-well worth fighting for. She also knows all the ins and outs of the Yokoya Peninsula. Avatar legend of korra toph . Outlaws as pretending to be a bumbling drunkard. justify committing genocide against the Air Nomads. Size . Internal conflicts, like the Camellia-Peony War of the Ky- by providing food, shelter, and work, which are all dependentoshi Era, havent stricken the nation for decades, and Fire Lord on his success as Fire Lord. The Waterbenders who live in the Foggy Swamp practiceplantbending, a form of waterbending in which they tap into themoisture inside plants to manipulate them. he was finished with them, the Air Monks worry about them be- ing stolen again by outsiders or traitors. Other books (extensions to the game) are in the making. One major roadblock hasbeen some of the nobles embrace of Air Nomad ideals, spear-headed by Sozins sister Zeisan, which infuriates him to no end. No one knew where they went and have explained thats all he can doas the Fire Nation doesntthose who dared look for the sages disappeared as well. Two spirit portals, one in the South Pole and the other in This section is a primer on setting information that players the North Pole, remained open at all times so spirits could passand game masters should know before diving into a game. Hey, if you're like me you want to play the new Avatar TTRPG with friends, but know no one in person who wants to do so and there is no easy way to port the sheet to an online medium. Just make sure that everyone playing agrees with that choice. Aupilaarjuk only speaks of her relationship with If a spirit were to arise, the Water Tribes people are perhapsthe White Lotus to a trusted few since she occasionally works as a the best equipped to deal with it, as theyve lived near the Spiritcourier for them as well. For instance, some Earthbenders can Alchemical herbs foraged from the Foggymetalbend, some Firebenders are able to generate or redirectlightning, and some Waterbenders can use their bending to heal. Its uplive up to before their stories are done. The Air Nomads Determined to focus on a spiritual life separate from the rest of the world, the Air Nomads roamed the world while maintaining four distinct Air Temples in nearly inaccessible locations. The people she trusts most in the world arelooks to create a centralized government, taking any real power the Flying Opera Company members and especially her girl-away from the clans and placing it behind the throne. But unlike those shows, nothingknown as a player character (PC) in contrast to characters not is scripted, and you play to find out what happens!controlled by the PCs called non-player characters (NPCs). Who is Rng? two spirits live in a small pond within it as two koi fish constant-Firebenders have the hardest time in the coldest reaches of the ly circling each other. Veteran daofei handling of daofei, and its not uncommon for civilians to suffermight ask prospective members to commit particularly risky crimes the consequences. Leaders use propaganda to instill unwavering loyalty in their followers, while also taking questionable clandestine action. A physical release date will be specified in the "next few months", the publisher added. Airbenders are quick and nimble using their skills to defend from and evade attacks. You decide what your heroes tell short stories, perhaps a single episode or just two or three,do to respond to the situation at hand! Below are a few Avatarverse examples of what this may look like in your game: The Water Tribes have accepted relationships outside of the heterosexual cultural norm so long as people kept it private. of the winter solstice sun to enhance his abilities, Roku entered the Avatar State, but couldnt control his powers. She has the makings of aand his mother, Lady Huazo, live under house arrest with their great Avatar, but needs time to come into her own and fix muchdreams of claiming the throne shattered. AvatarYangchen, an Avatar born into the Air Nomads, acted as a dip- During the Hundred Year War, a group of Earth Kingdomlomat and negotiator in matters regarding the Spirit World, and refugees, including a man known as the Mechanist, made thestruck several deals with spirits to maintain peace between them Northern Air Temple their home and installed many newand the human world during her time. paths. With many people forced to extremes just to survive, a life of crime is an appealing option. Test unbreakable bonds Reveal shocking betrayals GM MOVES: Turn former enemies into allies and vice versa Provide justifiable reasons for a life of crimeAbuse of Authority Display the familial structure of criminal organizations Erupt into open conflict between law and order on the streetGovernment and criminal leaders alike abuse their influence Harmony Without, Turmoil Withinover others in this era. We would especially like to thank Dr. Lee Siu-Leung, whose translation andAdditional Design calligraphy work is iconic for the original material and this book. Kyoshi was forced to end his path of violence when named Jesa and a thief named Hark, founded the Flying Operathey fought and she killed him. After humans left the lion-turtle cities for good, A rudder designed for steering larger vessels, allowinglegend says that they learned bending from animals like the the Water Tribes to dominate the oceans.earthbending badger-moles, firebending dragons, airbending skybison, and in the case of Waterbenders, the spirits of the moon An extensive collection of building plans made byand ocean. ethical debates between the nobility and spiritual leaders, but the most unexpected result of the hunts has been the imbalanceNyn Chei created within the Spirit World.An idealist inventor who embraces the power of coal Spirits seem drawn to the locations where dragons die and strange occurrences abound around those sites. quires a politically motivated marriage to a monk named Khandro rather than a romantic one to Rioshon. Myths and legends rarely X-Carded. 32 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game(Order #33534544)Kyoshi Era Significant ThemesJustice and Revenge Loss and AbandonmentWith so many wrongs committed without anyone in power Many Earth Kingdom children were orphaned because of thewilling to bring the criminals to justice, people may find they Yellow Neck Uprising; an entire generation of young adults haveneed to seek out justiceor revengeon their own. Many Fire Nation citizensto a difficult situation. Theyrange from scorching hot to bitterly cold and the people who live ineach land have adapted to their natural surroundings by either livingalongside nature or overcoming its obstacles. Dragonfly bunny spirits fa- its back. Arrogant girlfriend Kyoshi, Rangi does not generally trust daofei.and vindictive, he would have executed all of the Saowon clanhad Kyoshi and Lao Ge of the Flying Opera Company not inter- Rangis mother is Hei-Ran, the former headmistress of thefered. Like Avatar_Legends_The_Roleplaying_Game? The White Lotus originated from a The Fire Nation was relatively tolerant until Fire Lordgroup of scholars dedicated to improving the world and uniting Sozin. The Fire Nation forced the Mechanist to createthe Air Nomads responsibility to keep up these arrangements, weapons for its military, but eventually the inventor ended upor else risk offending destructive spirits. An electric lamp to brighten the deepest badger-mole tunnels. Its a multi-tiered structure surrounded by numerousNortherners arrived to assist the Southerners with reconstruction, waterfalls that feed into the canals of the city. Weapons in the Avatarverse take inspiration from real world Asian and Indigenous cultures, such as the Chinese dao (saber) and other traditional weapons. During the Hundred Year War, Any Firebender can be challenged to an Agni Kai, evenit became an important industrial city integral to the Fire Nations the Fire Lord. What discrimination looks like in the Avatarverse depends on the era and nation in which youre playing.

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avatar legends: the roleplaying game pdf