To get the best experience on this website please For a year 7 place in September 2023, your child will need to be born between 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012. SISRA. | DB Primary Children join the Reception class the September after their fourth birthday. You can find the relevant guidance by clicking on the links above. for assistance. Visit our travelling to school web pages for more information. Email: BBC When the admissions process has been completed you will be contacted by the school office to arrange a visit or Early Years parent meeting. Whilst there are never any guarantees, you're more likely to get a place at your catchment school rather than a school outside of your catchment area. The Best Secondary Schools In Stockport - Locrating SISRA. The decision as to which children should be included in this category is at the discretion of the Corporate Director for Services to People and the Admissions Support and Advice Team. Find information about the application process and apply for a secondary school place. This system allows you to: Make an application for Free School Meals: Receive email confirmation of your submission Receive an emailed. Harrytown Catholic High School - Home Applications closed on 31st October 2022. 2023 Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council. Option 2; Provides for 1 week atSummer half-termforprimary andsecondary schools. Nursery policies 4. Stockport School | Reviews, Admissions and Catchment Area | Locrating Click here to find out more. You can read more about the details of the offer here. update your browser, 2023 Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council. Co-ordinated admission arrangements scheme for nearest available school with room (NASWR). Welcome to Stockport Council's Online Education Portal. The deadline for secondary school applications is fast approaching across Greater Manchester. Our admission limit is 280 students per year. Please see Consultation Document and Appendicies at the bottom of the page. If you wish to discuss individual circumstances you may contact the school, but we are unable to process individual applications. Secondary school application process - Stockport Council This site uses cookies. You are currently using an old browser. You need to do this, even if you have already signed up to Stockport Council's My Account. We also achieved this honour in 2019, after becoming the first school in Stockport to reach the finals back in 2017. Admission Arrangements forReddish Vale High School. Allocation of places 2. Applications must be completed online using the link above. To get the best experience on this website please Stockport Secondary School Admissions Booklet for Entry in September 2023 Click to view Year 7 Admissions Policy for September 2023 Applying for a Place For students born between 1st September 2011 - 31 August 2012 the closing date for applications is 31st October 2022. Stockport School - Open Evening Site Map Children can enter the Nursery the term after their third birthday. You'll find out which school your child has been allocated on National Offer Day on 1 March 2023. The more schools you apply for, the more likely it is your child will get a place at one of your preferred schools. Admission Arrangements for maintained schools for 2022/23will remain unchanged from those determined for 2022/23with the exception of the items listed below. Welcome to Stockport Council's Online Education Portal. If you only apply for one school, it's not guaranteed that your child will get a place at that school. SENCO All rights reserved Informatics Centre 22 state high schools & 8 private high schools are available in the Stockport. When you're applying for a school place, think about how your child will travel to and from school. JavaScript offTo get the best experience on this website please use a browser with JavaScript enabled. SMBC Admissions Procedure 2022-23 - DocsLib If you have an account, then simply log in by clicking on the link below, or on the link at the top of the screen. . We are oversubscribed in some years. You are currently using an old browser. If you live in Stockport you need to make your application to us, even if the schools you're applying for are not in Stockport. You can find the admissions criteria in our applying for a secondary school booklet 2023 to 2024, on our document page. Educate Awards To get the best experience on this website please, Information relevant to all school applications, view the school admissions policy and procedures 2023 to 2024, 5 maintained schools - Bramhall High School, Marple Hall School, Priestnall School, Stockport School and Werneth School, 6 academy schools - Cheadle Hulme High School, Hazel Grove High School, Laurus Cheadle Hulme, Reddish Vale High School, Stockport Academy and The Kingsway School, 3 voluntary aided schools - Harrytown Catholic High School, St Annes Roman Catholic High School and St James Catholic High School. Should you be aware of any applicant who is purposely misrepresenting their circumstances to obtain a school place, email Secondary school application process Last updated 16 August 2022 Step 1: Eligibility For a year 7 place in September 2023, your child will need to be born between 1 September 2011 and 31. Highly exceptional medical/social circumstances Some schools give high priority to children or families who are considered to have highly exceptional medical/social circumstances. Book your place for our 2022 Open Events - Stockport Grammar School It's advised that you understand the admission arrangements for the schools you intend to apply for. You are currently using an old browser. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319), Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). Outdated browser Here at Bramhall High School we have a dedicated transition team to help smooth the way; Mrs S. Ahmed (Head of Year 7) and Mr Stonehouse (SLT Lead on Transition). Our current PAN (Pupil Admission Number) is 210 for each year group. Below is some useful summary information regarding Stockport School. Catholic schools prioritise children baptised Catholic over non-Catholic children when deciding who should be allocated a school place. Top 20 Secondary Schools in Stockport (2023 Ratings) - Snobe This is to prove the validity of the principle parental address. Once we know which students are due to attend there is a series of events and meetings from May onwards to ease the transfer from primary school. DoFE All rights reserved Informatics Centre This is defined as the address where a parent/carer (who holds parental responsibility (PR)) permanently resides along with the child. Admissions explained Admissions explained Last updated 12 August 2022 1. Arden Primary School - Admissions When you are ready, click on the Create Account button below, or on the link at the top of the screen. Admissions | St Ambrose Catholic Primary School Admissions Policy Updated: 14/12/2022 1.22 MB. We look forward to welcoming you to our school! Admissions fraud It's an offence to misrepresent your circumstances so as to mislead the authority for personal gain. update your browser. The Local Authority is proposing to remove the interimcriterioncategory from the oversubscription criteria for each school. You can find your school catchment area online using your postcode: If you choose not to send your child to your catchment school, any younger children who follow this child may not secure a place at the same school. There are no VC secondary schools in Stockport. For students born between 1st September 2011 - 31 August 2012 the, Applications are submitted online at the following website which also contains a wealth of useful information about the application process -. Information relevant to all school applications 3. School admissions. When you are ready, click on the Create Account button below, or on the link at the top of the screen. Secondary school admissions - Stockport Council 2023 January and Easter intakes are often catered for with an afternoon session 12.15pm - 3.15pm but we are currently admitting all early intake children in our morning session. Receive email confirmation of your submission, Receive an emailed letter confirming whether or not you are eligible, Receive email confirmation that your application has been submitted, In order to make an online application you must first register to create an account. Further information about how to do this can be found online at LearnMyWay. If you have any queries or would like to book a school tour please contact our transition team on 0161 439 8045 or email,,,, Selecting a secondary school for your child is one of the most important decisions that you will ever have to make on their behalf. (2) Aided (VA) schools are maintained by the LA but the voluntary body is responsible for building improvements and repairs to the external fabric of the buildings. For information on Stockports school admissions policy, view the school admissions policy and procedures 2023 to 2024, on our document page. Offer day. If you would like your child to join our school you will need to make an application to the Stockport Council admissions department. update your browser. Stockport School - Admissions Policies AdmissionArrangements forWestmorland Primary School, Norris Bank Primary SchoolandTithe Barn Primary School. (NB APPLYING FOR 6TH FORM PLACES: See Applying for 6th Form). JavaScript offTo get the best experience on this website please use a browser with JavaScript enabled. Foxland Road SK8 4QX. At Stockport Academy, we welcome students from all areas of Stockport and Greater Manchester and any child is eligible to apply for a place at our Academy. Parent View Proof of address It's common for the Admissions Support and Advice Team to request documentary evidence from parents/carers. To get the best experience on this website please We hope that you will be able to join us for our, Thursday 6thOctober 2022, 5.00pm 8.00pm, The national deadline for the completion and submission of applications for Year 7 places in September 2023 is, Admissions Information for Year 7 Places in Sept 2023, Admissions Policy for Year 7 Places in Sept 2023. Admissions | The Kingsway School 2023 Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council. We work hard with all High Schools to ensure a smooth transition to secondary education. What happens next? Stockport has 14 secondary schools consisting of: A number of these schools operate with different oversubscription criteria. All rights reserved. The Nursery Class is a very important part of St. Ambrose School. If you do not currently have an email address, then setting one up is easy to do. Before you make your choice at the end of October 2022, I again invite you to visit our school on Open Evening on Thursday 6thOctober 2022, 5.00pm 8.00pm,and to also read and explore our School Prospectus in order to gather a more informed view of the unique and exceptional high quality educational experience offered by Stockport School. . Every secondary school in Greater Manchester ranked You are currently using an old browser. . You need to do this, even if you have already signed up to, valid email address and a password of your choice. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB. If you would like your child to join our school you will need to make an application to the Stockport Council admissions department. Admissions explained - Stockport Council In cases where shared care is exactly equal; the parent who is in receipt of child benefit will be determined as the principle parent. What is Locrating? Further information about how to do this can be found online at. SENCO Show Map of Schools in Stockport with School If you have not read the preliminary advice and guidance, then please do so before proceeding to make an application. In most boroughs the closing date is October 31, while in Manchester and Rochdale, the deadline is. For students born between 1st September 2011 - 31 August 2012 the closing date for applications is 31st October 2022. The Governors are responsible . If you require this consultation in an alternative format, please telephone 0161 217 6022, If you require this consultation in an alternative format, please email. Outdated browser For other academy, free school and Catholic secondary school oversubscription criteria, view the school admissions policy and procedures 2023 to 2024 on our document page. Stockport Local Authority School Terms and Holiday Dates2022/23. Children join the Reception class the September after their fourth birthday. The Kingsway School does not decide which students will be given a place at the school. All places are offered on a part-time basis. Outdated browser Book your place for our 2022 Open Events - Stockport Grammar School Junior School 3-11 years Senior School 11-16 years Sixth Form 16-18 years Book your place for our 2022 Open Events Thursday 28th July 2022 We are delighted to launch our Open Event dates for the 2022-2023 Autumn Term! Admissions Information Admissions - General Information Prospectus If you live outside of Stockport and want to apply for a Stockport school, you should submit your application to your council. | DB Learning Library. In 2022, we were shortlisted for the national TES (Times Educational Supplement) Schools Awards 'Secondary School of the Year' category for the third time. Accordingly,2options have been drawn up for consideration: Option1;Provides for 1 week atSummer half-termfor secondary schools and 2 weeks for primary schools. update your browser. Bramhall High School - Admissions 2023. Schools are already going to receive an additional 2 billion in 2023 to 2024, and in 2024 to 2025, taking school funding to its highest level in history. The Local Authority is proposing the co-ordinated arrangements for allocating the NASWR remain unchanged and is seeking the view of stakeholders. Other children transfer to their local priority school. Accordingly, Corporate Support Services are undertaking this statutory consultation process with parents and other stakeholders for the whole family of Admission Authorities in Stockport. Stockport has 34 secondary schools that serve 20,135 students for the school year 2023. Applications for admission can also be made for other age groups at any time. Nursery - Consideration for January 2023 start, Nursery - Consideration for April 2023 start, English Intent, Implementation and Impact. Use our online education portal to apply for a secondary school place. If we cannot offer a place at any of the schools you've applied for, then we'll offer the nearest school with places available. To get the best experience on this website please. Web design by the Informatics Centre. You need to make your school place application to your local council. Information relevant to all school applications. Apply online, For more information call the Admissions Support & Advice Team on0161 217 6022or The Kingsway School. Site Map Secondary (Year 7) - September 2022: 1 September 2011 - 31 August 2012: 31 October 2022: 1 March 2023 . Admissions explained - Stockport Council There's also a glossary of school admission terms (PDF 318Kb) that's used on the school admissions web pages. You are currently using an old browser. To get the best experience on this website please, Information relevant to all school applications, view the school admissions policy and procedures 2023 to 2024, glossary of school admission terms (PDF 318Kb). Using a tablet/smartphone? JavaScript offTo get the best experience on this website please use a browser with JavaScript enabled. The national deadline for the completion and submission of applications for Year 7 places in September 2023 is 31st October 2022. You can apply for up to 6 schools. Login This will be a morning session 8:45am - 11:45pm. Secondary school application process Find information about the application process and apply for a secondary school place. These are the top 10 secondary schools near Stockport ordered by their A-Level result then GCSE results. Access the menu items including the 'Create Account' and 'Login' links using the menu in the top right hand corner. Tocreate an account you will needa valid email address and a password of your choice. You can also pop into your local library for assistance. Parent View Every place is free of charge and open to students of all abililties. Applications for Nursery, Primary and Secondary places must now be completed online at: Stockport Council - Applying Online for School Places for September 2023. To compare all secondary schools near Stockport in more detail use our intuitive schools map, where you can see parent reviews, catchment areas, exam results, league tables and much more. You should consider applying for schools in your catchment area. Children can enter the Nursery the term after their third birthday. Admissions Performance Examination and Assessment Results OFSTED Report Section 48 Report OFSTED Data Dashboard Pupil Premium Information About Us Events Calendar Governors Our School Day Term Dates Vacancy Information Catering Policies Compliance Privacy Notices Parents Scopay Online Payments Letters Free School Meals Bus Times 2022 - 2023 . All schools with the exception of Stockport Academy and Laurus Cheadle Hulme have catchment areas. You may end up with 2 children at different schools. 19.81% of pupils who achieved grade 5 or above in English and maths GCSEs, which is higher than England's average of 25.79%. Primary school. Applying for Secondary School 2022-23 - Information for Parents Updated: 14/12/2022 1.45 MB. Parent Portal: Home - Stockport DoFE Outdated browser This system allows you to: Make an application for Free School Meals: Make an application for a Nursery, Primary or Secondary school place, View the councils decision regarding your application on offer day. Read all about it on our website here. In the case of faith schools, the Governor's may give priority to looked after children and previously looked after children of the appropriate faith ahead of other looked after children and previously looked after children. You are currently using an old browser. We go to great lengths to detect such cases. The Local Authority wishes to invite interested parties to take part in this consultation on the following items: The Local Authority wishes to consult with stakeholders to gather their views on proposed options for 2022/23. Cookies, Ofsted You should consider the admissions criteria of the schools you want to apply for as the criteria may be different for each school. You can also find more information about admissions on our admissions explained web pages. Find out what you need to do if you're moving into Stockport or transferring between schools during term time. You canalso call the Arden Primary Shool office team for information or advice on 0161 430 2675. Stockport Local Authority is the Admission Authority for all Community and Voluntary Controlled schools in Stockport, it administers matters regarding admission arrangements on behalf of the Governing Bodies of all Voluntary Aided schools and Academies in the Borough. This will mostly affect children going to faith based schools that have to travel a long way. Applications are submitted online at the following website which also contains a wealth of useful information about the application process, Login Please note that we have a nursery intake in both January and April. Committee Structure and Attendance at Meetings. The table below will help you to decide when it is time to apply for a school place: We are fortunate enough to be one of the few Catholic schools in Stockport to have a purpose built Nursery. You are currently using an old browser. Accordingly, Corporate Support Services are undertaking this statutory consultation process with parents and other stakeholders for the whole family of Admission Authorities in Stockport. Enquiries about admissions should be made to the Education Office at Stockport Town Hall on 0161 480 4949 or you can view more information on the Local Authority website. Applications are made using the Local Authority form for the area in which you reside. To get the best experience on this website please use a browser with JavaScript enabled. The Governing Bodyis proposing to remove the interimcriterioncategory from the oversubscription criteria. 2023. SCHOOL ADMISSIONS POLICY and PROCEDURES 2022-23 0 LIST OF CONTENTS Page Ref ITEM 3 Introduction 4. . To get the best experience on this website please In order to make an online application you must first register to create an account. Admission procedures are different for the main school and therefore children who attend our Nursery are not automatically transferred into the Reception Class. Applications are assessed based on the statutory equal preference scheme. Secondary school policies; 2. The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) also published an assessment of schools' funding and costs. In the September following their 11th birthday Catholic children generally transfer to St. James Catholic High School, Cheadle Hulme or St. Anne's Catholic High School, Stockport. To make as strong a case as possible, you must submit supporting documentary evidence with your child's application before the closing date. To get the best experience on this website please use a browser with JavaScript enabled. Documentary evidence provided needs to prove ownership/tenancy at an address and in the case of house moves; disposal of the previous property. Teachers' strikes latest: Everything you need to know about strike Admission Arrangements for maintained schools for 2022/23 will remain unchanged from those determined for 2022/23 with the exception of the items listed below. Admissions - Stockport Academy To get the best experience on this website please, find the admissions criteria in our applying for a secondary school booklet 2023 to 2024, each school that you apply for is initially looked at individually, regardless of the order that you rank the schools on your application, the order that you rank the schools becomes important when we're able to offer more than one school - you'll then be offered the school you rank the highest. Application dates for secondary school admissions. This means: For more information, visit our admissions explained web page. Education Learning Trust. The Kingsway School does not decide which students will be given a place at the school. Web design by the Informatics Centre. Stockport Secondary School Admissions Booklet for Entry in September 2023, Year 7 Admissions Policy for September 2023. Cookies, Ofsted The free school transport policy has changed and will affect children starting school from September 2020. BBC Arden Primary School | Hosted by New Era Technology Please click here to view the Stockport Admissions Policy for 2023-24. . You can use the catchment area checker to view the catchment area maps and use your postcode to check which catchment area you reside in (both schools without catchment areas will be listed as schools within your area). Admissions Arrangements and School Holiday and Term Dates - Stockport
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