
were tampons invented for bullet wounds

were tampons invented for bullet wounds

The Papyrus Ebers, the world's oldest printed medical document, describes the use of papyrus tampons by Egyptian women as early as the 15th century BCE 1001 Things Everyone Should Know About American History, 2,200 cases of tampon-related toxic shock syndrome. I have seen posts by at least a hundred people that include them in their kits instead of real bandages because they heard online that it works. During World War 1, field nurses discovered that Cellucotton worked well as a disposable feminine napkin. Seen first hand of a tampon being used in a gunshot wound. Weve got over 12 years of well, that didnt work lets try something else to learn from. Packing a wound is a difficult, perishable, life-saving skill. Home and travel first aid kit should carry these types of wound care products. Ask ANY Army OR Navy combat medic ABOUT the critical importance of the Golden Hour?)!! Using a tampon has no impact on whether on not someone is a virgin. He was inspired by a female friend who used an internally-applied sponge for menstrual flow, and informed by his own experience, since doctors had been using cotton plugs for bullet wounds and other secretions for years. Ill describe one of the methods of packing that was taught to me, and I have seen used to good effect on live tissue. Big difference. I bet some of you must be thinking, "I have inflicted, seen, and/or treated numerous gunshot wounds, and there is no way I could have plugged any of them with a tampon!". The bullet entered the inner elbow and exit the back. You would be better off just taking off your shirt or Tshirt and using it. You might have some smarts but you lost it here. NOPE you have not. This is likely, because no physician or researcher would recommend such a dangerous practice or suggest something so inferior to products that are battle tested with thousands of hours of research and hundreds of lives saved.. It is critical to remember that once you have managed the bleed, you still need to manage the casualty for hypovolemic shock. History of Tampons | Hankering for History Kimberly-Clark, an American . Anyway, again, thanks for the article, and the great discussion fodder! So whats it going to be? Dont plan to improvise but instead plan ahead by packing the most suitable material available. This same pressure will now continually be maintained throughout the packing process, just by different mediums. It was marketed as an invisible device even with the most perfectly fitted gown. Gertrude Tendrich bought the patent and launched the now-familiar brand. When he brought this up my imagination was just running wild, but I let him continue. Youll be thinking youve done your job, but wondering why your patient is still deteriorating and exhibiting signs of hypovolemic shock. You can send Cache Valley Prepper a message at editor [at] survivopedia.com, Correct. Nor are these menstrual fluids needed to sustain life to other organs of the human body, for example the brain. They were, in essence, vaginal pessaries. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. Thanks Were Tampons Invented For Bullet Wounds? - webpedia.wiki They were also finger splints, a windlass for a tourniquet, puppets for keeping kids occupied during transport, and you could even use them to help organize your M5 Aid Bag. Any girl who has her period can use a tampon. The chief difference is that Charleville poked a hole like a pencil (albeit a big, fat one) instead of inflicting a roughly cone-shaped permanent wound cavity and a lemon-shaped temporary wound cavity. 2. Modern-day pressure dressings are in fact designed to treat penetrating traumatic injuries related to austere or combat environments. My point is that sometimes we may have to use a little ingenuity to save a life or two. Remember, the entrance wound is determined by the size of the bullet, it is the wound you can physically see. It doesnt control bleeding from the uterus. Hearsay is not evidence. Personal Defense Network Video Membership. Usually fired a little round musket ball (to reduce powder fouling) of around .65 caliber from a paper cartridge at 1,000 to 1,100 feet per second. I told my son I was really sorry about the mistake, and if he wanted I would send Marine X another package. My sister said she doesn't believe in mistakes. This might change the amount of fluid your vagina produces during the rest of the cycle, but more research is needed (2). Ball up a large wad of gauze and place it directly on top of the end of the bleeder, replacing pressure with pressure, making sure to apply enough pressure to clamp the artery shut against the bone. It only works with a used Tampon, Duh. Like Rover said the tampon idea originated from soldiers trying their best to save a buddy in a time when the issued first aid consisted of a single small minimally effective pressure dressing on the lbe harness.The current IFAK has two different options for wound packing,which is an effective means of stopping bleeding.The tampon is less than ideal but better than nothing. Don't. Just don't. It's a common "tactical medicine" myth, so I thought I'd post this. He lost me when you said they werent sterile. In a no S*** real world situtaion, who cares if you have a few pieces of sterile cotton in your arm. Ancient Japan: Paper Tampons (Maybe) One of the first civilizations to use tampons for apparent menstrual reasons may have been the Japanese. The expiration date on the package is the date in which the company can no longer guarantee a sterile product. I know for a fact a finger in the wound will plug it and possibly save your life. Sometimes it better to say nothing than let everyone that works trauma thi nk your speaking out of turn. Written by a vet and discussing closing wounds on cats and dogs (under 30kg) but still understandable to a lay man. Menstrual tampons are feminine hygiene devices, usually made of absorbent cotton, that are temporarily inserted into the vagina for absorbing a womans blood during menstruation. At this point my son profoundly told me, "Mom did you know that tampons expand?" It sounds like what started as truth got modified or adulterated a little each time it was retold until some of the stories circulating today bear little resemblance to the original. Personally, if I am going to be carrying around something in my truck to stop bleeding, it is going to be items specifically designed for the task at hand. If you want to go the extra mile, add a 2-pack of vented chest seals, but I recommend that most folks leave the nasopharyngeal airways, surgical lubricant, and chest darts to the medical professionals. However, it is believed that the idea came from the militarys need to find an effective and efficient way to treat wounds in the field. Dei [], You say You can buy two Olaes bandages for under $15, and two Israeli bandages for under $10. will pass the info on. According to a study published in the journal Ancient Medicine, Tampons were used as early as 1500 BC by the Egyptians for vaginal hygiene. The Egyptians believed that the use of tampons could cure various diseases and ailments. Causing it to expand placing force on the damaged soft tissue, thus controlling the bleeding. 1. Other techniques must be used, I.e. Experts note that free bleeding has no proven health benefits. PSA DON'T USE TAMPONS FOR GUNSHOT WOUNDS. What were tampons invented for? I have served in combat, have used tampons to temporarily treat various wounds, but that said, any packing material is not the cure all. It was a contraceptive device, a way of distributing medicine, a method of healing, and often not thought to have anything to do with menses at all. I am extremely relieved to see a thread, not just a post, devoted to this. Knowing what to use and when is crucial, this is why we have included Stop the Bleed in all of our First Aid courses. Finally, we discussed the role of tampons in treating gunshot wounds during war times and the impact this has had on the medical community. Providing first aid to victims till they could be treated by the Paramedics should take priority. The tampon has been in use as a medical device since the 18th century, when antiseptic cotton tampons treated with salicylates were used to stop bleeding from bullet wounds. As an example in a Active Shooter situation and without having a cool guy med kit, would you recommend NOT to use a tampon to help control bleeding? Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, cocaine was regularly used as a local anesthetic in surgery. Why do American tampons have applicators? One thing we learned as new medics in the Army was that if we cant get more than three uses out of one object/item/device/piece of equipment, we didnt carry it. Do Metamucil Gummies Work as Well as Powder. Yes, in the field and in a clinical setting, we healthcare professionals do on occasion have to improvise a little in order to make things work regarding patient care and treatment. Later, Gertrude Tendrich produced the first commercial tampon brand . SO while I had as much available medical supplies on hand as I could possibly pack into the backcountry. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Exploring the Life and Legacy of the Ancient Greek Mathematician, Are Fairlife Protein Shakes Healthy? Other innovations related to comfort and ease of use are saturation indicators (so women know when to change), differently-shaped tampons to prevent leaks, reusable applicators to help the environment, biodegradable tampons (also to reduce environmental footprint), and so forth. Compression, elevation, pressure points, and even tourniquets if necessary. One medic with years of combat experience said that after absorbing the blood from a bullet-wound, the tampons leave something like a tail protruding from the wound which makes it easier and convenient for medics to . Slowly but surely, tampon manufacturers got back on their feet, rebranded, and continuously assured customers that their products were safe and FDA-approved. In no world would the 9g of absorption be beneficial tostop an arterial bleed, capable of pumping out 1000 mLs in just over 3 minutes. So, once and for all, lets get this subject straightened out. Tampons are not designed to stop bleeding, but rather simply absorb it. Just my two cents, but I have and will carry tampons for just this reason. Unfortunately, while the idea of a lint-covered stick appears to be nonsense, other medical tracts are a bit more explicit in their ideas about what to put up females' intimate bits. While some gunshot wounds bleed very little, others will swallow an entire 4 x 12 package of compressed gauze used to pack the wound, secured by a second trauma dressing on the exit wound and then the third trauma dressing on the entry wound. Direct pressure doesnt always work, but its usually the first thing you try. 0.543 secs. As a field paramedic in an urban area I see a lot of gunshot wounds. Ok just my two cents. Hope that answers you question, RangerRick. And t.p., like tampons is clean, not sterile. Youd have to use between 36 and 72 tampons to achieve the same result. Thank you for dispelling that myth. RangerRick nailed it. OR, like the camp cook that was prepping food in the dining and cooks tent! 1776: A French doctor described a tampon made from tightly rolled, vinegar-soaked linen that was used to stop the flow of non-menstrual vaginal discharge. The caveat is that wound cavitation from modern ammunition seems only to be cone-shaped in ballistic gel or when you shoot big game broadside in the chest cavity when the shot enters between the ribs. Some women are carriers of a virus that make them more susceptible to it, so it is a significant health-related innovation. You are better off packing the wound. Then of course, they had the tampons. Theres no guarantee the tampon []. They have evolved from being used for feminine hygiene to being used as a medical tool to treat gunshot wounds. After all the hemostatic gauze is packed, pack regular gauze on top, the asterisk pattern no longer necessary. From a medical standpoint, I can talk about tampons and the many uses of said tampons much better than you ever could. If the packing is holding (no pooling or seeping), then replace the regular gauze and wrap it TIGHTLY with some variety of elastic bandage. True they come in all sizes but so do bandages even Isrealies come in various sizes so this shouldnt be a point that eliminates their potential effectiveness. After the war, Kimberly-Clark began making sanitary napkins from Cellucotton. If it did stop bleeding women wouldnt bleed for a week. Who invented the tampon man or woman? - TimesMojo However, as my military medical career progressed and I gained more education and experience, this is one of several medical interventions that were either modified or removed. Not all BY THEMSELVES! Well examine the evolution of the medical application of tampons, uncovering the surprising history of these products and exploring their innovative use in treating gunshot injuries. Check the wound daily for signs of infection listed below. If a tampon truly stopped the bleeding, I would assume there would be no need to reapply any during the course of several days; however, Ive never seen a commercial with the tag line set and forget. This article will explore the history of tampons and how they were used to treat bullet wounds. In an odd way, with tampons being employed as emergency wound dressings in the field in Iraq, these products have come full circle. There are other methods of packing a wound: all of them are similar in effect. Snopes and the Snopes.com logo are registered service marks of Snopes.com. This is why we assess and treat injuries in the order of Circulation, Airway, Breathing (CAB). This allows there to be pressure against what is bleeding. So sick of men articles on this subject. The Tampon: A History - The Atlantic The Bizarre History Of The Tampon - Bustle The Napoleonic Wars saw many medical innovations, including: Yes, doctors literally plugged the hole by inserting a dressing that resembled a tampon into musket wounds. OR even a bad cut from a hunter that accidentally slit his hand while field dressing a deer or elk!! I have limited knowledge of wound management but, I know that is important to stop bleeding. Wont even finish the rest.not worth MY time. Tampons and pads are not sterile. Temporary cavitation is important because it can be a tremendous wounding mechanism.. 18th century: The tampon was used as a medical device. We'll maintain the "Undetermined" status regarding the story for now because although we can vet where and when the original post was made, to verify the tale itself would entail talking with the Marines or doctors who witnessed the incident. They are supposed to wick away fluid and keep the wearer dry. Another tampon story says nurses made their own tampons during World War I. A ideal kit for first responders. Thanks for the article. Is this not the central reason why people think tampons would work, because most people would assume that a bullet wound cavity (at least that of a smaller caliber round) would lend itself to be filled by the expansion of a tampon? I highly disagree. As we have in the field started packing wounds in recent years (this is a carry over from combat medics, yes I know its been standard for years in the military, but not so for most US based field medicine). Even ER doctors misdiagnose tension pneumothorax about 30% of the time, so if your medical training consists of a few basic certifications like first aid, WFR, WEMT, and maybe a couple of tactical trauma classes, you could end up doing more harm than good with a chest dart or performing a cricothyrotomy.

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were tampons invented for bullet wounds