A. R. Radcliffe-Brown, writing in 1930, stated of them that: In the case of the Ingarda tribe to the south of the Gascoyne River it was impossible to determine if they really had or had not a section system. The building was nicknamed Silver City because the families who camped there were given government payments in silver coins. Traditional knowledge of the landscape and the uses of its resources have evoked curiosity from many interested non-Indigenous people. Thaamarli Tamala Station Burringurrah is a medium sized community of approximately 120 people, situated within Wajarri country. The Shark Bay area is significant to Aboriginal people because of their long history of use and occupation, and because of their cultural obligations to understand and care for the area. The springs and creeks of the gorge support a mosaic of habitats, home to an enormous diversity of life. The Reconciliation Plan was adopted in July 2022 and is now available for community review here. The Department of Environment and Science is committed to respecting, protecting and promoting human rights, and our obligations under the Human Rights Act 2019. Wurrinyu girl, young woman Ludwig Leichhardt led the first European group into the region in 1844, passing to the east of the gorge. Modern aims include Catchment preservation - the headwaters of five major catchments lie within the Park's boundaries, feeding into the Fitzroy, Murray-Darling and Lake Eyre Basins. Carnarvon is no longer so important a spiritual focus for the Wajarri, and the Yinggarda and Bayungu are reasserting their rights of place. The State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Science) 20172023, Be inspired: Beyond brilliantan adventurers guide to Carnarvon Gorge, Need further information? On his return, after a near fataljourney, Grey noted that the area around the mouth of the Gascoyne River was good for agriculturaldevelopment. The arrival of Native Police in Central Queensland saw the balance of power gradually tip the way of the newcomers and by the late 1870's there was no longer any significant resistance to colonial presence. Warda pearl The encroachment by Europeans into Shark Bay from this time would have seen the beginning of changes to traditional Aboriginal life. Jabi small dragon lizard Carnarvon Gorge lies within the spectacular and rugged ranges of Queensland's central highlands. The Lock Hospitals off the coast of Carnarvon on Bernier and Dorre Islands were the site of brutal colonial trauma inflicted on the Aboriginal population from across the state where they were forcibly placed on remote islands. Buthurru sand What does that all mean? Many Aboriginal men and women worked in the pearling industry which began in the 1850s and peaked in the 1870s. Shark Bay District Office In 2001, on the 60th anniversary of the sinking of the 'Sydney', the HMAS Sydney Memorial Drive (located along a section of Carnarvon Road) was built, in honour of the men lost in this tragic event. Following is a list of Malgana words and their English translations: Yamaji Aboriginal person Hospital admissions decreased after 1913 due to administration costs and in 1918 the hospitals were closed and patients relocated to Port Hedland. Through the actions and deliverables of this Reconciliation Action Plan, Council, through its people, will endeavour to create positive and meaningful advancements in our reconciliation journey towards an even more prosperous community. The Carnarvon Gorge has great significance for the Bidjara people and other Aboriginal peoples such as the Garingbal, Gayiri, Gungabulla, Nguri, Wasjigu and Yiman peoples. Gardu man The 'Nor-West Seafoods' converted the whaling station into a factory for processing prawns, Shark Bay banana prawns to be exact. The community is managed by the Burringurrah Community Aboriginal Corporation and is supported by a multi-stakeholder group (including Commonwealth, WA government and non-government organisations) that coordinates access to community services for residents of this community. The Shire has an area of approximately 46,500 square kilometres and an estimated resident population ofaround 6,150 in 2014, however accurate data is not available due to difficulties associated with the 2016Census. In the Mt Moffatt section of the Park, excavations of Kenniff's Cave revealed occupational evidence dating back 19,500 years, indicating a long period of human habitation for the Central Queensland Highlands. Together with Parks and Wildlife Services, they have collaborated on several conservation management projects with numerous benefits including dugong and turtle research, a major Dirk Hartog Island clean-up funded by Coastwest, and interpretive projects. Carnarvon Gorge National Park in Central Queensland is an area known for its natural beauty and also as a significant sacred site for the Aboriginal people from the region. Winthu wind, Gutharraguda two waters / two bays Shark Bay Peron Peninsula was also important with middens found at many locations including Cape Peron, Cape Rose, Goulet Bluff and Eagle Bluff. The relevant Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBC) are the Nganhurra Thanardi Garrbu Aboriginal Corporation (covering the Baiyungu and Thalanyji Traditional Owners) and the Yinggarda Aboriginal Corporation. Bandana Station who ran Sunset Shows and have switched toaccommodation in 2017 with the establishment of Sandstone Park. In 2009, the Thudgari People were granted native title over an area of 11,280sq km in the eastern Gascoyne. Following the outbreak of World War II, Carnarvon was to become involved in the worst maritime disaster in Australia's history. Many family members who were separated during the lock hospital scheme never saw each other again. Jalyanu grass These initiatives create local economic, training and employment opportunities, as well as generating environmental and cultural outcomes. Carnarvon Gorge's rock art sites are thought to have been in use for at least 3,650 years. Stone for spears and tools was quarried on the western coast of Shark Bay at Crayfish Bay, and on the eastern coast at Yaringa near Gladstone. Photo credit: Tourism and Events Queensland, Nestled in Queenslands sandstone wilderness, Carnarvon Gorge is on everyones bucket list, or should be! Mackman, Doreen (ed). 63 Knight Terrace, Their connection to country has never faulted and they are an important part of the way the Park is managed today. Gwoonwardu Mia, the Gascoyne Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre for all five language groups of the region, was reopened by you in 2019. As both artistic pieces and places of rest, they will allow for contemplation and sharing of history. Gwoonwardu Mia, the Gascoyne Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre, is a multipurpose centre that celebrates the five Aboriginal language groups of the Gascoyne Region. Main stencil panel, the Art Gallery, Carnarvon Gorge. Bruce Mayne, mustering cattle on Bandana Station. In the 1950's the Federal Government helped fund a whaling station at Babbage Island. A mere 2.2% of the Southern Brigalow Belt is covered by reserves, more than half of which lies within Carnarvon National Park. We can assume then that the Yinggarda had some (at least indirect) contact with people far to the east of their boundaries and perhaps well into the Western Desert areas. Yet without specific knowledge of Bidjara and Karingbal culture, knowledge and technology, the rock art galleries can remain enigmatic and are sometimes seen as simplistic, which is far from the truth. Aboriginal Economic development is aStrategic Priority of the Commission and the the Commission have established aTargeted Aboriginal Business Support program to progress Aboriginal economic development in the region. Disappearing, virtually over night, were the camels and the cameleers. The Gnulli native title claim has yet to be determined. These stories are passed down through the generations like a gift and keep the land and culture alive. About half are of Wadjari descent - Nominate their names to each room. WajarriYinggarda relations were better than most and the two groups traded ceremonial objects, particularly pearl shells which were worn in initiation ceremonies (see Fink 1960: 59). Jurruna pelican It was Mitchell who named the Carnarvon Range, apparently after the fourth Earl of Carnarvon back in England. The Aboriginal population of Carnarvon numbers about 1,500 individuals. The more recent additions to Carnarvon National Park reflect the changing concerns of governmental conservation agencies. About 250 different Aboriginal languages were spoken when Europeans first settled in Australia, including three in the Shark Bay region: Malgana, Nanda and Yingkarta. After European colonisation of the Gascoyne in the 1870s Aboriginal people from many other areas of the State were brought to the region to work on pastoral stations and to beincarcerated on Bernier & Dorre Islands off the coast of Carnarvon. In R. M. Berndt & C. H. Berndt (Eds. Since the early 1980s there have been attempts to offer instruction in local languages in primary schools in Carnarvon with varied success. Five commercial operators maintain a presence at Carnarvon Gorge (in order of establishment). Along with this recognition of the role of the Yinggarda comes a recognition of the Yinggarda language. The gorge, sometimes called "The Grand Canyon of Queensland," is about 20 miles (32 km) long and 150 to 1,200 feet (45 to 370 m) wide, with vertical sandstone walls rising 600 feet (180 m). The relevant PBC is Malgana Aboriginal Corporation. [b] Since the Inggarda social bands contiguous with the Watjarri were known under the distinct hordal name of Kurudandi (perhaps surviving in the contemporary station toponym Coordewandy, Tindale suggested that while the Inggarda to the east had not adopted this rite, the western clans might have at some time taken up the practice as current among the Watjarri. If you wish to cancel your booking, please enter the Booking Reference Number and your last name. Bangga, barnka goanna Radcliffe-Browns comments about Yinggarda knowledge of section names suggests close links with northern groups. Wards Canyon is named after two fur-trappers who are considered to be the first full-time occupants of the Gorge (the Karingbal and Bidjara people are not thought to have permanently occupied it, but to visit intermittently for religious and social gatherings). In Shark Bay, Malgana people are represented by the Yadgalah Aboriginal Corporation. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Steadily flowing water has carved this gorge out of ancient sandstone. Geraldton WA 6531 It is thought that the Bidjara and the Karingbal had strong social and spiritual ties during the period prior to colonisation and that both groups were using the Gorge, although not necessarily on a permanent basis. Thalganjangu lagoon Carnarvon Creek always flows, even when it hasn't rained for months. In the Mt Moffatt section of the Park, excavations of Kenniff's Cave revealed occupational evidence dating back 19,500 years, indicating a long period of human habitation for the Central Queensland Highlands. Sea level rises during interglacial periods would have flooded previously occupied sites, making them unsuitable for living and possibly removing evidence of their occupation. It also includes taking steps towards researching and understanding the profile of our reconciliation journey in relation to the needs of our local community. Unfortunately European settlement resulted in many Aboriginal languages not being used regularly. The western heritage centred around Carnarvon Gorge is quite rich and, like the indigenous heritage, is a major theme during Australian Nature Guides' Day Tours. Like the Wajarri, these communities were more isolated and thus more successfully withstood the worst ravages of European settlement in the region. The Lock Hospitals operated on Bernier and Dorre Islands via Carnarvon between 1908 and 1919. Stories for land and living Dreaming stories tell us how the land is made. Birlirung everlasting daisy Following the pursuing battle the Kormoran also sank. Copies can be purchased from: The Yamaji Language Centre These lock hospitals were part of a wider history of racially-based medical incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia that took place in Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland for almost a century from the late 1800s. Malgana were granted native title over 28,800 square kilometres of land and waters in the Shark Bay area including a large part of the World Heritage Area and the Nanda determination included the southern portion of the World Heritage Area. There are about 130 registered Aboriginal heritage sites in the Shark Bay area including quarries, rock shelters, burial sites and large scatters of discarded shells, bone and other food-related artefacts known as middens. Interpretive Ranger Fred Conway discussing Aboriginal culture with visitors at the Art Gallery.