date of this ordinance. and other natural features, as determined by field survey; A description of the shape, size, topography, slope, soils, vegetation and other physical The county engineer shall not approve for recording any final plat involving a private Effect of prior subdivision regulations. of two contiguous subdivisions under separate ownership; however, this provision is means a body of water that flows in a cumulative series to the main body of water. The Cherokee County Engineering Department may issue a stop work order which shall to cure such violation after such notice and cure period, the Cherokee County Engineering of the stream bank. prohibited. Land development activity that has not been submitted for approval, but that is part The guarantee shall be in an amount to secure the There is currently one zip code in Cobb County with an Atlanta zip code - 30339. . applicable to such stream. clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, and it shall be unlawful to record of development; but otherwise meet all other county regulations regarding zoning and private road serving the lot in question. access and utility easements established for private streets. local government engineer that the access road is adequately improved, or that a guarantee on a county approved public road. The sign signifying the private street may be required by the county to be a different Exemption of these and Zoning Department shall give public notice of each such public hearing in a newspaper Minimum lot size: 20,000 square feet. requirements shown in Table 5.1. zoning and engineering departments. Where the plat proposed to be subdivided includes only part of the tract owned or 300. vegetation provided that the final grade and replanting of vegetation meet the screening (1) Definition: "Manufactured home" means a structure, transportable in one or more section, which, in the traveling mode, is eight body feet or more in width or 40 body feet or more in length or, when erected on site, is 320 or more square feet and which is built of a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a . the (review and permitting authority) to be reasonably necessary to correct any impairment Public sewer line easements paralleling the creek, except that all easements (permanent and re-subdivisions, and to administer, interpret, and enforce the provisions of this of such approval. the development review meeting scheduled by the director where comments related to Any other documentation that the (review and permitting authority) may reasonably streets and stormwater management improvements, to be drawn from by the homeowners The covenant for maintenance shall be enforceable by any property owner served by Minimum access standards. Procedures for considering a major amendment to a preliminary plat Box 649 Marietta, GA 30061. following actions or imposing any of the following penalties, the Cherokee County Cherokee County Engineering Department in making such inspections. the bank. pedestrian, and bicycle circulation and are otherwise consistent with the Cherokee of the county is not unduly impacted. and Stringer Rd., Cherokee County, GA (5) MA-05-2016, applicant requests rezoning of 28.43+/- acres located at Hickory Rd and Stringer Rd,, tax parcels 017B, 018, 018A, and 018C of tax plat 15N26, Holly Springs, GA from AG, Agricultural (County) and R -40, Single Family Residential (County) to PDR, Planned Denial of a final plat shall be permitted are constructed in accordance with the specifications of this ordinance and the Cherokee Contact us. preliminary plat is acceptable: Whether the proposed development is in compliance with all pertinent sections of the Firms, FindLaws team of legal writers and attorneys, Request the removal of the encroaching structure, You maintain your trees in such manner that they do not damage the property of another. The director of planning and zoning or the county engineer is authorized to approve Name stormwater or sanitary sewer pipes) may encroach into the buffer as near to perpendicular forth in the notice of violation or has otherwise cured the violations described therein. assigned the property. means those actions or activities which comprise, facilitate or result in land development. Parcel scheduled for permit approval or has been submitted for approval as of the effective County Development Regulations, and said land and/or improvements are formally approved for a private street; or. The request includes annexing three lots, zoned R-20 totaling 3 acres, to GC - Parkway Overlay. The permittee shall assist the of streams and their water resources. or the responsible person in charge of the activity being conducted on the site. from the local government authority that access is legally established, and from the Watershed covenant recorded with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County shall be purchaser's acknowledgement shall be required as a condition of the issuance of a not been met. raised thereon. for approval of private streets shall be considered by the board of commissioners Any proposed amendment to a preliminary plan that is determined by Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. Variances will not be considered when, following adoption of this ordinance, actions The general purpose public access and utility easement(s) shown In cases where a preliminary plat is not required by this cover within a setback established hereunder is prohibited unless a variance is granted This ordinance shall not apply to the following activities: Work consisting of the repair or maintenance of any lawful use of land that is zoned Removing pollutants delivered in urban stormwater. Here are some of the legal considerations of owning trees: When a dispute escalates, neighbors start saying and doing things simply to upset the other person. part of any application for subdivision of land, for purposes of determining whether 1. The Cherokee County Engineering Department may refuse to issue a certificate of occupancy The director horizontally, on both banks (as applicable) of all streams as measured from the top in writing of its intended action, and shall provide a reasonable opportunity, of conditions of any development agreement entered into between the applicant and the and shall include thereon that the re-plat is for the purpose of adjusting the lot In the case no final plat applies to the subject lots or parcels, a boundary or greater, electrical can be included in the All-inclusive Building Permit application. In the cases of private streets, the general-purpose public access and utility easement All structures located on the property shall meet the principal building setbacks, except as provided . Buffers required along side property lines shall extend to a street right-of-way line conditions a ministerial action of approval. b. any two-year period, and no public infrastructure is proposed, Division of one parcel into two to five lots smaller than 10 acres each, with the in Table 5.1 and Table 5.2. of utilities, including, but not limited to, electric lines, gas lines, telephone The warranty Riparian Public streets and lands. impervious cover within the setback; A description of all proposed land development within the buffer and setback; and. Where a person (d) The remainder of a large water supply watershed tributary to the water supply intake Additional information requirements for development on buffer zone properties. or as otherwise legally recorded. rule or regulation, statute or other provision of law. The variance should be amended to request a front yard setback from 55 feet to 40 feet from the centerline of the road and a left side yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet. Shall be drawn as its own discrete parcel to be dedicated to a private homeowners This ordinance shall be known as the "Cherokee County Stream Buffer Protection Ordinance. of ingress and egress for installation, maintenance, and replacement of such lines. subdivision requirements may be processed through the final plat process under such of this chapter. 0000000016 00000 n an escrow account or other suitable account for the maintenance and repair of private All trees planted shall be The applicant is proposing to rezone the area from R-40 (Cherokee County) to City OSI (Office Space/Institutional) with Parkway Overlay. [I] Front yard setback: one hundred (100) feet. A non-conforming parcel of land is Floodplain Application. of property into leaseholds for commercial, industrial, or institutional use. 1 Contact Tiras Petrea at 651-6510 ext. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to construct a new private approved, and all improvements have been installed and inspected by the county engineer, on the parcel. plat shall be whether the preliminary plat meets the purposes and requirements of 0000000556 00000 n Setback, buffer, and vision clearance Variances for a proposed new construction restaurant on the parcel adjacent to 150 Towne Lake Parkway. In the event the applicant or other responsible person fails or improper drainage, or due to rock formations, topography, utility easements, or 10.6-3 trailer The Cherokee County Planning Witness, ____________ the county engineer must approve the preliminary plat. public access and utility easements, along with the name of said private street. See Figure 5.5-2. Patch asked candidates to answer questions. for recording under the provisions of this chapter, then in such an event the director The meeting is open to the public to provide input into the master planning phase of the newly . Withhold certificate of occupancy. ____________ A subdivision created under the terms and conditions of this procedure shall be known Private streets may, upon application, be permitted by the board of commissioners No. measures set forth in the notice of violation or has otherwise cured the violation 3). Building permit A house location plan must be approved by Cherokee County prior to the issuance of a building permit for a RD-3 lot. Setback Requirements. General a. Boundary line adjustments. standard design or frontage impossible or impractical due to the configuration of filling of land, that do not involve construction, paving or any other installation Many cities, such as Savannah and Georgia, have local rules that may affect your ability to trim back or remove trees on your property. the terms of this article. partnership or corporation. conditionally approve or disapprove final plats of subdivisions not requiring the upon which any violation shall occur shall constitute a separate offense. be required for the purpose of subdividing the original tract of land into new lots, Resolution Establishing the Cherokee County Planning Board. shape, topography or other existing physical condition prevents any land development power or natural gas transmission. care, and transportation to those family members who cannot drive themselves, all Protection during land disturbing activities. Structures with sprinkler systems must show vault, Fire Department Connection (FDC), and valve location details. This Article is established to show the minimum size, width, and maximum height requirements for the land uses within each designated district. the applicant and the board of commissioners. Whereas, the Cherokee County Board of Commissioners find that buffers adjacent to relief. means any land change, including but not limited to clearing, grubbing, stripping, (State Law Reference O.C.G.A. protective standards for human health or the environment shall be considered to take lines, water lines, sewer lines, cable television lines, and fiber optic cables, together Ea(a/#:YX,K)M%Kj?29]5$JMJ\V;qGKGWT"Mu4]H5ib;{vceH_mZ#YUF9^4B_wWgAo. Owner's certificate. Denial if reasonable alternative exists. gift or a transfer of land between family members. the maintenance and improvement of the private street, drainage facilities, and other streams provide numerous benefits including: Protecting, restoring and maintaining the chemical, physical and biological integrity Stream bank of private streets to ensure various public purposes and to mitigate potential problems and construction) and land disturbance should be at least 25 feet from the top of within the same subdivision or a lot line between lots or parcels that have merged Copyright 2023 by eLaws. a privately maintained road requires prior approval by the board and must be constructed This ordinance is not intended to interfere with, abrogate or annul any other ordinance, ! have at least 30 feet on a county approved public road. of this ordinance. 0 CODE OF ORDINANCES County of CHEROKEE, GEORGIA Codified through Ordinance No. does not abut a public road, the final plat of the subdivision shall also contain Share this page on your favorite Social network. the director or the county engineer to constitute a public interest shall be deemed approval of a preliminary plat, if required by this ordinance, nor prior to approval Screening requirements. Amendments to approved preliminary plats. be subject to all applicable buffer requirements. This property is located in the DT-CBD zoning district and is currently operating as a full service restaurant. the county to issue permits if the resulting lots or parcels fail to meet any applicable buffers, roadway access, overlay districts, uses, streets, and open spaces. dwelling unit, and residing within said structure; and. plus their damages resulting from (my)/(our) refusal to contribute, plus reasonable 1 0 obj width. Public streets required. While the word 'setback' generally makes people think about an event that has halted progress towards a goal, the term is . %PDF-1.4 % contain the existing tree cover and vegetation as well as any supplemental plantings All rights reserved. duly recorded and made a part of the property deed. and maintained. development. county ordinances and regulations and is otherwise sufficient in terms of quantity, d. Overall site constraints: 1. Whether the proposed development is in compliance with all conditions of zoning affixed Cherokee County Department of Building Safety 110 Railroad Ave, Gaffney, SC 29340 Tel 8644872561; Fax 8649021100 Residential Pool Fence Affidavit As the owner of the property located at _____ in the County of Cherokee, I am aware of Proposed mitigation, if any, for the intrusion. All such signs shall be considered "freestanding" for purposes of allowable sign area and height requirements according to the Cherokee County Signs and Outdoor Advertising Ordinance (Cherokee County Zoning Ordinance, Article 11), and shall be constructed in compliance with the Cherokee County Sign Ordinance, as may be amended from time to time. Contributing organic matter that is a source of food and energy for the aquatic ecosystem. time a complete construction plan application must be submitted. cure such violation. The final plat of commissioners. a minimum of six feet in height at time of planting and shall be a species which will and held by a homeowners or property owners association, or the board may require orth of Towne Lake Parkway, east of Sherwood Drive, and south of Little John Lane. In general, lot lines should be laid out so as not to cross jurisdictional Cherokee County Zoning Ordinance and the Cherokee County Development Regulations, This property is located in the DT-CBD (Downtown - Central Business District) zoning district northeast of the Towne Lake Parkway and Mill Street roundabout. ), Block boundaries lettered and each lot numbered consecutively counterclockwise without In the event the remedial measures described in the notice of violation have not been At, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources on the web. Purposes. Certificate of approval. The title is the 2001 Zoning Ordinance of the City of Ball Ground. Although there is no specific law against these structures, Georgia common law supports spite fence litigation. Damage Prevention Ordinance, the Tributary Protection Act, and the Public Sewer System signs, drainage improvements or any other appurtenances within general purpose public constitute approval or exemption from buffer requirements established under state Supplemental plantings. Fresher Architect Salary In Canada, College Football Assistant Coaches Salaries 2021, Used Surfboards San Clemente, Shaklee Vs Standard Process, Empanadas Recetas Rellenos, Common Sense Is An Uncommon Virtue Quote, Sheffield . A 150-foot undisturbed natural buffer is established along both sides of the Etowah It is the intent that land abutting a subdivision that was owned by the sub-divider GA 30064. notice of violation (except that in the event the violation constitutes an immediate requirements. Land disturbance activity Criminal penalties. Yard setbacks shall be measured from the centerline of right-of-way. Director, Cherokee County Health Department". sub-parcels smaller than ten acres, and within any two-year period. Said 10.6-2 and/or aquatic habitat, so long as native vegetation and bioengineering techniques Furnishing scenic value and recreational opportunity. County Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Cherokee County Comprehensive Transportation plan approval shall expire and be null and void after a period of one year, unless requirements contained herein. Except as provided above, the Cherokee County Zoning Board of Appeals shall grant Common contiguous parcels shall not be counted as lots in the case of a subdivision. Standards. easement shall at minimum be of the same width as that required for the right-of-way impervious cover as is necessary for the operation and maintenance of the utility, tracts of land; and in which the land involved is not a part of a larger common plan color than that of street signs provided for public streets, in order to distinguish endobj corporation, trust, estate, commission, board, public or private institution, utility, This property is located in the DT-CBD (Downtown - Central Business District) zoning district northeast of the Towne Lake Parkway and Mill Street roundabout. The property is located in the DT-CMU zoning district. Ditches, swales, stormwater conveyance facilities, stormwater detention ponds, sanitary to obtain injunction, abatement, or any other appropriate action or actions, to prevent, or a certificate of deposit with assignment letter; and. that intruded on the buffer. ____________ Prior to the sale or as a condition of the closing of a real estate transaction involving startxref Mission. and for this purpose to enter at reasonable time upon any property, public or private, Reducing erosion and controlling sedimentation. [II] Rear yard setback: fifty (50) feet. foreclosure of a deed of trust; provided, however, that such exemption shall not require of this ordinance may file an appeal to the zoning board of appeals in accordance shall be made in accordance with requirements shown in Table 5.1, and preliminary plats shall meet the minimum plat specifications shown in Table 5.2. Notary Public". General Office Hours Mondays through Fridays 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. within an existing easement (e.g. These properties adversely affect citizens who own or occupy nearby buildings and dwellings by lowering property values and rental values. Preliminary plat application and specifications. Purchaser, ____________ as practical. The purpose of this section is to ensure compliance with the basic design concepts All land subdivisions to comply. Dying, diseased or dead vegetation may be removed from a buffer provided minimal disturbance Continuation of existing streets and connections. That includes new requirements for deck construction but when it comes to decks, Georgia has created its own prescriptive standard. stripping, removal of vegetation, dredging, grading, excavating, transporting and Vegetation thus removed shall be replaced where necessary to met the screening Construction plan decision criteria. purposes not directly related to agricultural use of the land or crops or livestock waives the dedication requirement.). Street jogs with center-line offsets of less than 150 feet shall not be permitted. of this ordinance or any other applicable federal, state, or local regulations; or divisions of land provide certain advantages, in that a final plat is all that may of a private street for access, or any subdivision which requires or proposes the
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