Harry, looking at the outdoor graph alone the regular Mevois close to 100% in nearly all metrics yet you recommended the Rapsodo and 300i. Not sure why but according to some comments on forums seems to be related to the fps of the front camera of the device, different iOS device have different fps rate preventing certain features on certain devices. One point, thoughunder the Cons on the Rapsodo, you need to list the major one: iOS Only. Thats a deal-breaker if you dont have an iPhone. Consider buying used if youre on a budget. Some calculate clubhead speed, etc and others measure it, etc. In this review, we will talk about the golf swing camera specifications, setup, lighting, and show a demonstration of a swing in the software. I hate that it ranks so low compared to the other guys in this test-heavy environment, but at the same time it apparently provided 5 different metrics in the outdoor testing, and only 3 of the 8 managed to do that. However, there is one key metric that unit is missing for me personally. The best launch monitors for outdoor use are the SC300 Plus and the Rapsodo for under $500. My Skytrak is used outside 90% of the time so you review is misleading whe you state: CONS The SkyTrak is the best indoor Personal Launch Monitor. Personal golf launch monitors are the Holy Grail for the average golfer looking to improve. SkyTrak is the only camera-based system included in this test. Most, if not all, launch monitors available today are powered by one of two technologies: radar or cameras. Wouldnt record and give information. Makes me wonder if the subset of the smartphone market among golfers looks a lot different than the population at large. Matched To Your Swing. *note: The SC200, SC300, and SC300i can not capture training swings, just the SC200 Plus+. Ive found the data to be accurate. Thanks for the comment. Thanks all, open to other ideas but want to stay under 500.00 Driver-Wilson Cortex with N.S.Pro WT 8000 shaft 3W-Tommy Armour TA1 5W-Kenneth Smith persimmon 4-PW,GW Wilson Staff D7 All Major Brands. What about cloudy weather? Swing Caddie SC300i This personal launch monitor offers Ball Speed, Launch Angle, Club Head Speed, Carry Distance, Total Distance, Smash Factor, and Apex Height. Im interested in the PRGR as well. SkyTrak and Mevo Plus provide the most data metrics to help you with your game. If youre looking for club head data, offline and dispersion numbers, you might want to look at the enterprise solutions like Foresight and Trackman. Overall, the Swing Caddie SC300 is an excellent product owing to its unique features. Dimensions of the product (L x W x H): 33cm x 16cm x 8 cm. I said it last year and will continue to say it until it gets addressed but a HUGE con for Rapsodo continues to be the lack of an Android option. A:Smash factor is a common club performance metric. Garmin. While camera-based systems cant measure the full flight of the golf ball, they typically provide more accurate axis tilt and spin measurements and are far more reliable in limited-flight scenarios. Ive used mine outdoors and indoors. Data can be kept and should be kept also locally but the video not Ive 1070 shot recorded and fully sync with cloud, but the app is still using 2.5gb on the phone. If youre going to use your launch monitor almost exclusively indoors, save your money for a SkyTrak. The ESB1 Launch Monitor uses the latest 3D doppler-based radar technology to deliver 6 crucial metrics after every shot. Models tested do a reasonably good job of measuring ball speed and launch angle for the most part. If youre splitting time between indoor and outdoor use, consider FlightScopes Mevo or Mevo Plus. The metrics we consider when rating Personal Launch Monitors include Accuracy, Ease of Use, Portability, and Features. Bigger screen and more accurate. Personal launch monitors like the Rapsodo and Voice Caddie SC200 Plus are consistently off by five to 10 yards so you have to know your baseline and do the math. It can be safely recommended to get the best value for your money. I could live without the backspin but im not buying a new phone for this. Didnt realize how much I would like the fact that it films your swings. We want you to get the most out of your Yes, the PRGR black is great for speed training as it is doesnt require a ball to be hit. There are some short comings that personal launch monitors are still working to improve on and develop. It can also record your swing and display your swing with Shot Tracker. How about if its drizzling or foggy with that wetness all around? Golf launch monitors are a part of nearly every fitting experience. The app can be flakey at times and Ive had to re-install it several times. I kept waiting and they said its coming but I need the ability to get accurate data from a net hitting session. Q: What data can I get from a personal golf launch monitor? I realized I want additional functionality (shot tracer and related ball side spin also related more visual feedback on club gapping beyond data back to shot tracer). Advanced Golf Analytics matches the perfect clubs to your exact swing using connected data and machine learning. For recreational golfers looking to measure their distances, some of the $500 radar units do a reasonably good job. Compared to the SC300, it has better Doppler hardware, an extended battery life, and a new app feature that allows you to view video playback of your swing with data overlay. Itd be like an OEM offering a brand new driver..but only for lefties. If youre looking to improve your understanding of the data associated with your game, like ball speed, clubhead speed and carry, and not break the bank, models like the SC200 Plus, Rapsodo, and Mevo Plus are reasonably accurate. The Garmin Approach G80 is a unique product that is both a radar and GPS device in one. I was not sure if indoor in the article referred to hitting into a net. To determine the accuracy and reliable of the data offered by the devices tested, we tested them side by side with an enterprise-class Foresight GCQuad launch monitor inside and out. If youre looking for club head data, offline and dispersion numbers, you might want to look at the enterprise solutions like ForeSight and Trackman. This technology would seemingly be great for winter hitting into net. Otherwise youre hitting out of a divot and the data will not be consistent. What in your guys opinion would be the best value of the bunch? Mevo+ will do fine at the range, but you need at least 20 feet of space to use it indoors, The radar sits 7-8 feet behind ball and has to measure at least 10 feet of ball flight (ideally more than 10 feet). Helps me work on my distance consistency (not for wedges). But according to the results of our test, there are accurate units. And theyve got a grass area, ill hit off tees and the deck periodically.. Ill pick out clubs to hit exclusively if ive noticed an issue during a previous match, but otherwise its usually a healthy dose of SW, 9 iron, 5 iron, and driver. We found the applications to be generally easy to navigate and hassle-free. That is the one that I am looking into. Use a clean, white ball with a logo or a marked line. Yes you need the mark on the ball clear and at the camera in the sun but it still works great. Art. I'm looking to get a PS3 try out the exclusives I've been missing out on for years, just in time to get a PS4. As a matter of fact, Ive been using it to improve my wedge distance control. Hope this helps. Im looking for some level of feedback while beating balls into a net for the months of the year that I cant play because of weather, or the times when thats my only golfing outlet because of time. Some units require more precise placement at setup. Are they using completely different algorithms and hardware? While the Voice Caddie and Garmin offerings are self-contained, the other devices we tested require an app to communicate with the launch monitor and relay data to the user. If hitting into a net, PRGR is good for smash factor to help measure good ball strike/efficiency. The Rapsodo MLM and Skytrak stand out for their simple interface and layout, though Rapsodo proved to be a battery killer when taking swing videos. Any chance this will be updated to include the new Garmin R10? I dont understand how the SC200+ can be accurate for driver (and higher than the SC300) with no spin information and limited flight. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Foresight is trusted by the R&D teams at every major golf equipment company and is renowned for the accuracy of the data it provides. Good on the range, refuses to read my shots (for the most part) hitting into a net at home. Mevo, Rapsodo, SkyTrak, and Voice Caddie all include a selection of games that extend the capabilities of the device beyond just capturing data. The Swing Caddie SC300i tracks 6 key metrics directly on the device: Distance Swing Speed Ball Speed Launch Angle Smash Factor Apex And then within the app it adds spin rate. How does it do at extremely cold temps close to freezing? Q: Whats the difference between a personal launch monitor and an enterprise solution? Im slowly reaching my purchase decision! Not sure how you can consider this to be best when a huge segment of the market literally cant use it and dont even mention this glaring issue that is still lingering a year later in their product offering. We're here to help you find the perfect Personal Launch Monitor to fit your needs. But isnt your last sentence exactly what a launch monitor supposed to do as its primary function? But for $500, there are a number of pocket sized devices that offer plenty of data for a reasonable cost. I cant see any reason that a shot tracker should cost much more than a decent cell phone. Garmin Approach R10 seems to be new to the market. It definitely works with android. Oh and it comes with a shot tracer to see your shot direction. The challenge is to deliver accurate numbers while also using components that are inexpensive enough for us to keep the retail price down. Its ball speed divided by head speed. If youre only going to hit a few dozen balls at a time, battery life may not be relevant. For those just looking to have a good time with their friends, units that offer games like closest to the pin or long drive may offer the most bang for the buck. SkyTrak and Mevo Plus provide the most data metrics. Its not ideal for range use. Would you want to base you bag on 60 86% accuracy? We are here to help educate and empower golfers. I use it indoors so I think its better than a radar-based system which needs to track the ball flight longer. Thanks. If the hole or range youre trying to capture data and just so happens to be in direct sunlight you cannot use it. Garmin Approach G80 We are working hard on it and will share it only when the accuracy is good enough. I find this interesting. With recent firmware and app update there is an indoor mode. The ESB1 app is supposed to be better supported and updated, the ES14 is just the old model. Q: What data can I get from a personal golf launch monitor? Depending on how competitive you are, you have the option to compete with others around the world. I have commented before that the use of these entry devices is for comparison more than accurate data collection. Less expensive consumer-grade units like the Voice Caddie SC200 Plus and the Rapsodo have smaller Doppler units that dont quite track the full flight of the golf ball. For a home simulator, its not even a close competition for getting stats on the range, I can see the appeal of Rhapsodo. The SkyTrak provides more data points for you to dial in your game. I have spent way more time than I would like to admit researching these units. It doesnt work off grass but the mat is fine! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I am mostly concerned about dispersion and shot shape/spin axis. Depending on the quality of the cameras, some camera-based launch monitors struggle under certain lighting conditions and in highly reflective environments. And on top of that, it was going against the Skytrak and Mevo+, which both cost FOUR times as much. If your plan is to use a personal launch monitor to gain performance insights while banging limited flight, beat to hell, or generally inconsistent range balls, you're wasting both your time and money. I think the phone would have overheat problems, the screen will be hard to see as it overheats. Bryan-49. Perhaps a better thing to list is.not among the most accurate in out test group if thats the case its not even included in the top 3 which is ridiculous. Decent with a 9 iron but 8 iron and longer clubs works just fine. Consider buying used if youre on a budget. Rapsodo was decent but overheated and you need to use your phone. Works great. Hope this helps. I dont care about spin, I just want to be able to map my bag. I assume most are not hitting game balls at the range. Ive got Arccos, and ive had it tracking me for about 90 rounds, so ive already got a good idea about my distances. Call Us 1 (888) 871-6110 Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM EST Home Golf Simulators Launch Monitors I have had a SkyTrak for 2-years and use it exclusively outdoors and it works fine. Nothing. If Im reading a review of 4 door sedans I dont think the best way to say one has less horse power than the others is to say it has less horsepower than a Ferrari 488 Pista., Because we already know the obvious. Product Features GCQuad Statistics Product Details Quadrascopic camera technology Removable lithium-ion battery with 6 to 8 hours charge time Dimensions of 7W X 12.5H X 4D Weight - 7.5Ibs Club markers USB-C cable Apple and Android devices compatible USB, Ethernet, or WiFi data interfaces Alignment stick About SwingSense From what the charts show, Rapsodo has better carry accuracy indoors compared to outdoors.. Is this true? Practice with the ball you play (or at least one that's similar) so the data you collect is consistent and meaningful. If your plan is to use a personal launch monitor to gain performance insights while banging limited flight, beat to hell, or generally inconsistent range balls, you're wasting both your time and money. Until the prices come down to below $500, count me out. Ernest Sports ESB1 Golf Launch Monitor Ernest Sports $550.00 FlightScope Face Impact Location Upgrade (Software Only) FlightScope $499.00 Sold out Ernest Sports ES14 Pro Golf Launch Monitor Ernest Sports $220.00 FlightScope FS Golf PC Software FlightScope $99.00 Voice Caddie VSE Indoor Golf Simulator Voice Caddie $12,000.00 Sold out It can also give you a rough idea of your gapping in your set. Oh and it comes with a shot tracer to see your shot direction. Theyre not consistent enough and dont provide the necessary data. If so, when do you expect it to be available? Why does the gold industry ignore golf that isnt on the coast? Question, why is the Mevo+ the only launch monitor to get the con, Not as accurate as a GC Quad, none of these launch monitors is as accurate as a $20000 device. We added The Imaging Source Cameras to our Foresight Sports FSX 2020 setup. Overall it is a unit for inside for consistent, reliable data. Android is definitely coming we have no intention of ignoring 40-60% of the market depending on your country/location. I tried for a month to get a reading indoors, following all the suggestions from the troubleshooting team. today. As you might imagine, projecting ball flight accurately from the first eight feet of launch is a lot trickier than when you get to see more of the actual ball flight. That means providing you with equipment reviews you can trust, #PowerToThePlayer. The Mevo+ video feature also really assist you in possibly identifying swing flaws that may result in a poor flight. Another point is that normally front face camera on Apple dice is not as good as back cameras it would be nice to see an option to use the back camera with only the audio feedback this will give much better images, fps compared to the front camera. It can be used accurately both indoors and out. For me its a perfect solution. Radar-based systems use Doppler radar to follow the flight of the golf ball. Couple of points. However, real spin measurements, come at a cost. Six to eight feet of ball flight is just not enough for us to optically provide an accurate shot trace. Radar-based systems use Doppler radar to follow the flight of the golf ball. The overall ranking is based off other categories like portability, features, and user friendly to provide an overall test score. I have not seen much out there for reviews. Not sure why you say you cant go outdoors. Lastly, the MSRP for the PRGR is $230, the money saved can be used on a lesson or two.. Im not including the cost of the iOS device needed for the Rapsodo. For longer sessions, especially when using video features, battery drain can be an issue. I do think it has come a long way in the short time I've had it. An upgrade from the Mevo, The Mevo Plus comes with more data metrics. These are the leaders for golf launch monitors but they come at a price: $15,000 to $25,000. Portable Golf launch monitor SC300 Frequently bought together + Total price: Add both to Cart These items are shipped from and sold by different sellers. If you are looking for accurate spin data and dispersion and carry distance to the yard, these arent going to meet your needs. Copyright 2023. Thanks for reaching out. Cant be used outdoors. Rapsodo is once again the best personal launch monitor. I would will happily send you photos of my setup if you wish. Lithium-ion battery. Rapsodo, captures Launch angle and Launch direction but no spin. The extra money gets you the most data of any unit in the test. If you go all out, youre upwards of $25k for a brand-new, fully featured unit. Some, like the Rapsodo and Voice Caddie SC200 Plus, are consistently off by five to 10 yards so you have to know your baseline and do the math. You lose your history when you do that but sometimes it remembers your bag and the distances associated with the clubs. Do you know if there are any first hand reviews the clarify the variable light conditions. That being said, the Garmin G80 looks like it is the most accurate for carry and ball speed both indoors and outdoors, it is handheld, easy to use, comparable price to other devices, and functions as a GPS on top of that. The VC200 was fine and the ES14 was good. We started with a few iPhone models and will continue to add IOS devices over the next few weeks. I did test SkyTrak outside and after 45 minutes of trying to capture data I gave up. FlightScope, Trackman or Foresight? So basically if you completely ignore the Mevo+ spin rates, its on par with the Rapsodo., but because they try to spit out a number, they get penalized. If the hole or range youre trying to capture data and just so happens to be directly in the sunlight you cannot use it. I want to record my swings DTl and face on for my coach. I feel like you came at this from the point of view of someone who tests golf gear for a living, and needs the data to do so appropriately..Thats not what I want one of these for. We are here to help educate and empower golfers. Not questioning the algorithm, just trying to fully understand so I can make an informed purchase in the $2K range. If a mat is not available, we suggest hitting off a tee from the grass. The pocket-sized launch monitor fits seamlessly in any golf bag compartment for hassle-free transport. The Rapsodo is a small compact unit thatpacks a punch. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Even the best golf launch monitors must be easy to use. The PRGR does NOT pick up wedges very well, if at all. In 2020 we're starting to see a successful personal launch monitor take it's shape and for $500 you can reasonably expect some of these devices to give you information to help you in your game. Well done as always. If youre a golfer who wants the most metrics and most accurate readings on the market, youre likely not going to be satisfied with a personal launch monitor. The ESB1 connects to your device over Bluetooth which only takes a few seconds. Sure there is an outlier from time to time but it has been a valuable tool for my practice sessions. We found the applications to be generally easy to navigate and hassle-free. Is there any way to add some testing of this new launch monitor/ simulator to the article? But since SkyTrak accuracy is so high, I dont have to go to the range, I can hit balls indoors at home. You choose your direction manually if you want and that will tie into your shot sessions.Firmware updates - The unit supposedly gets firmware updates through the ES B1 app in the IOS store. Thanks to its lightweight mechanism as it only weighs 12.5 kg (27.6 pounds). (Net cage and range mat.). Golf launch monitors have become ubiquitous with the pros. Enterprise solutions like Foresight and TrackMan are more accurate and provide more data points. For recreational golfers looking to measure their distances, some of the $500 radar units do a reasonably good job. Is L.A.B. The lack of data is partially offset by features like shot tracking, launch, and dispersion charts and the ability to film your swing. in the $500 range you likely wont get any club data with most of the units. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Why wasnt that one tested? ), trying to find optimum launch angles, taking note of clubhead speed and ball speed for a certain kind of swing, and then seeing how changes i make affect the outcomes of shots. Art, I have enjoyed your videos on YouTube introducing the Rapsodo MLM unfortunately our household is primarily Android. However another reply from Rapsodo in the amazon questions implies older versions of hardware dont work with a net? Once you know your carry yardages (and trust them after reality sets in) do you really need to split all these hairs? Im not really using it to track distances all that much. What can you share with me about whether your product will deliver what I need? In general, we will not introduce access to any new devices unless the accuracy meets our standards. Why is the mevo+ less accurate than the mevo on 7i and Driver? If youre going to use your launch monitor almost exclusively indoors, our first piece of advice would be to save your money for a SkyTrak. However, real spin measurements come at a cost. The SC300i is the upgraded model to the successful SC300 launch monitor. It has become worthless to me. The biggest con for Rapsodo is that certain models of iphones are required. Because of this I was hoping I could buy an sc300i but Im dissapointed that it came out worse than the rapsodo, so now Im less convinced. money, time and performance. Simulator at $500. My wife destroyed the es100 with a toed driver. For most of us, practice time is limited and it shouldnt be wasted trying to configure, connect and use a device meant to help us improve faster. The SkyTrak allows you to upgrade and download golf courses to play virtual rounds. SkyTrak can be used outdoors, not sure where you got your info. The ES14 you dont need an app as the LCD screen spits out the data. I dont have the room for a Rhapsodo due to feet required beyond the hitting area for the Dopler technology, but the SkyTrak only needs a few feet beyond the hitting area. as well as honest reporting on the latest issues affecting the game All of the devices we tested provide ball speed, club head speed and carry distance. Ummm.. what about weather considerations? All of the devices we tested provide ball speed, club head speed and carry distance. Other do try and factor in other items that impact carry distance like humidity, air pressure, temperature. Also, I would have found it particularly helpful if the review was separated specifically into the best for indoor use vs best for outdoor use. I have tried both the ESB1 and PRGR and Im happy with both. Unfortunately doesn't have lainch angle but has all that you need to work indoors/ outdoors with or without a ball. 59K views 2 years ago The Ernest Sports ES B1 Launch Monitor Ful Review. On my first try after 30 minutes of Texas 85 degree fall weather, my iPhone XR is already overheating, which shuts the whole thing down (in the summer, its going to last a whole 10 min..) The second go round outdoors, it captured the first 50 balls, but by the time I got to my driver, it just wouldnt track the ball anymore. Furthermore, once you hit a shot on grass you have to pick up the unit and move it for the ball to be picked up. Ive used it to develop numbers for my clubs and when trying some swing changes. The best launch monitors for outdoor use are the SC300i and the Rapsodo for under $500. Huge CON by not supporting Android users AND no Backspin Data. I do have an iPhone 11 and an iPad Pro (2nd gen). Some categories the Mevo plus only got 60 -86%. SkyTraks own website states: We recommend hitting off a mat designed specifically for golf. The best launch monitors for outdoor use are the SC300 Plus and the Rapsodo for under $500. It comes with Ball Speed, Launch, Backspin, Launch Direction and much more to help you play better on all year round.
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