The Rauner era was one of hostility to working people and chaos in state government. But now it has come under threat. The State University Civil Service System (SUCSS) was created to ensure the fair and equal recruitment, retention and development of university staff and provides critical protections to workers in the university system. This includes attending certain enumerated union meetings, activities and union steward training instead of completing assigned state work. Instructions for searching and printing the Pay Plan document. They couldnt have stopped them. ACE/AFSCME, Local 2250, AFL-CIO TABLE B *- Paraprofessional & Interpreter (100) * Employees on this pay table were hired into a Local 2250 position January 1 - June 30 and have an assigned anniversary date of April 1 for the purposes of salary advancement July 1, 2021 - March 31, 2022 New! State employees have received no general increase since July 2014. The big margin reflects how ready state workers are for the return of sanity and responsible governance in the wake of Bruce Rauners relentless attacks, Lynch said. 8/22/2021 - 8/31/2024) Memorandum of Agreement - 08/12/2022. amount that is equal to that of an employee on the maximum Step rate with the In 2022, total revenue reached $50.3 billion. 2010, the Step 8 rate shall be increased by $50 per month for those employees 248-451-0324 x1602. I should add, and maybe this should give you some confidence, that its been politically beneficial for the Democrats in the legislature to do the right thing for our fiscal future, because we won the elections in what was supposed to be a red wave year in November of 2022 in part because people who are going door to door running for the legislature were able to say, We Democrats balanced the budget, we Democrats are the fiscally responsible party, were the ones who got credit upgrades for the state. Nebraska. It would give unions a permanent right to collective bargaining over not just benefits, but potentially any topic they choose a power the Chicago Teachers Union has tried to wield to pursue its social agenda on housing, immigration, restorative justice, wealth redistribution and defunding the police. A general wage increase of 3.25% for all employees who fall under WFSE's General Government contract. three or more years of creditable service on Step 8 in the same or higher pay 92% of ballots cast were in favor of the union. Seems like a lot of state office buildings are being downsized. Employees of the Newberry Library voted to form Newberry Workers United/AFSCME, with more than 75% of votes cast being in favor of the union. Highest salary at Reavis High School District 220 in year 2022 was $289,551. Clerk of the Circuit Court (AFSCME Council 31 Local 3182) (PDF) Division of Transportation (International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150) (PDF) Facility Operations (International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150) (PDF) Health Department, Animal Care and Control (Illinois Council of Police Animal . 2019 Contracts Over $25,000. AFSCME workers are automatically granted increases in pay based on years of service and job classification. JULY 1, 2020 TO JUNE 30, 2022. i AFSCME 1635P PART-TIME CONTRACT JULY 1, 2020 - JUNE 30, 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS . ThePay Plan on this site was last updatedJanuary 4, 2023. On December 16, 2021 the AFSCME at U of MN negotiating team representing all four locals (3260, 3800, 3801, and 3937) reached a tentative one year contract agreement with the University. or before January 1, 2002. Are the jobs being eliminated or moved to other locations outside of Springfield. The Pay Plan is available in PDF format (Adobe Reader). 42). AFSCMEs contract provides [t]here shall be no general policy of docking for late arrival for many state workers. AFSCME Contract 2021-2023 - To request a reasonable accommodation and/or alternative format of this document, contact us at 651-259-3750, or Salary and Benefit Report Guide 2018 . During the Q&A, he was asked about how the states collective bargaining agreements would impact the budget. Unless a lot of employees are still working remotely. No purchase necessary. State workers are fired after missing 12 days of work in a two-year period. The average AFSCME salary ranges from approximately $46,956 per year for Office Assistant to $147,968 per year for Senior Financial Reporting Manager. So the answer is yes, we need more employees in state government, like most employers in the private sector today in the state, and weve done things that state government has never done before from ground level, community level town halls for recruiting, to identifying career pathways for state employees that could move up in terms of management roles. So, in short, the answer is, yes, we need more state employees, particularly in our 24/7 facilities, and the administration is focused first and foremost on those. BU 1,3,4,5 AFSCME Council 31. AFSCME SALARY RATES [January-June 2023] AFSCME TITLE CODE POSITION TITLE GRADE The 0A (entry) step was eliminated 1 January 2020 Entrance Rate First 12 Months Next 12 . 2021 Pay Schedule. same or higher pay grade on or before July 1, 2013. In communities all across Illinois, candidates recommended by AFSCME Area PEOPLE Committees won their elections on April 4. To quickly move from one occurrence of a word or phrase to the next within the Personnel Rules, use the "Find Next" or "Search Next" feature of Adobe Acrobat. service and have three or more years of creditable service on Step 8 in the Workers will see . Employees are allowed to do union activities during work hours and be paid by the state for that union work. Randolph County residents delivered an overwhelming vote to keep the communitys nursing home in public hands. I think I would argue also that that has had an impact still, even today in terms of state employment. Illinois Department of Central Management Services, State Government Suggestion Award Board (SGSAB), College Insurance Program (CIP) Benefit Plans, Local Government Health Plan (LGHP) Benefit Plans, Total Retiree Advantage Illinois (TRAIL) Program, State of Illinois Code of Personal Conduct, Personnel Workbench (Authorization Required), Register, Become a Vendor & State Government. General Increases - The pay rates for all bargaining unit classifications and steps shall be increased by the specified percentage amounts effective on the following dates: January 1, 2020, 1.50 %; July 1, 2020, 2.10 %; July 1, 2021, 3.95 %; and July 1, 2022, 3.95%. Illinois Step 1a, 1b, and 1c shall be increased by $25 per month, with subsequent $25 2022 Contracts Over $25,000. Ancient history, but still precedent. So, budgetary impact, lack of a collective bargaining agreement clearly has had an impact on the state even even years after the fact. . Its about fairness. General Increases - Pay rates for all bargaining unit classifications and steps shall be increased by the specified percentage amounts effective on the following dates: January 1, 2020, 1.50%; July 1, 2020, 2.10%; July 1, 2021, 3.95%; July 1, 2022, 3.95%. AFSCME Council 31 represents approximately 35,000 state workers in Illinois under single contract. Just because the state is in a more stable position doesnt mean that it wants to spend more money on employees. The minimum rates must be sufficient to recruit qualified candidates for each of the different occupations in state government, and the salary range is set to allow agencies to retain an experienced and well trained work force. Currently, there are six unions that represent village employees. The applicant may submit additional medical documentation which will be reviewed by the committee. Your version of Adobe Acrobat may operate slightly differently than described above, but all versions have the ability to search and print. Manager (Department of Human Services), Public The count starts over if they stay under 12 for two years. For those employees who attain 15 years of 802 South 2nd Street | Springfield, IL 62704 2017 Contracts Over $25,000. Nationwide. pay on or before January 1, 2002, the Step 8 rate shall be increased by $25 per AFSCME Local 3210 AFSCME Local 692 Educational Interpreters Association Educational Office Personnel Association . AFSCME Council 31 represents approximately 35,000 state workers in Illinois under single contract. Gender Breakdown for American Federation of State, County And Municipal Employees (Afscme) Female. In addition to the raises highlighted below, WFSE has negotiated a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that will bring more pay increases to targeted job classifications. and Museum, Occupational Therapist Program Coordinator, Pharmacy In communities across Illinois, candidates endorsed by AFSCME PEOPLE won their elections on April 4. Monday, Apr 17, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller. - Homebody - Monday, Apr 17, 23 @ 3:10 pm: I much prefer the measured tone of both sides this time around compared to the last time this was happening under Rauner. This agreement addresses the lack of a general wage increase in 2021 and acknowledges the impacts on those who adjusted to telework, those on the frontlines, and lower wage earners who were most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. By fixing rates to specific kinds of work, competition between agencies is reduced and this helps to control labor costs and stabilize the work force within the system as a whole. The Pritzker administration estimates AFSCME members' salaries and benefits will total $3.5 billion for the budget year that begins Monday. Yet these lax policies on the taxpayers dime arent enough for union bosses. Field Museum employees win union with AFSCME. All employees on the EG-5, EG-6 and E-7 pay scales are on a 12-month pay schedule. For information on bargaining 2023-25 contracts, check the Bargaining Updates page. For those employees who United States. BU 37 Illinois Nurses Assoc. County Clerk and Recorder 2019-2022. Corrections 2020 - 2022. The icon generally looks like a set of binoculars For example, entering "310.410" or "Table D" will move the text pointer to the first occurrence of that text. No agency action will be required. The Legislature set aside $84 million for much-needed job-class-specific pay increases. 1 and state finances to No. AFSCME pickets turn up the heat on Lightfoot to deliver new contract In the last 20 months, the union's 3,000 city employees have received a 2% pay raise as inflation has spiked. Were modernizing our intake system for applications. The Personnel Code requires the Director of Central Management Services to prepare and maintain a Pay Plan in order to set out a system to provide fair and reasonable compensation to employees for services rendered. In addition, the Plan provides higher rates of pay for the more challenging jobs in an organization in order to offer pay incentives to encourage individuals to assume greater responsibility. News 2023 AFSCME Council 13 J. David Henderson, Executive Director. From 1998 to 2019, average state worker compensation grew 60% faster than Illinois'. Authority, 8A Department of Public Health, 8E, 8N, 8S Departments of Human J.B. Pritzker.. Voting was conducted between June 12 and 21 at more than 400 worksite meetings statewide, where union members had the opportunity to review the agreement's terms and ask questions before casting a ballot. State employees can miss five consecutive days of work without calling in and face no discipline. Title: AFSCME Salary Scales (July 1, 2022-June 30, 2024) Author: Howard County Public School System Created Date: 6/28/2022 3:24:59 PM What does a Union Steward do? 300 S. Riverside Plaza | 1650 | Chicago, IL 60606 This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Engineer, Department of Public Health, Fire Protection Engineer (State Fire Marshal), Manuscripts Manager, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library Career and Technical (9 Months), Illinois School for the Visually Impaired, Educator Current Contracts. Categories. Pay Schedules. And thats a conglomeration of negotiations with unions and how state law directs our state departments to hire individuals. AFSCME bargaining unit members will win: Section 2 Payday General government employees shall be paid on a bi-weekly basis. But its not expected to stay thereas the Federal Reserve tries to tame inflation and federal COVID dollars run dry, revenue could creep downward in coming years. Nearly 300 employees of the Field Museum have won their union with AFSCME Council 31. Raised the income limit so more employees are eligible for the flexible spending accounts. Effective January 1, 2002, the Step 8 rate shall be increased by $25 per month In addition, the Plan provides higher rates of pay for the more challenging jobs in an organization in order to offer pay incentives to encourage individuals to assume greater responsibility. A ratification vote is currently under way. AFSCME members who care for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities in community agencies are ramping up for a wide-ranging, concerted effort to get wage increases through the state budgeting process. dates: January 1, 2020, 1.50%; July 1, 2020, 2.10%; July 1, 2021, 3.95%; July The highest step placement available for external hires is a step 8, with steps 9 and 10 reserved only for existing employees. Its one thing to have a governor whos, I think, heading in the right direction for the state, but another thing for us all collectively to be working together to do the right things for the state. A referendum to sell an unused portion of the nursing home passed with 67% of the vote. %. During the 2022 Legislative Session, our union lobbied hard for job-class-specific raises to address pay inequities between different job classifications, specifically those requiring work on the frontlines of the pandemic. But the truth is that they didnt vote for the balanced budgets that we got. Title 80 - PUBLIC OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES, Section 310.550 - Fiscal Year 2023 Merit Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment, Section 310.540 - Annual Merit Increase and Bonus Guidechart, Section 310.560 - Merit Incentive Program (Repealed). Employees whose salaries are red-circled (see Section 310.220(f)) above the Come Nov. 8, voters have a choice: grant AFSCME Council 31 leadership the ability to override state law, or protect Illinois taxpayers from a future of continued tax hikes driven by union bosses and the politicians whose campaigns they fund. And yet union bosses still want permanent power to continue the cycle. Service Administrator, Option 8U Department of Human Services, Public For the average AFSCME employee, this will raise their base pay from $63,025 to $70,575. From 1998 to 2019, average state worker compensation grew 60% faster than Illinois average private sector wages. Republicans voted against every one of those budgets. Theyre in the Super minority. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. in the rate tables in this Section. This agreement provides for almost 12% in raises to the 20,000 members of AFSCME Council 3's bargaining units. WFSE members voted overwhelmingly in support of additional increases for targeted job classifications. AFSCME Council 31. (See Art. In the IPI's failed campaign to defeat the Workers Rights Amendment, it sunk to new, unimaginable lows. Seems like IDOC headquarters has become a ghost town. attain 15 years of continuous service and have three or more years of Today, the challenge, as the governor said, that the state faces is not unlike private employers. (For all other contracts, click here.). Connect With Us 1200 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 Phone: (202) 442-5885 Fax: (202) 442-5026 TTY: 711 This icon is located on the Adobe Acrobat menu bar usually located immediately beneath your Internet browser"s menu bar. They battled through a pandemic. To search for any word or phrase within the Pay Plan, use the "Find" or "Search" feature of Adobe Acrobat. Matter of fact today, a year ago, our challenge was not enough applicants. Effective July 1, 2019, Bloomfield Township, MI 48302. 43) Basic shift premium will be increased from $1.00 per hour to $2.50 per hour (See Art. The above provision shall not apply so long as the employee then notifies as soon as it is physically possible.. AFSCME Local 698 - american Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees. This maintains Illinoiss standing in the middle ranks of state employee health plans nationally. (96% voted yes!) AFSCME advocates for fairness in the. t 312.346.5700 f 312.896.2500, Springfield Office | Illinois Policy One government union is doing especially well: the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 31. Master Memorandum. Today, workers took to the picket line to demand a fair contract . Effective July 1, 2022, each current merit compensation (includes broad-band) State employee shall receive a 3.95 % cost-of-living adjustment to the employee's base salary. AFSCME Council 28 (WFSE)1212 Jefferson Street SE #300Olympia, WA 98501, MEMBER CONNECTION CENTERCall 1-833-MCC-WFSE(833-622-9373) EMAIL: [emailprotected], American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFLCIO, For information on bargaining 2023-25 contracts, check the, WFSE members voted overwhelmingly in support of additional increases for targeted job classifications. ***If the state wanted to increase wages for some groups more than others in the 31, could they do that?***. The current agreement expired on June 30, 2021 and is automatically extended during negotiations. To print a specific range of pages, select File, Print and enter the desired page numbers under Print Range. The 40,000 Illinois state employees represented by AFSCME have a new contract after members, by an "overwhelming majority," ratified a new four-year contract that will increase workers' pay. raises in July 2021 and 2022. Yes they can, but in practice could be difficult. This plan offers various salary schedules and pay ranges, and a set of uniform pay practices for administering the state's compensation program. - I Love Decatur - Monday, Apr 17, 23 @ 3:13 pm: Is it really negotiations if everyone sits on the same side of the table? With this revenue, there are a lot of competing interests who want to be prioritized for funding, said Council 31 Director of Research and Employee Benefits Martha Merrill. These class-specific raises are in addition to the 3.25% raise and lump-sum payments and will also go into effect July 1, 2022 and be reflected on the July 25 paycheck. Fax No. 8/22/2021 - 8/31/2024) Circuit Clerk 2019 - 2022. General The master contract will give out general raises, such as 2.5% to everybody during a fiscal year, however they can include language that certain bargaining units will get a dollar amount boost in. Male. Click the item in the "Link" column to view the full agreement document. agent for the purposes of establishing salaries, wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment for all regularly scheduled part-time employees, with full-time AFSCME Local 1635 equivalent titles and . Please turn on JavaScript and try again. So what we wont have, Im certain, is a situation like we had years ago in the state prior to Governor Pritzker being elected where there was an impasse that ended up being very costly. State employees under the AFSCME contract can miss five consecutive work days without telling their bosses, and after that they only might be fired: Absence of an employee for five (5) consecutive work days without reporting to the Employer or the person designated by the Employer to receive such notification may be cause for discharge. And, you know, today, I think its just very difficult to say. And I hope you pay attention to that as we head into the last part of the session here, because if we werent cooperating, if we were, you know, fighting one another, well, youd be back in the situation we were in before I became governor. More than 90 AFSCME members in the Whiteside County Health Department are ramping up their fight for a fair contract. Parallel courses, the legislative session, which is scheduled to adjourn on May 19th. AFSCME employees earn $47,000 annually on average, or $23 per hour, which is 34% lower than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. remain in the same or successor classification as a result of a In recognition of their continued diligence during Rauners tenure when he froze their pay and illegally prevented employees from progressing through the pay plan for four years state workers will initially receive a stipend of $625 for each of the past four years worked. But also that the leaders in the legislature really do understand that this is how we make a real solid future []. No. SEIU Coroner Dec 2020-Nov 2023. Service Administrator, Option 8P Department of Human Services, Public This data is based on 14 survey . See impacted positions. Repealed at 9 Ill. Reg. Click on the links to view rates for that title or group. Effective July 1, 2013, the Step 8 rate shall be increased by $25 per Contract (eff. The only thing is that everybody covered in the master contract votes to ratify this contract, some may feel its unfair to raise some and not all at the same rate. With so many vacant positions in state government, the states payroll is smaller than it has budgeted for. Personnel Workbench (Authorization Required), Register, Become a Vendor & State Government. Periodically, salary surveys are conducted and the range rates are adjusted to assure competitiveness with the labor market. The master contract will give out general raises, such as 2.5% to everybody during a fiscal year, however they can include language that certain bargaining units will get a dollar amount boost in base pay and all pay grades within this classification will follow as a percentage. Executive, Administrative, and Professional employees expected to perform the work as required by the position without a fixed schedule or hours. Peggy Notebaert employees file for union election with AFSCME, Chicago City Council passes labor peace ordinance, Field Museum employees win union with AFSCME, HRDAC pushes to gut university worker protections, DSP wage increase campaign set to kick into high gear, Logan County Health Department wins healthy new contract, Field Museum workers file for union election with AFSCME, Local 3328 makes big improvements in wages, State bargaining committee gears up for negotiations, Rushville exposure incident underscores need for mail safety, Randolph County voters back measure to keep care center open, IPI sinks even lower in failed attempt to defeat Workers' Rights Amendment, Quotes from Your Union Brothers and Sisters, Whiteside County health workers picket for fair contract, 2023 Election Results for AFSCME-Recommended Candidates, Newberry Library employees win union election with AFSCME, SAIC adjunct professors, lecturers vote to join AFSCME. The icon generally looks like a set of binoculars For example, entering "310.410" or "Table D" will move the text pointer to the first occurrence of that text. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 31 represents nearly 40,000 state employees who protect kids from abuse and neglect, care for veterans and people with disabilities, keep prisons safe, maintain state parks, help struggling families and provide countless other vital public services in communities across the state. Local 150 Facilities Contract 2022-26. In 2022, a 5.3% raised was included in the state budget. Average AFSCME hourly pay ranges from approximately $15.00 per hour for Communications Intern to $21.00 per hour for Office Assistant. 2021 Contracts Over $25,000. Afscme Salary in Illinois Comparison by Location. Salaries. per month increases effective July 1, 2020 and July 1, 2021. AFSCME Circuit Clerk Dec 2022 - Nov 2026. 10663, effective July 1, 1985, Current through Register Vol. According to our data, the highest paying job at AFSCME is an Assistant Director of HR at $106,000 annually while the lowest paying job at AFSCME is a Customer Service Representative at $18,000 annually. This plan offers various salary schedules and pay ranges, and a set of uniform pay practices for administering the state's compensation program. provided for longevity pay on or before January 1, 2002 shall continue to This will be a relatively short answer, but were in the middle of bargaining right now. Service Administrator, Options 8H, 8I Department of Natural Resources and 9G, Rehabilitation/Mobility Instructor Trainee. AFSCME contract lets Illinois state workers miss 10 days without discipline. They want voters to approve Amendment 1, a change to the Illinois Constitution being sold as workers rights, but in reality a way to permanently enshrine those Madigan favors and union powers in the Illinois Constitution. Contract Policies: Authorization of Contracts and Leases - 5B1. For those employees who attain 15 years of continuous service and have AFSCME Local 3700 - American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees. While it isn't perfect, we are recommending that membership accept this contract agreement. The City of Bloomington and Local 2487 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) (AFL-CIO Council 962) have reached an agreement on the terms of a contract that will govern salaries and benefits for union members for the next four years. The Personnel Code requires the Director of Central Management Services to prepare and maintain a Pay Plan in order to set out a system to provide fair and reasonable compensation to employees for services rendered. For employees not eligible for longevity Clicking the "Find" icon a second time will give the option of finding the next occurrence of the text or locating different text. Our largest challenge is most acute today in the 24/7 facilities, correctional facilities, human service facilities, and thats where weve concentrated our efforts first and foremost. BU 56 Teamsters Nurses Local 743. One question we typically get is how do those two things intersect? Weekend shift premium for Registered Nurses increases from $3 per hour to $4 per hour (See Art 42). creditable service on Step 8 in the same or higher pay grade on or before July Salary: $51k - $68k. Illinois Department ofCentral Management Services. That suspension is just five days. 16, April 21, 2023. AFSCME 3700! 2020 Contracts Over $25,000. $119,412. Now its getting those applications processed. Make your practice more effective and efficient with Casetexts legal research suite. AFSCME County Clerk Dec 2020 - Nov 2023. Avg. A lump sum payment (determined by base income as of June 30, 2022) for workers employed as of July 1, 2021, who remain employed as of July 1, 2022, and earn less than $99,000. A determination for approval or denial will then be made based on the entirety of all medical documentation. 248-454-1766. Local 1110 - Building Services/Grounds/Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality (through June 30, 2025) AFSCME LU 1110 Rate Schedule (Effective September 1, 2022) Local 3236 - Clerical (through June 30, 2024) General pay increases will follow in January 2020 (1.5%), July 2020 (2.1%), July 2021 and July 2022 (both 3.95%). This icon is located on the Adobe Acrobat menu bar usually located immediately beneath your Internet browser"s menu bar. Employees of the Chicago Academy of Sciences/Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum in Chicago filed for a union election in which employees will vote to formally certify their union as part of AFSCME Council 31. A determination for approval or denial will then be made based on the entiretyof all medical documentation. Alphabetical Index of Civil Service Classifications, Agricultural Gardener Foreman (Dixon Springs), Assistant Agricultural Research Technician, Assistant Agricultural Research Technician (Dixon Springs), Assistant Agricultural Research Technician (Pike), Associate Agricultural Research Technician, Associate Agricultural Research Technician (LUGG), Associate Agricultural Research Technician (Dixon Springs), Building Mechanic Foreman (Dixon Springs), Building Operating Engineer (Illini Union), Building Operating Engineer (State Farm Center), Building Service Worker (Facilities & Services), Building Service Worker (State Farm Center), Crops Testing Technician (Brownstown-Fay City), Food Service Sanitation Laborer (Allerton House), Food Service Sanitation Laborer (Housing), Food Service Sanitation Laborer (Illini Union), Food Service Sanitation Laborer (McKinley), Food Service Sanitation Laborer (State Farm Center), Head Disabilities Transportation Specialist, Intercollegiate Athletics Equipment Specialist, Interpreter for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Medical Assistant (Credentialed/Certified), Operations Support Service Specialist III, Painter Sub-Foreman (Facilities & Services), Safety/Environmental Compliance Specialist, Agricultural Gardener Foreman (Carbondale), Agricultural Gardener Foreman (St. Charles), Assembly Hall Physical Facilities Supervisor, Assistant Chief Building Operating Engineer, Assistant Chief Building Operating Engineer (Illini Union), Assistant Chief Building Operating Engineer (State Farm Center), Assistant Chief Instructional Media Systems Engineer, Assistant Coordinator of Parking and Traffic, Assistant Distribution Services Supervisor, Assistant Instrument and Efficiency Engineer, Assistant Manager (Information Technology), Assistant Superintendent of Building Maintenance, Assistant Superintendent of Building Services, Assistant to Director of University Union, Associate Agricultural Research Technician (Elwood), Associate Agricultural Research Technician (Warren), Associate Agricultural Research Technician (Pike), Associate Agricultural Research Technician (Carbondale), Associate Agricultural Research Technician (Shabbona), Associate Agricultural Research Technician (Brownstown-Fay City), Building Service Foreman (Facilities & Services), Building Service Sub-Foreman (Facilities & Services), Building Service Sub-Foreman (Illini Union), Building Service Supervisor (Facilities & Services), Business/Administrative Associate (Allerton House), Business/Administrative Associate (Extension Area I), Business/Administrative Associate (Extension Area II), Chief Building Operating Engineer (Illini Union), Chief Building Operating Engineer (State Farm Center), Chief Instructional Media Systems Engineer, Coordinator of Operations - The President's House, Environmental Health & Safety Technician I, Environmental Health & Safety Technician II, Environmental Health & Safety Technician III, Facility Operations Coordinator (Allerton House), Facility Operations Specialist (Allerton House), Food Service Administrator I (Allerton House), Human Resource Associate (Extension Area I), Infection Prevention and Control Coordinator, Information Technology Manager/Admin Coordinator, Information Technology Technical Associate, Instrument and Measurement Technician III, Manager of Agricultural Sciences Facilities, Molecular Beam Epitaxy Facility Coordinator, Natural Science Laboratory Assistant I (Dixon Springs), Natural Science Laboratory Assistant II (Dixon Springs), Natural Science Laboratory Assistant III (Dixon Springs), Office Support Specialist (Allerton House), Office Support Specialist (Allerton Park), Office Support Specialist (Dixon Springs), Program Services Aide (Extension Area II), Publicity-Promotion Associate (Extension Area I), Publicity-Promotion Associate (Extension Area II), Safety/Environmental Compliance Associate, Senior Agricultural Research Technician (Dixon Springs), Senior Interpreter for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Supervisor of Clinical Pathology Laboratory, Supervisor of University Union Operations, Television Traffic and Continuity Supervisor.
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