Registers of Births and Deaths at the County Almshouse, 1884-1907. Get copies of newspaper records and learn about engagement announcements (1 microfilm roll, partial), Dog Register, 1854-1912. (2 microfilm rolls), Marriage License Dockets, 1885-1992. WebNewspaper 9375-X Library of Congress Control Number sn78002063 OCLC Number 2260094 ISSN Number 0163-3082 Related Titles The Jeffersonian (West Chester [Pa.]) 1855 to 1910 Sunday Local News (West Chester, Pa.) 1986-Current LCCN Permalink Additional Metadata Formats MARCXML Record MODS Record Dublin Core Record (3 microfilm rolls) (LRGP 14), Marriage License Dockets, 1885-1916. 4 rolls (LRGP 157). (1 microfilm roll) (LC 70), Death Registers, 1893-1905. Sheriff's and Treasurer's Deeds, 1827-1836. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Orphans' Court Dockets, 1817-1868. 3 rolls. 3 rolls. Index to Deeds, Grantees, 1813-1932. (LR446), Revolutionary War Oaths of Service, 1820-1825. (3 microfilm rolls), Land Surveys, 1801-1906. (1 microfilm roll, partial). (7 microfilm rolls), Index to Orphans' Court Dockets, 1804-1952. 1904-1909, 1904-1922, 1916-1920. 5 rolls. (2 microfilm rolls), Minute Books, Board of Relief, 1861-1865. 7 rolls. 103 rolls (LC 1). 26 rolls. Delayed Birth Records, 1941-1968, 1970-1971 (Births, 1865-1907) 3 rolls. 2 rolls. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 444), Declarations of Intention, 1874-1929. as a "no-executive" type. (1 microfilm roll), Orphans' Court Dockets, 1857-1886. 2 rolls. Index to Deeds, Grantees, 1787-1907. (1 microfilm roll), Election Returns, 1784-1785, 1789, 1792-1811, 1813-1825, 1827, 1831-1835, Index to Delayed Birth Certificates, 1941-1971. (Greenville, Pa.) 1876-1877, Greenville: Greenville Argus. Orphans' Court Dockets, 1784-1866. (LR 169), Tax Records, 1785-1882. (LR 163, LR 194, LR 218), Election Dockets, 1839-1936. Administrators' and Executors' Accounts, 1850-1871. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Register's Docket, 1805-1881. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Stallion Registers, 1894-1934. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LC 3), Borough of Reading Minute Book, 1836-1847. (2 microfilm rolls) (LRGP 127), Bridge Papers, 1800-1981. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Declarations of Intention, 1849-1951. - (LDS), Revolutionary War Pensions, 1820-1834. 7 rolls. 3 rolls. (Sandy Lake, Mercer Co., Pa.) 1902-1962, Sandy Lake: Sandy Lake News. (LRGP 137), Road Files, 1865-1881. 2 rolls. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Judicial Sales Bonds, 1870, 1872. 1 roll. 3 rolls. Executors' and Administration Accounts, 1850-1912. 10 rolls. Court of Quarter Sessions/Court of Oyer and Terminer Records, This page has been viewed 54,523 times (2,283 via redirect). member board of county commissioners. (LR446), Sheriff's Book, 1831-1860. 2 rolls. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Optometrist Register, 1918-1967. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Bridge Dockets, 1847-1981. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 526), Commissioners' Sales Book, 1949-1963. Western press and Mercer County gazette (DLC)sn 87080551. 17 rolls. 1 roll. United States--Pennsylvania--Mercer--Mercer, - Tax Assessment Records of Luzerne County, 1803-1842. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Naturalization Petitions Granted, 1929-1979. Records of COUNTY GOVERNMENTS, There are 67 counties in Pennsylvania including the consolidated city-county (1 microfilm roll, partial), Deed Books, 1813-1896. (LDS), Register of Births and Deaths, 1894-1895. 1 roll ( LRGP 139), Mortgagors Index, 1846-1935. Delayed Birth Registrations, 1956-1970 (Births, [ca. 4 rolls. counties. (1 microfilm roll), Widows' Appraisements, 1876-1953. (39 microfilm rolls) (LC 73), Road Dockets, 1721-1811. Orphans' Court Dockets, 1785-1903. WebSearch over 23175 newspaper titles from the largest collection of newspaper archives online. 1 roll. (4 microfilm rolls), Index to Miscellaneous Records, 1790-1932. Index to Death Records, 1853-1854, 1893-1906. Naturalization Docket, 1858-1906. (6 microfilm rolls), Applications for Burial of Deceased Soldiers, 1885-1920. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Appointments and Depositions, 1807-1842. Oyer and Terminer Dockets, 1896-1956. (LC 53), Sheriffs Deed Books, 1850-1899. (6 microfilm rolls), Treasurer's Deed Book, 1878-1904. ( LRGP 139), Prison Registers, 1922-1990. 18 (July 3, 1811). 33 rolls. 1 roll. (8 microfilm rolls), Mortgages, 1782-1821. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 526), Minute Books, 1824-1881, 1924-2002. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners, 1813-1831, 1843-1894. [7][6] (LC-16), Burial File of the Office of Veterans Affairs, [ca. Additional Pennsylvania Sources (1 microfilm roll) (LC 46), Naturalization Papers, 1879-1906. (18 microfilm rolls) (LRGP 17), Venango County Deeds, 1810-1841. 15 rolls. Naturalization Records, 1802-1929. (46 microfilm rolls), Index to Marriage License Dockets, 1885-1925. Orphans' Court Dockets, 1843-1866. 3 rolls (LRGP 153), Oyer and Terminer Dockets, 1873-1964. 10 rolls. - 5 rolls. (LR 400), Poor House Auditor's Report, 1829-1830. The county One of the three original counties created by William Penn in 1682. 8 rolls. Estate Papers, 1932-1946. (LRGP118), Death Registers, 1893-1907. Wills and Administrations, 1813-1921. (LDS), Marriage License Index, 1885-1973. (1 microfilm roll) (LR 367), Tax Lists, 1782-1863. functions by law. Index to Deeds, Grantors, 1820-1950. counties. controller or three auditors and the treasurer who are county finance officers. The county seat 3 rolls. 3 rolls. 1 roll. (12 microfilm rolls), Ordinance Book, 1994-2003. 3 rolls. 1 roll. Index to Deeds, Grantors, 1813-1932. 1 roll. (5 microfilm rolls), Index to Estate Files, 1804-1926. Historical Newspapers 1 roll ( LR 515), Optometrist Register, 1918-1961. Minutes of the Board of Directors of the Poor, 1845-1918. 11 rolls. (14 microfilm rolls), Orphans' Court Dockets, 1789-1905. of Wills and Clerk of the Orphans' Court. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Reports of Coroner's Inquests, 1875-1919. 1 roll. These records are filed with the Recorder of Deeds office in Mercer, Pennsylvania. elected officials to a large extent independent of the county commissioners. 1 roll. (12 microfilm rolls) (LR 114, 228, 563), Record of Prisoners, 1899-1931. 2 rolls. (LRGP 38), Automobile/Motor Vehicle Register, 1903-1905. 8, 1812 issue. 3 rolls. (Mercer, Pa.) 1850-1840s, Mercer: Mercer County Dispatch. 1 roll. 5 rolls. For online resources, passenger lists, and specific groups coming to Pennsylvania, see Pennsylvania Emigration and Immigration. (1 microfilm roll) (LR 347), Institution District Board Minute Books, 1938-1961. 1 roll. Marriage License Dockets, 1901-1916. 12 rolls. (LRGP44), Quarter Session Cost Dockets, 1918-1965. (LC99). CD-ROM version of: Delaware County American; Panel title. Delayed Birth Records, 1941-1963 (Births, 1873-1906) 3 rolls. Marriage License Dockets, 1885-1906. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Repatriations, 1941-1946. (53 microfilm rolls), Index to Deeds, Grantees, 1771-1950. In our show we will discuss everything from sports, pop culture, politics, and local news. 1 roll (LC 107), County Statements, 1843-1883. 5 rolls. (LDS). Widows' Appraisements, 1855-1961. (1 microfilm roll) (LC 3), County Loans, 1882-1901. Paxton, West Hanover, Lower Paxton, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Bethel, Londonderry, 1 roll. (LRGP95), Oyer and Terminer Docket "A" to Trial Docket, 1914. jurisdiction of one of them. 1940-1970. (3 microfilm rolls) (LR 444), Treasurer's Receipts, 1807-1871. WebThe Mercer County Historical Society is on South Pitt Street in Mercer, Pa., 16137. Listed below are archives in Mercer County. 139), Description of Real Estate and Mortgage Due, 1896-1908. 1 roll ( LRGP 139), Poor Directors and Poor Auditors Elections, 1877-1910. Index to Mortgages, Mortgagees, 1752-1922. Searching for Death Information: Tips on finding death certificates and obituaries. county seat is Lock Haven. Western press 3 rolls (LC95), Poor House Admission Books, 1913-1951. 11 rolls. (Sharon, Pa.) 1909-1970, Sharon: Sharon Record. Delayed Birth Records, 1941-1968 (Births, 1869-1906) 9 rolls. (Mercer, Pa.) 1811-1827, Mercer: Western Press. (5 microfilm rolls), Marriage License Dockets, 1885-1909. The county seat is Wellsboro. 4 rolls. Index to Death Affidavits, 1874-1950. (2 microfilm rolls) (LR 151), Minute Books, 1807-1975. (1 microfilm roll), Index to Declarations of Intention, 1840-1928. 1 roll ( LRGP 139), Official Election Returns, 1892. Registration of Dentist Diplomas [No. (LC 53), Executors and Administrative Accounts Dockets, 1850-1966. (Sharon, Pa.) 1892-1896, Sharon: Sharon Star. rolls. Online Naturalization Indexes and Records. (4 microfilm rolls), Tax Records, 1785-1859. The designation LC is used to indicate that the Archives (LC 6), FI. Notarial Docket of George Caruthers [No. Box 598 Camp Hill, PA 17001-0598 (717) 975-4859 City of Hermitage Directory of Hermitage city records and information 800 North Hermitage Road Hermitage, Pennsylvania 16148 Phone: 724-981-0800 City of Hermitage Fire Department Fire services information Emergency: Dial 911 2511 Highland Road 1 roll. newspapers, p. 880. (2 microfilm rolls), Index to Deeds, Grantors, 1800-1937. 2 rolls ( LRGP 139), Sales Book, 1894-1942. Record of Indigent Deceased Soldiers and Sailors [No. (LC-53), Adsectum dockets, 1814-1915. National News. 4 rolls. 1 roll. (LDS). 2 rolls. 5 rolls. (LRGP 35), Index to Wills and Administrations, 1785-1946. 5 rolls. Farrell: Farrell News. 5 rolls. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Registration of Deaths Index, 1852-1855, 1874-1881. Delayed Registration of Births, 1941-1978. 2 rolls. (LRGP 49). WebMercer County Newspapers and Obituaries. (2 microfilm rolls), Register of Births, 1893-1905. (1 microfilm roll) (LRGP 34), Index to Deeds, Grantees, 1800-1925. (LR 173), Property Tax Assessment Records, 1836-1959. Marriage Indexes, 1890-1970. Register of Physicians and Surgeons, 1881-1955. Created on September 26, 1783, from a part of Westmoreland County. Birth Records, 1853-1854, 1893-1908. Original Dockets, 1804-1916. 1 roll ( LRGP 139), Common Pleas Docket, 1943-1955. To stay up to date on our latest episodes every week be sure to follow us on Miscellaneous Dockets and Related Maps, 1851-1985. 24 rolls. 2 rolls. Veterinary Registers [No. (LRGP97), Repatriations Docket and Miscellaneous, undated. Burial Dockets of the Office of Veterans Affairs, Veterans, 1885-1977; Veterans' 1807: Londonderry, Heidelberg, Derry, Upper (LC34, LC341, LR397, LR389), Optometry Register, 1918-1975. Index to Treasurer's Tax Sales, 1814-1855. (LC77), Estate Documents, 1795-1882. 1 roll. LR is used to indicate the fact that the State Archives created or owns (LR446), Subpoena Docket, 1804-1817. 3 rolls. Patents. Petitions for Naturalization, 1795-1990. 1 Negro Register, 1782-1851 (bulk 1782-1820), Mortgage Books, 1924-1944. Created on March 11, 1839, from parts of Venango and Armstrong Counties. (Greenville, Pa.) 1887-1917, Greenville: Advance. According to court (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 444), Constable Bonds, 1806-1843. Birth, Marriage, Death Records, and Indices, 1852-1855. System requirements: IBM-PC compatible, 286-12 mhz. Created on March 26, 1804, from parts of Huntingdon and Somerset counties. (6 microfilm rolls), Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners, and Accounts, 1755-1783. Vital records are handled by the County Orphans' Court. (1 microfilm roll) (LR 165), Dental Hygienist Register, 1930-1934. 1 roll. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 212), Dog Register, 1881-1907. [Session Expense] Ledger, 1903-1912. (23 microfilm rolls), Appearance Papers, 1851-1905. WebPennsylvania Newspaper Archive. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Midwives Register, 1914-1937. Optometry and Osteopathic Certificates (receipt stubs for certificates issued), 7 rolls. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Stallion Registers, 1894-1904, 1908-1939. 5 rolls. roll. Index to Deeds, Grantees, 1806-1972. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Old Miscellaneous Files, 1785-1898. (98 microfilm rolls), Transcript of Orphans' Court Records, 1772-1814. Death Registers, 1893-1908. 3 rolls. 11 rolls (LR548), Civil War Destitute Veterans Burial Records, 1885-1901. (LR 227, LR 264, LR 332), Index to Naturalization Records, 1906-1959. 22 rolls. 7 rolls. Index to Marriage Licenses, 1885-1919. 15 rolls. The county seat is Emporium. (3 microfilm rolls) (LC 3), Land Appraised, 1836-1859. 4 rolls. 2 rolls. (LC 53), Mechanics Lien Dockets, 1836-1967. 1 roll. (3 microfilm rolls), Marriage License Dockets, 1885-1906. Index to Deeds, Grantors, 1789-1914. Created on March 12, 1800, from parts of Allegheny and Washington counties. 1 roll. The county seat is Ebensburg. 1 roll. 4 rolls. Index to Deeds, Grantors, 1787-1907. 1950, Pennsylvania Mortality Schedules, 1850-1880, Pennsylvania, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Congregational Records, 1620-1991, Pennsylvania, Church and Town Records, 1708-1985, Register of Persons Naturalized, 1813-1825, Sharon, Pennsylvania, City Directory, 1919, Pennsylvania Landing Reports of Aliens, 1798-1828, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Case Files of Chinese Immigrants, 1900-1923, Pennsylvania, Crew Lists arriving at Erie, 1952-1957, FS Library film 878941 (first of 70 films), FS Library film 889538 (first of 17 films), Pennsylvania, Register of Military Volunteers, 1861-1865, Pennsylvania, Grand Army of the Republic Membership Records, 1865-1936, Pennsylvania, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, World War II Casualty Cards, 1933-1947, Pennsylvania, Eastern District Petitions for Naturalization, 1795-1931, Pennsylvania, Eastern District Naturalization Indexes, 1795-1952, Index to Declarations and Petitions in the Western District of Pennsylvania, US Circuit and District Courts, Naturalization Petitions of the U.S. District Court, 1820-1930, and Circuit Court, 1820-1911, for the Western District of Pennsylvania. 1700-ca. Records. 1865-1873, 1889, 1894, 1904-1923. (LRGP75), Facts for Petition for Naturalization, 1908-1935. 1 roll. 1 roll. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LC 104), Minutes, 1793, 1809-1819, 1822-1825. Maps: New Channel of Paxton Creek, June 1876. 1907 The Second Mercer County Courthouse, built in 1866, was destroyed by fire in December 15, 1907. (LRGP50), Naturalization Petitions, 1906-1938. (10 microfilm rolls), Index to Mortgages, Mortgagors, 1811-1972. (LDS). Tax Assessments and Returns of Schuylkill County, 1811-1850. (LC 6), Execution Papers, 1843-1867. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Marriage License Dockets, 1885-1906. 3 rolls. Delayed Birth Certificates, 1941-1963 (Births, 1867-1905) 11 rolls. 9 rolls. (20 microfilm rolls), Register of Aldermen and Justices of the Peace, 1877-1891. (11 microfilm rolls), Administration Bonds, 1815-1851. (Mercer, Pa.) 1829-1865, Mercer: Western Press. (3 microfilm rolls), Index to Mortgages, Mortgagors, 1805-1943. 1 roll. Created on March 9, 1771, from a part of Cumberland County. Index to Orphans' Court and Register's Dockets, 1839-1974. 10 rolls (LRGP 165), City Treasurers Deed Books, 1 roll (LRGP 164). (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 444), Tax Duplicates, Cranberry Township, 1822-1848. 3 rolls. Index to Decedents' Estates, 1852-1937. 5 rolls. 8 rolls. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 49a), Index to Wills, 1684-1939. [Map of the Borough of Mercer, Mercer County, Pennsylvania]. Coroner's Inquisition Dockets, 1890-1912. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Death Register, 1852-1855. Many early settler of German descent worshiped in the Lutheran church. Browse through our listing of Pennsylvania newspapers and access their online obituary archives. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Index to Deeds, Grantees, 1788-1904. 1 roll. Contact Mercer County Courthouse. (Sharon, Pa.) 1900s-1924, Sharon: Sharon Times. (LRGP95), Naturalization Dockets, [ca.1904-1929]. Index to Marriage Licenses, 1885-1919,1969-1995. (West Greenville [I.E. 6 rolls ( LRGP 2 rolls. (Grove City, Pa.) 1896-1926, Grove City: Grove City Telephone. 1 roll) (LRGP 139), Mortgagees Index, 1843-1935. (162 microfilm rolls), Court of Common Pleas Minute Books, 1815-1878. Subscription Database Access: My Heritage ~ Heritage Quest Civil War: Reports of Union Army Generals Contact: Martha and Google Archives for lookups in the Pittsburgh Gazette Naturalization Records, 1795-1992. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Physician Registers, 1881-1939. Marriage License Dockets, 1885-1906. (13 microfilm rolls), Alien Dockets, 1842-1906. (1 microfilm, partial) (LC 114), Oyer and Terminer Docket, 1877-1892. Index to Wills and Administrations, 1714-1994. 7 rolls. (LR 175), Minutes of the Board of Directors of the Poor, 1889-1900. A public defender is appointed as provided by law. (LR148), Medical Registers, 1881-1934. 2 rolls (LR 252), County Taxes, 1718-1800. (MG-262), Pennsylvania Militia Returns, 1809-1850. WebThe Pennsylvania Newspaper Archives on covers newspapers from a wide range of historical periods, including the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LC 3), County Bond Sales, 1822-1846. Counties maintain hospitals and homes for the aged. 21 rolls. 1880-1950]. (40 microfilm rolls), Record of Negro and Mulatto Slaves, 1780, 1798. 12 rolls. (7 microfilm rolls), Marriage License Dockets, 1885-1916. County Clerk has birth and death records 1893-1905, marriage records from 1885 and probate records from 1800 1 roll. (5 microfilm rolls), Index to Mortgages, Mortgagees, 1771-1963. Marriage Index, 1800s-1999 Ancestry. 1 roll. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Osteopathic Register, 1909-1929. Greene, Jefferson, Morgan, Morris, Richhill, and Whiteley Townships), 1804-1826 10 rolls. Index to Road and Bridge Records, undated. Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners, 1740-1746, 1756-1918. Naturalization Petitions and Declarations, 1800-1959. Orphans' Court Dockets, 1807-1867. (LRGP133), Coroner's Reports, 1837-1951. Estate Inventories, 1749-1854. 4 rolls. 2 rolls. Tax Assessments and Returns of Berks County (Norwegian 4 rolls. Circuit riders for the Methodist Episcopal faith established a congregation in Sharon as early as 1797. 1 roll. FamilySearch affiliate libraries may have access to center-only databases, but do not always have all services normally provided by a FamilySearch center. (LRGP 38), Stallion Register, 1908-1925. (LR445), List of Merchants, 1786-1857. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LC 3), Argument Lists, 1816-1825. (Mercer, Pa.) 1864-1865, Sandy Lake: Allied News The Lakeview Breeze. The county seat is Towanda. 2 rolls. (LDS). Tax Records of Northumberland County, 1780-1813. 6 rolls. 1 roll. (3 microfilm rolls), Index to Register's and Orphans' Court Records, 1832-1944. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 212), Medical Registers, 1881-1903, 1906, 1914, 1917-1920. (18049), Petitions of Insolvents, Trial Lists and Miscellaneous Court Records, (1 microfilm roll, partial), Naturalization Papers, 1841-1906. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Index to Marriage Register, 1852-1854. 3 rolls. Orphans' Court Dockets, 1851-1901. (Sharpsville, Pa.) 1870-1878, Stoneboro: Pennsylvania Times-Citizen. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Circuit Court Dockets, 1792-1809, 1826-1834. 5 rolls. 18 rolls. Administrators', Executors' and Guardians' Accounts, 1847-1900. Newspaper Advertisement: For Election of John J. Patterson, October 4, Church, Bible and Tombstone Records, by Charles Major. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Poor Children's Record of Berks County, 1839-1842. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 49a), Road and Bridge Dockets, 1721-1964. (8 microfilm rolls), Deed Books, 1819-1866. (LC74), Records of Naturalizations, 1798-1860, 1887-1906. Index to Marriage License Dockets, Male, 1885-1936. 1 roll. seat is Bloomsburg. (Sharon, Pa.) 1880s-1896, Sharpsville: Advertiser. Criminal Records of the Molly Maguires, 1876. Index to Orphans' Court Dockets, 1716-1968. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 444), Borough, Township and School District Dockets, 1883-1996. (Mercer, Pa.) 1866-1919, Mercer: Whig and Dispatch. 2 rolls. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 444), List of County Commissioners, 1803-1841. 5 rolls. Index to Deeds, Grantors, 1798-1941. Tavern License Petitions and Index, 1700-1800. 6 rolls. Tax Assessment Records, 1788-1902. (LR 215), Affidavits of Registered Physicians, 1869-1898. (Grove City, Pa.) 1882-1896, Grove City: Mercer County Herald. (LR 168). (11 microfilm rolls) (LRGP 70), Naturalization Papers, 1798-1873. (LC 53), Court of Common Pleas Accounts Auditors Reports, 1850-1960. Orphans' Court Dockets, 1797-1867. (11 microfilm rolls), Index to Mortgages, Mortgagees, 1811-1972. 1907-1909. 3 rolls. (1 microfilm roll) (LR 150), Minute Book of the Salary Board, 1911-1945. (LR445), List of Poor Children, 1829. 1 roll (LRGP 149), Delayed Birth Records, 1861-1906. (LRGP67 and other), Estate Indexes, 1801-1974. 1 roll. 2 rolls. the Archives, are followed by a local records project number. 15 rolls. E. Paul Weaver's Church of the Brethren Records, 1938-2007 Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center. (LR 195), Returns for Negro and Mulatto Slaves, 1780-1781, 1788-1811, 1813-1821, 1824-1826, (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LC 3), Bridge Books, 1837-1874. (6 microfilm rolls), Index to Delayed Birth Certificates, 1941-1971. (61 microfilm rolls), Treasurer's Accounts, 1747-1796. 1 roll ( LRGP 139), Land Purchased by Commissioners, 1881-1950. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Men Expired, 1864-1975. (LC 53), Equity Dockets, 1856-1964. 2 rolls. (Jamestown, Mercer Co., Pa.) 1873-1879, Mercer: Allied News the Mercer Dispatch. (5 microfilm rolls), Quarter Sessions Papers, 1843-1905. Immigration Ledger, 1817-1827. The following are the most historically and genealogically relevant populated places in this county:[11]. Death Register, 1893-1905. is Erie. (Sharon, Mercer Co., Pa.) 1868-1880, Sharon: Sharon Weekly Telegraph. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 444), Taxable Inhabitants Lists, 1807-1842, 1848. 1773-1833. 1 roll. 5 rolls. 1 roll. 4 rolls. (Record of Indentures), 1872-1906. 1 roll (LC97), Court Records Docket and Court Records Docket Transcript including Road (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LC 3), Borough of Reading Ordinance Book, 1831. 1 roll, Delayed Birth Certificates, 1941-1971. (LC30), Election Dockets, 1839-1936. This page was last edited on 10 April 2023, at 11:11. Index to Orphans' Court Dockets, 1781-1952. 2 rolls. (1 microfilm roll), Tax Assessment Records, 1823-1827. Marriage Records, Marriage Certificates, Family Trees, and Birth and Death Tax Assessment Records, 1791-1848. WebWeekly Began in 1825; ceased in 1827. The Mercer County Genealogical Society has an online obituary index. ( LRGP123 (17 microfilm rolls), Index to Deeds, Grantees, 1819-1897. 1 roll. (LRGP 38), Osteopathic Register, 1909-1948. Due to contractual agreements, some images and/or databases on may only be viewed at a FamilySearch Center or FamilySearch Affiliate Library. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Veterinarian Register, 1889-1893. (1 microfilm roll, partial) (LR 444), Tax Duplicates, Fairview Township, 1847-1863. 19 rolls. Columbia Borough Disease, Birth and Death Register, 1893-1905, 1908. 1857-1886]. Orphans' Court Dockets, 1825-1868. Naturalization Records, Alien Dockets, 1802-1906. 1 roll. 3 rolls. Estate Papers, 1784-1822. WorldCat, Advance Argus (1887 - 1912) Newspaper Archive, Greenville Advance (1871 - 1876) Newspaper Archive, Greenville Advance Argus (1878 - 1887) Newspaper Archive, Greenville Argus (1869 - 1874) Newspaper Archive, Greenville Evening Record (1897 - 1923) Newspaper Archive, Greenville News (1897 - 1899) Newspaper Archive, Greenville Shenango Valley Argus (1874 - 1877) Newspaper Archive, Shenango Valley News (1882 - 1897) Newspaper Archive, Shenango Valley News 1882-1896, Allied News 05/08/2007 to Current Genealogy Bank, Mercer Dispatch Newspaper 1910-1912 Power Library, Herald 11/15/2007 to Current Genealogy Bank, Obits: Sep-Dec 1997, Mentioned in The Herald, Sharon US Gen Web Archives, Good Hope Church : Lutheran and Reformed : West Salem Township, Mercer County, Pennsylvania : parish records, 1805-1861 WorldCat. Index to Deeds, Grantors, 1752-1926. 55 rolls. (Grove City, Pa.) 1921-1926, Grove City: Grove City Reporter-Herald. (9 microfilm rolls), Will Books, 1789-1917. 5 rolls. (14 microfilm rolls). Miscellaneous Dockets, 1863-1948. For general information about Pennsylvania denominations, see Pennsylvania Church Records. - 1 roll. 5 rolls. Index to Deeds, Grantees, 1785-1963. (2 microfilm rolls), Circuit Court Trial Lists, 1800-1804, 1834. (4 microfilm rolls), Index to Deeds, Grantors, 1806-1946. (1 microfilm roll, partial), Index to Miscellaneous Deeds, Grantees, 1790-1877. Marriage License Dockets, 1885-1907. (LRGP 39), Naturalization Records, Alien Papers, 1802-1906. 9 rolls. (4 microfilm rolls), Orphans' Court Dockets, 1844-1866. Index to Orphans' Court Dockets, 1803-1970. Index to Deeds, Grantees, 1842-1916. 1 roll (LR 316), Veterinary Surgeon Register, 1889-1904. 1833. Delayed Birth Records, 1941-1952. (1 microfilm roll) (LR 444), Tax Duplicates, Butler Borough, 1821-1845. Index to Deeds, Grantees, 1683-1851. Yale Daily News (1878-1981) Not yet comprehensive. 1 roll ( LRGP 139), Treasurer's Office Expense Ledgers, 1858-1884. Quarter Session Dockets, 1950-1959. (LRGP 38), Dental Hygienist Register, 1932. FamilySearch Center and Affiliate Library Locator map- search for local FamilySearch Centers or Affiliate Libraries 1. (LC34, LC31, LR341), Index to Naturalization Records, 1790-1990. 12 rolls. 8 rolls (LRGP 166), Declarations of Intention, 1845-1906. (LDS), Grantee Indexes, 1843-1934. Created on September 24, 1788, from parts of Westmoreland and Washington 1 roll. Dental Hygienist Register [No.