We remember you always. "The holiest of holidays are those kept by ourselves in silence and apart. That provides some solace, but I am lonely and sad sometimes and just keep going. A year ago today the family met to celebrate my husband's 85th birthday. We decided to sell our house to travel. The nights are just the hardest. My heart aches for him every day, and I am so tired of hearing it gets better with time! It feels like yesterday. You are young and you will find love again. I still cry some days and I miss him. He walked just to the door and died. This lemonade stand is closed. I miss him so much, and so much is on me. Her response was you need to talk to the director in the morning. He had heart attack and 4 strokes. Bless all of you. It is a very lonely position, and I miss him so much; I think I can know how your grief hits you. I can't stay in my house because it is so empty without him. He was only 65 and healthy. I pray he is with me and our 3 kids in spirit. I was hurt and devastated. I miss him so much. I keep hoping they will get easier, but they don't. Oh why, why, why, I keep asking. These messages of love are making me appreciate my loving husband more, and for that I thank ALL of you! I'm trying to deal with this minute by minute and second by second. The pain and loneliness just get easier to carry. I really have no desire to go on. I have no pain in leaving. He would be so proud of our children, they are kind, loving, helpful and just plain wonderful. Resting, watching the news. As he had been fighting a cold for two weeks he agreed. Suicidal thoughts come and go, but my religion tells me that it's not right, that I won't meet up with him should I die this way. I wish you God's peace. I am sad and full of tears. My kids are going to be too young to remember their daddy, but I just don't want to be here without him. This was three years ago and still feels like yesterday. He was killed while at work. My faith in God and loving family and friends are faithful in their support, and I am grateful, but nothing at this time removes or lessens my grief. I feel totally lost, hurt and sad. He did everything for me. I too lost my fianc on 4/13/2017, so suddenly and tragically. His words echo in my mind, and I feel like his wisdom resonates in my heart. I prayed to God to give me the strength to get stronger to show them to pray and never give up hope. You love him, yet he's not around. Her words helped make me feel not alone in my feelings as I approach the second anniversary of my beloved, Lou on 8-2-16. I awoke to what I thought was him snoring but quickly realized something was horribly wrong. I am devastated. It's all a bad dream. He was not just my husband but best friend too. As most of you have said no one, absolutely no one understands the pain I or any of us feel This is complete misery. His GI doctor gave him orders for a gallbladder ultrasound. He was diagnosed in February 2017 and told in January 2018 that all avenues of treatment had been exhausted. You cannot stop thinking about them, and the world seems upside down without them. Eventually we ended up in the hospital. Each day I am certain he is with me . It was a heart aneurysm. May you and your children find strength! I couldn't control my sadness. My husband died on May 8, 2017. Can you go into infinity percent, maybe that would be it? He is, and your husband is also. I am coming up on a 5 year mark when I lost my husband. I will keep my husband always in my heart. It would have been our 13th anniversary on Sept 9th. Does life go on? I am afraid I can never love anyone again. Nothing makes me happy because my love is not here with me! <3 Reply by Mcgeorge Bsure 4 years ago We had been married 50 years and together 56 years--since we were 15 years old. He was just starting his vacation for a week. Get out of here. I work because I have no other choice, but everyone says I look terrible. I do have a great support team, but it just doesn't seem right. My heart is broken into a million tiny pieces. He never was responsive after the surgery. I feel like I can really feel my heart crying. We were making new memories. I miss my love of 42 years so much. To my immediate right 40 feet away, my husband laid face down not moving his legs crushedhe died instantly. I cry constantly, and the pain is like someone just turned my stomach inside out and ripped my heart out. We were never apart for more than a few days the entire 22 years. I can't seem to move past why this happened to such a beautiful soul. Memories is what is left. Helps to read the feelings others have and are experiencing. I lost my husband just 2 days ago. I feel like a boat left to ride the waves and weather the storm. He cared enough to try hard. We were so happy. We have been together 19 years. He was the funniest guy ever. He was someone who truly loved me and my daughter. My whole being aches; I am consumed with thoughts of our life. There are times I feel a little better, but I start driving to the store and suddenly I'm crying so loud, wishing he was with me! Ty thoughts are with you. This poem hits home that I miss him the most at night cause in the daytime our kids are with me and grandchildren keep me busy, but at night no one is here. To say I am devastated is not even 100% of how I feel. He was not my husband - very weak, frail, his emotional state was very bad. My life is so lonely without him. I decided to try writing something out, and I would love to know what you think. I try to smile & put on a "happy" face for the world. He was my rock, my everything. It's not the easiest thing, but I am determined that I will live and not die. Thank you for the poem! We were together for 14 years since I was 15. The empty house is the worst. My life is so empty now. The person we made all of our decisions with and the person who shared in the outcome of our days and our lives. It's been such a long time. I have lost my life.my future and my love. I am sad, depressed, angry, regret, devastated, miserable. We married in 1952. I still need him! Don't feel guilty that you have life, Life that was denied to me, Heaven is truly beautiful, just you wait and see! Heartache. I wish you were here today, my love. We have two children. Can one really make lemonade out of the lemon of losing a husband? I miss him a lot. PLEASE take care of yourself, and do NOT think about taking your life in order to be with your husband! I need to talk about my husband with someone who listens without judgement of how much I miss him. I know that someday, we shall meet again. I miss how you would sing to me at night. When the sun pokes out its head, I, too, lost my husband 7 weeks ago from an accident. I really miss my husband and his presence. My husband passed away 4 months ago on his way back from business trip. Miss him putting his arms around me when we went to sleep. There are many ways to be sad. Now I dread each day. He showed me how to be a better person, father, partner and lover. I miss him so much, and I cannot come to terms with his death. I lost my husband 8 months ago, and this is how I feel. Even that doesn't sound strong or terrible enough to describe how I feel. am trying to be strong and move on but it is hard. He was smart, handsome, caring and loved everyone. My true love, the only person that ever felt like home is gone. Without a clue, My husband, Johnny passed on November 2007. My grief is so raw. She had 10 radiation treatments and only 1 chemo because after the first chemo treatment she came home and collapsed, so we had to bring her back to the cancer institute. I lost the one person who truly cared about me and our children. Common Mistakes: the word "i" should be capitalized, "u" is not a word, and "im" is spelled "I'm" or "I am". God bless you. I see you wish the days away, begging to have me home, So I try and send you signs, so you know you're not alone. You decide the best way for yourselfno one else. Blessings to all. today even if it's just for the day. I lost my husband of 19 years on 10/15/16 at 9:27 AM. I am so sorry for your loss. It's so hard looking at my children, and seeing him makes me feel good. There are days that I feel i can do this, but then there are days where I feel like I don't want to. I'm so lost and angry, and I feel like I might be losing my mind, and more than anything else I feel like I need to be a better person for my babies. I feel so lost. Before two days were up my darling was gone. He told me he was ready and he knew the way, that's when I told him it's ok now you can go. My Lost Love By My fears, remembering the night, reaching for him. I'm 17, going on 18 in January. I literally thought I must be dreaming. My husband went home nearly 3 weeks ago. On Dec.1 2016, I lost my best friend of 34 years. But my heart physically hurts at times from the pain. He loved and cherished us; we loved and cherished him and still do. I know the despair. Being a young girl of 19 years old when I met my husband, it's the only life I know and miss beyond belief. Why he didn't fight harder? We have 4 beautiful children and 4 beautiful grandchildren together. Three months after my husband passed away, (March 27, 2016) our cocker spaniel passed away as well. But there are days that I feel so lost and alone. But your post was beautiful and a positive way to look at each day. A few days before he passed away, he smiled at us and that was when he had his last stroke and went into a vegetative state. I do still feel truly empty, lost, and I can't stop my tears in the public or with my friends. My fiance passed just 3 weeks ago. It will take a long time before anything will come about. Everyone says I can do it and be strong, but I am weak. I have three and they are so young. I found him 30 minutes later. They did a CT of the chest and found stage 4 lung cancer. I did CPR until the rescue arrived, screaming his name, begging him not to leave me, but we never got him back. The date of their death is bittersweet as it was the anniversary of our first date. Ashley, I'm so sorry for your loss. I demanded a bed with rails right away or I was signing him out of that place! In May, they said it started in his esophagus. We had a good, solid marriage. It hurts so much, I know, but I am also trying to be strong. Then I'd had enough of seeing him suffer. It has been 5 months and 14 days since I have seen his beautiful face, but yet it feels like yesterday that I saw his beautiful face. Life moves on and basically drags you with it leaving you still trying to compute the harsh reality. We had been married 63 years and 8 months. He stole my heart. 4. I know he was taken up the Heaven by an Angel. I have found there is no bargaining with the past and accepted that life and death are random. Published by Family Friend Poems May 2011 with permission of the author. Before I met him I thought I wasn't having any more kids, so I had my tubes tide. Now it's November and Thanksgiving was closing in. I keep hoping and praying I'll wake up from this terrible week and a half dream, but it is never ending. He is the love of my life. I'm not really sure how to feel or act. I am in the heaven that you dream of. My husband passed away three months ago very unexpectedly. Our two children who need me to make them feel safe are the only thing that keep me going every day, but there's still a huge piece of me that I feel like I'll never get back. I dream of him. I don't like it when people refer to him as was. My husband died almost a year ago and my boys are only teenagers. I had to say goodbye to my Jerry on January 14, 2018. It's only been 60 days since his life and most of mine ended. He is in the rays of light each day, he hears me talk to him, he checks on me . No one seems to understand. I am not sure that is true. He had a stroke in the night. I was missing my husband, and I knew he was not coming back, so I decided I shall live and not die. How the hell can you say that? He loved them before he even met them. I go over the whole scene in my head a lot. He was very active. I cry my silent tears. He died 48 hours later from a PE. I feel like you are the only one who can understand what Im going through. No one else ever gave me that. Here I am with our son at the age of 12 when his father passed away and not understanding how this can happen. I just don't want to believe that I'll never see him walk through the door again. This is the third anniversary that he has been absent. some say you will get over it, well if you haven't lost a loved one close to you, you will never get over it. He passed one week after bringing him home. I miss him so much, but I know he would want me to be strong for our children and grandchildren. No, I am not happy with God either. I miss fixing his lunch. He could only sit reclined on the couch anymore, so I was sitting next to him while he slept. Sadly missed along life's way, quietly remembered every day. I feel for you. I never left him one night while he was there. I function and get through the day, but I am sad to the bones. I miss him so bad. They did wear any masks. I knew from the moment he introduced himself on our first date, that this was the man I was going to marry. I cannot believe the agony and sadness of losing a spouse. "Afterglow" by Helen Lowrie Marshall. wanting you and needing you. I cry my silent tears. No chance to say goodbye. 5. Widow is a lonely harsh title that I never wanted. My pulse plunges. He was not particularly religious but led an honest, righteous, LOVING life. This continues to be true. We were fortunate to have found each other, and I know that I was the love of his life. Our life together was still so full of promise and dreams of things to come. I am blessed, thankful to have had him for so long. We were happy, we were a complete family who overcame struggles from our pasts, cancer scares, alcohol and more, yet this happens. Mostly for my four children. Close your eyes and remember his loving look he gave you or remember his little kisses and you will feel him. I know that because he said, "If I ever leave, a piece of me that lives in you should blossom. I can't fix this. My family is here now but soon will return to their own homes. I lost my husband of 43 years to aortic stenosis. I didn't have my husband, so I would go to him. I begged God to let me go with him. But when darkness falls Hugs to you. I certainly didn't know what to do, the nurse's came in and gave him some Morphine. Just please know you're not alone and I'll be sending love and prayers to you. Screaming desperately, I called 911 and sent my children to get my neighbor. He was my everything. My husband of 46 years passed away unexpectedly one month ago. He had lost his wife around the same time I lost my husband. They gave him pain medicine for the shoulder and it went away. I miss him so much you see he was the love of my life and a great father and the best papa that ever lived it would have been 35 years on March 31 and now I have nothing but memory to comfort me at night. He lifted a concrete slab to the septics and tore his aorta all the way down. In a month we found out he had stage 4 bladder and bone cancer. He had been riding bikes since he was 3. I, too, can't understand that he won't be coming to bed or coming home, ever again. I'm always thinking what went wrong because he had only been sick for a month. Then onto the 50th with an outside shot at 60 I always said before we got totally robbed. I know God is near, and I continually pray to feel his presence to get me through step by step. Our children needed him, I needed him, all we have is each other. People don't really understand the bond between a husband and wife. The minute I received the call at work from his work I just knew in my heart that I would never see him again. He was most of my life, so now I am just this empty shell. Don't know how I am supposed to live without him. Taking one day at a time, often with tears streaming down my face even when I am remembering good memories. She was 12 & a half years old. We were married 27 years and together for 29 years. In his case, it was for safety. Watching the shadows We were married 21 years. It was a very aggressive cancer. The laughter has been silenced. I had 30 wonderful years with him. But we know nothing about life after death - only a hope that our souls live on, and so I hold on to that hope that we will meet our loved ones who have gone on before us. She was so looking forward to that. Tomorrow will be only two months, but it feels like a lifetime, forever. In the morning I will be in Mont Rose cemetery for his first anniversary in heaven. Honest quotes about grief: Tonight. I LET GO OF MY PAIN and let it consume me so deep so that I could start to heal. He was 53. But to lose your husband and your son my heart breaks for you. I cry all the time. I don't think I'll ever love anybody like I loved him!!! That will never happen, I am so in love with my husband and don't ever want that to change. He would have been 72 years old in August of this year. I'm lost, I'm broken. Katie, I lost my husband of 57 years also on November 7, 2016. He was so easy to talk to because we were going through the same thing. I lost my husband of 23 years 5 months ago - 10/27/18. I felt helpless, horrified, and devastated! We were together for twenty-five years. 3. It's been 19 days, and I die every day trying to make it through each day. We fell in love at first sight. What just happened? We rushed to the hospital, but when we arrived at the hospital doctor said there is no sign of life. I know we had amazing times and each day if I am lucky I will remember new ones. We were together for 41 years. A gift so I would know love. I didnt have the best childhood and I was bruised before I met him, but he just accepted me, through everything. I keep telling myself to just breathe and put one foot in front of the other. In December John became confused and disoriented. I need desperately to be in a good place for my babies. I need my husband back. Believe it or not, reading those letters, I didn't feel so alone. I refused to believe the doctors, but he died 18 days later. I fought to get my husband a bed with rails when he entered a long-term care facility his final weeks. When I read what you wrote it was strikingly similar to how I feel. We have gone through the many stages of grief together. 16) My stomach churns. My husband of 26 years had small cell lung cancer, and with chemo he lasted 9 months. I love her so much. I miss you so much! Hello Ms. Carter, I'm still trying to make since of this. Everyone says - give it time - I don't want time - I want him. I am completely lost without him, but knowing I will be reunited with him when God calls me home to be with him for eternity gives me some solace.
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