29, Santa Fe, and Chvez, New Mexico Roots, Ltd, 439. Was he a son of Diego de Trujillo and an Indian woman? Barnett, with the assistance of Alan Rose, I.D. WebWe'll also look at the race and ethnic origin of people in the United States who are named Moreno. 16, f. 7r, Informacin contra Gaspar Prez). It could also be a habitational name for someone from one of several places named Garza. The approximately 750,000 Jews living in Spain in the year 1492 were banished from the country by royal decree of Ferdinand and Isabella. In this marriage record, Alonso's parents were named as "Franco de truxillo Villavicencio" and "Da Mariana de Salas Jorosco." 1665), declared she was a vecina of El Paso and the widow of Francisco de Torres,a soldier and squadron leader of the presidio in El Paso. See DM 1692, January 18, Isleta del Sur, for Diego Trujillo and Catalina Griego, in Fray Anglico Chvez, New Mexico Roots, Ltd: An Addendum, in. England). The Jews of Jamaica, by Richard D. Barnett and Philip Wright.Oron Yoffe, Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem, 1997. Juan Trujillo was identified as being deceased by September 23, 1722, when his son, Juan Trujillo, sought to marry Gregoria Chirinos, see AASF, Roll 61, DM 1722, September 23, no. 9, Santa Fe, and Chvez, New Mexico Roots, Ltd., 1929. of El Paso and the widow of Francisco de Torres,a soldier and squadron leader of the presidio in El Paso. The name was also borne by Sefardic Jews, probably of the same origin as the Spanish and Portugese names. The outward image their leaders sought to cultivate may have been one of Sephardi traditionalism, but, at an emotional level, members of these communities continued to regard themselves as members of the naoa term that evoked the Converso past. DistantCousin.com Garza Genealogy & Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Garza. Diego de Trujillo, an espaol and a native of Mexico City born circa 1612-1613, was living in New Mexico by 1631. The register gives us dates for the burials in the "Bethahaim Velho" or Old Cemetery. Pere Bonnin, a philosopher, journalist and writer from Sa Pobla (Mallorca), a descendant of converted Jews, settles with this work a debt "owed to his ancestors", in his own words. Her son, Diego Trujillo, identified her as a native of New Mexico. Gender Masculine. To be sure, once the Portuguese ex-Conversos organized in Jewish communities, their leaders made efforts to reconnect with the wider Sephardi world, and these efforts had serious symbolic and strategic value. Moreno was a significant surname in medieval Christian kingdoms of Spain. This information indicates that Trujillo had a second daughter whose name is not known at this time, but who was the wife of Antonio de Carbajal. WebFind the origin of a last name. As diverse as the colors of a vibrant sunset, cultural and religious affiliations associated with the Moreno last name can be traced back to various origins. 1648), see AASF, Roll 61, DM 1714, July 18, no. The dates are listed as per the Jewish calendar. In December 1692, Antonia Trujillo was a member of the household of Juan Trujillo and identified as his sister. 1, Spring 2011, 18-26, and additional notes in El Farolito, Vol. and a native of Mexico City born circa 1612-1613, was living in New Mexico by 1631. Early Settlers of Santa Cruz de la Caada, 1695-1715, Estrada (Godines, Garca de la Riva & Sandoval Martnez), Last Will and Testament of Elena Gallegos, Juan Montes Vigil Record of Passage, 1611, Testament de Manuel Jorge, June 7, 1655, San Jos del Parral. These are the earliest records we have of the Moreno family. This work explores why the Portuguese Jews of northern Europe never established a solid sense of belonging to the wider Sephardi diaspora. ETSI's worldwide base of authors publish articles identifying a broad spectrum of archival material of importance to the Sephardic genealogist. She teaches at the Genealogical Institute of Pittsburgh and the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. Powell, Kimberly. , Volume One (Cedar Rapids: The Torch Press, 1914), 141. , 49:3, December 2010, 192. In 17th-century New Mexico, there were two Trujillo families and it is not clear if they were related since there is not yet any documentation uncovered to confirm a relationship. The particular passage from Diego de Trujillo's claim that contains the information cited above reads: a su mujer y a su hixo el Capn Franco de truxillo y a dos yernos suyos que son el Capn Xptobal Vaca y anto de carbajal digo el Capn Andrs Hurtado y demando le cantd de ochocientos y sesenta y ocho pesos de reses y ugues mulas y cavallos y mil ocho piezas de Yndios Apaches. See AGN, Inquisicin, t. 735, ff. Dorward, David. WebThe Moreano family name was found in the USA in 1920. WebAll you have to know about the last name MORENO Last name frequency MORENO: This last name is indexed 447,753 times on Geneanet! Garza Surname Meaning and Origin. Discover the origin and the meanings of your name. Wenn sich zwei Jungen mit dem Namen Moreno treffen dann ist das schon etwas Besonderes. Bartolom2 Trujillo, born circa 1661-1670, New Mexico.H, + 8 vii. These Marranos, as they were popularly known, were then mercilessly persecuted by the dreaded Inquisition which through tortures of forced confessions and auto-da-fes sent thousands to the stake. WebIt is believed that the name derives from the Latin 'marinas' meaning dark haired or more likely of dark appearance, and it is probable that the word was applied as a less than Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. He gave his age as 40 in 1692 (b.ca. See DM July 17, 1692, San Lorenzo, in Fray Anglico Chvez, New Mexico Roots, Ltd: An Addendum, in, On March 15, 1706, Juan Trujillo presented himself before the same two friars in the Villa de Santa Fe and he testified to what he learned about the alleged bigamy of Diego Arias de Quirs. Morena, Morenu, Morenos, Moreinis, The following websites are relevant to the surname Moreno: The Sephardic community of Hamburg was founded by Portuguese conversos who had settled in the Hamburg area during the three decades prior to 1611. The Cultural Moreno influence has predominantly stemmed from Spanish-speaking countries like Spain, Mexico, and South Americ WebThis famous Spanish and Portuguese surname recorded in the spellings of De Moreno, Moreno, Moreni, Moreinu and Moreinis, is of two possible medieval origins. This couple had the following two know sons: Alonso Moreno de Lara (also known as Moreno de Trujillo) and Nicols de. See Spanish Archives of New Mexico (SANM), Series I, No. In this study, Bonnin deals in depth with the issue of surnames of Jewish origin. From the publication, "Los Sefardes" (The Sephardim),by Jose M. Estrugo. Melchor2 Trujillo, born circa 1679-1780.K, 11 x. Micaela2 Trujillo born circa 1680-1681.L. 1655), see AASF, Roll 59, DM 1695, January 16, no. The register includes surnames of those circumsized as well as the names of their Godfathers & Godmothers. Sangre Judia (Jewish Blood) by Pere Bonnin. The Circumcision Register of Isaac and Abraham De Paiba (1715-1775) from the Archives of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews Congregation of Bevis Marks (London England). Many were sent to the Iberian Peninsula. 1, Corpus Christi de Isleta, New Mexico, and Chvez, New Mexico Roots, Ltd, 1891. Gregorio Trujillo, baptized 15 May 1734, Namb. Dictionary of American Family Names. The expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 by the infamous decree of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella was the culmination of a series of anti-Jewish persecutions throughout the 14th and 15th centuries in which thousands of Jews were massacred. 1669), declared he was a native of New Mexico, and named his parents as Cristbal Trujillo and Mara de Sandoval. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. We know from documentation that Diego de Trujillo was the father of at least three daughters and one son. No record has come to light that names the parents of Diego de Trujillo. Also in 1662, Capitn Diego de Trujillo was identified as an encomendero in a suit that he brought against Governor don Bernardo Lpez de Mendizbal, demanding to be paid 868 pesos by the governor for livestock and Apache servants. 19, Santa Fe, and Chvez, New Mexico Roots, Ltd, 504. The Inquisitors and the Jews in the New World, by Seymour B. Liebman. Diego de Trujillo entered into a second marriage with a woman named Margarita whose surname is not provided in the marriage investigation of their daughter, Mara de Trujillo, native of New Mexico, who was married at Cusihuiriachic, Nueva Vizcaya, in July 1684, with Juan de Salazar Achero (Hachero), a native of New Mexico and a son of Bartolom de Salazar and Mara de Hinojos, residents of El Valle de San Antonio de Casas Grandes (Samuel Sisneros, Diligencias Matrimoniales Matrimoniales de Cusihuiriachic, Chihuahua, Herencia, Vol. A series of royal decrees by the House of Aragon.The approximately 3800 documents included in this book contain Sephardic names recorded during the period from 1213 to 1327.By this time family names were well developed. Juan also made mentioned his son, Baltasar Trujillo. Moreno, like all of the names we have data for, is identified by the U.S. Census Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. , 49:3, December 2010, 190. 8, f. 125r, Testificacin contra fray Juan de la Asencion, 1663). Moreno. In addition to the summary information presented below, more details are found in these two articles: Jos Antonio Esquibel, Revised Trujillo Genealogy, 1626-1720, Herencia, Vol. The extensive indexes and carefully - prepared tables, maps and glossary open new avenues for further historical research on the way they lived, the laws which governed them and the extensive lore which they produced. Lorenzo Trujillo was a son of Bartolom Trujillo and a grandson of Cristbal Trujillo and Mara de Sandoval y Manzanares. In records of a land dispute between San Ildefonso Pueblo and Spanish settlers (SANM I: 1351, p. 42), Baltazar de Trujillo (ONMF: 297, 396), husband of Ynez Gonzlez Bas (ONMF: 189, 297, 396) was identified as the son-in-law of Capitn Juan Gonzlez (ONMF: 189). ". From the historical and enchanting region of Spain emerged a multitude of noble families, including the distinguished Moreno family. List of names of forcibly converted Jews who were tried by the Spanish Inquisition for practicing Judaism in Mexico in the years 1528 - 1815, Distinguished Jewish bearers of the Moreno name and its variants include : Rita Moreno. Alonso and doa Estefana had several children who used these combinations of surnames: Moreno, Manrique de Trujillo, Manrique de Lara, and Moreno de Trujillo. (Archivo General de la Nacin (AGN), Mxico, Real Audiencia, Concursos de Pealosa, Vol. Other features included a country-by-country guide to tracing Jewish ancestors abroad, a list of Jewish family history books, and a guide to researching genealogy. Still, humans leave clues, either knowingly or not, giving insight into their past, where they come from and where they have been. This information indicates that Trujillo had a second daughter whose name is not known at this time, but who was the wife of Antonio de Carbajal. 1656), see AASF, Roll 59, DM 1694, November 14, no. See DM 1692, January 18, Isleta del Sur, for Diego Trujillo and Catalina Griego in Fray Anglico Chvez, New Mexico Roots, Ltd: An Addendum, in. All rights reserved. Francisco de Trujillo, and two son-in-laws: Cristbal Baca (husband of Ana Moreno de Lara, also known as Moreno de Trujillo) and Antonio de Carbajal. 467r 468r, Testimony of Juan Trujillo, mestizo, March 15, 1706. The Moors conquered much of Spain in the 11th century, and it would seem that whilst the majority of 'Moors' returned to their homeland, many settled in Spain. Diego de Trujillo is a common ancestor of many people with deep Hispanic roots in New Mexico through the descendants of two of his daughters, Bernardina de Salas Orozco (wife of Andrs Hurtado) and Ana Moreno de Lara (wife of Cristbal Baca), Diegos son, Francisco de Trujillo, did not leave any known male descendants. Contributing factors to their enduring sense of distinctness were these aspects of Converso experience: the absorption of Catholic notions of piety; the de-rabbinization of crypto-Jewish belief; and the difficulty for many Conversos of maintaining any stable set of traditional beliefs. Could Cristbal Trujillo have been a natural son of Diego de Trujillo. 1648), see AASF, Roll 61, DM 1714, July 18, no. : Baltazar Trujillo y su esposa Ynez Gonzales. Hebrews of the Portuguese Nation, by Miriam Bodian. Powell, Kimberly. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/garza-last-name-meaning-and-origin-1422511. California -century New Mexico, there were two Trujillo families and it is not clear if they were related since there is not yet any documentation uncovered to confirm a relationship. Microfilm copy of rolls #1-3 (Vols. This is a source for converso names in the New World. She was a witness in a case against Micaela de Contreras, wife of Gabriel de Contreras, for superstitious beliefs. Based on details presented in the sections above, it seems certain that the family surnames of Trujillo, Moreno de Lara and Salas y Orozco used by Diego de Trujillo and his known children represent more than just a coincidence of common surnames. An ideal gift. Spanish Portuguese and Jewish (Sephardic): nickname for someone with dark hair and/or a swarthy complexion from Spanish and Portuguese moreno dark brown swarthy or dark-skinned dark-haired from Late Latin maurinus a son of Baltazar de Trujillo and his first wffe, Nicolasa de la Cruz Espinosa), and his wife Mara Francisca Mrquez (buried 23 May 1761, Pueblo of Santa Clara, resident of Chama; see Mrquez section in BONMF) resided at Pojoaque in the 1730s and had the following children baptized at Namb: Antonio Casimiro Trujillo, baptized 8 March 1729, Namb.
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