Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common metabolic conditions affecting at least 10% of women of reproductive age. These procedures are usually performed under anesthesia. One way to describe genital area and breasts is to call them private areas and define this as meaning areas that are covered by a bathing suit. Clin Obstet Gynecol 1987;30:643, 7. After inspection of the vagina and cervix, vaginal secretions may be obtained for microscopic examination and culture (the technique is described later). In some cases, however,it is helpful to spend time alone with the child during the interview, andto ask whether she prefers to be alone for the examination. A quantitative and qualitative examination of prepubescent female genital examination image interpretations provided insight into diagnostic challenges for this complex examination. For a small childwho is fearful of the exam, it may be best to have the mother sit on thetable in a semireclined position (feet in or out of stirrups) with the child'slegs straddling her thighs (Figure 3). This is an important step toward reinforcing the child's sense ofcontrol over the examination. Have the child resther head to one side on her folded arms and support her weight on bent knees,which are six to eight inches apart. Pelvic Exams - HealthyChildren.org Usually, it is related to menstrual cramps, though many other conditions can cause it, including endometriosis, a painful disease in which uterine tissue grows outside the uterus. For example, the physical presence of the mother often may facilitate examining a 4-year-old girl but may inhibit the cooperation of a 14-year-old adolescent. Most pediatric visits are preventive in nature, but the pediatric gynecologic visit is usually problem oriented . Some healthcare professionals listed on our website have medical privileges to practice at Childrens Hospital Colorado, but they are community providers. You may need a pelvic exam sooner if you are experiencing problems with your period or have other symptoms, including: Pain in your lower abdomen or pelvic area. Hymens in newborns are estrogenized, resulting in a thick, pink, elastic redundancy. Even though ovarian neoplasms are rare in children, this diagnosis must be considered in a young girl with abdominal pain and a palpable mass. Vaginoscopy in a prepubertal child most often requires sedation with a brief inhalation or intravenous anesthetic, but in select circumstances it can also be performed in the office with older, cooperative children. This includes feeling a girl's uterus and ovaries to be sure everything's normal. Pediatric Head-to-Toe Physical Exam - video Dailymotion Vaginoscopy is a diagnostic procedure that can be used to evaluate the inside of the vagina and is recommended for girls who are too young for a speculum exam or cannot tolerate one. From Pierce AM, Hart CA. Asking the child whether anyone hasever touched her in a way that made her feel uncomfortable often is helpfulin drawing out this information. In this video, Stephen Scott, MD, MPH, emphasizes the fact that pain originates from nerve signaling and uses this understanding to help him identify the source of pain and its cause. They may have septums, microperforations, or fingerlike extensions or be completely imperforate. Emphasize that the most important part of the examination is just looking and there will be conversation during the entire process. Vulvitis and vulvovaginitis usually are characterized by vulvar rednessand irritation, which may be associated with vulvar discomfort, vaginaldischarge and odor, vaginal bleeding, dysuria, or pruritus. Promoting the Culture of Bedside Medicine, Promoting Inclusive Care at the Patient Bedside, The Significance of Small Gestures at the Patient Bedside, Through a Patients Eyes: Physicians Reflect on Personal Illness, Physical Exams and Clinical Observations Related to Cardiovascular Health, Combat Physician Burnout with the Joy of Bedside Medicine, Physical Exam Techniques to Support and Promote Womens Health, How Physicians Go Above and Beyond to Promote Patient Healing, How to Address Monumental Patient Conversations, The Importance of Cultural Competence in Bedside Medicine, How Physicians Can Help Promote Early Detection of Prostate Cancer, 7th Time's a Charm: The 2022 Stanford 25 Skills Symposium, Communication Strategies to Help Physicians Lead Meaningful Patient Conversations, Bringing Tidings of Comfort and Joy to the Patient Bedside, Registration is Now Open for the 2021 Stanford Medicine 25 Skills Symposium, Medscape Article Highlights Need for Physical Exam Training & Assessment, The Resurgence of Bedside Teaching During the Pandemic, The Presence 5 for Racial Justice: Promoting Anti-Racism in Clinical Interactions, Dr. Vergheses Rules for the Bedside Exam, Bringing Human Connection to the Forefront of Medicine in a Technological Era, Five Practices to Strengthen the Physician-Patient Relationship, Telehealth Tips to Preserve Key Aspects of Patient Care, How AI Can Improve the EHR and Bedside Medicine, Bedside Teaching is a Powerful Learning Tool in the ICU, Thoughtful Implementation of Machine Learning Can Help Physicians Improve Patient Care, Register Now for the 5th Annual Stanford 25 Skills Symposium, Cultivating The Golden Minute at the Bedside, Four Physicians Describe the Synergy Between Technology and Bedside Medicine, Artificial Intelligence and the Gift of Physician Time, Compassion: A Powerful Tool for Improving Patient Outcomes, The Physical Exam Remains an Effective Tool for Physicians, Learning from the Bedside at the 5th Annual Stanford 25 Bedside Teaching Symposium, Physicians Can Protect the Human Connection in Medicine, A Diagnosis of Nelson's Syndrome and Why You Won't See it Anymore. Ultrasound should be used as the initial diagnostic imaging technique for the evaluation of the pelvis in children and adolescents. This easily assembled adaptation uses a No. An Initiative of the Program for Bedside Medicine, Learn how we are healing patients through science & compassion, Stanford team stimulates neurons to induce particular perceptions in mice's minds, Students from far and near begin medical studies at Stanford. Urethral prolapse, a mucosal inversion at the urethral meatus, may beasymptomatic but it also can become inflamed and cause dysuria, perinealdiscomfort, and bleeding. 5 Minute Pelvic Exam Video. 14 mins, 33 secs. Support Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford and child and maternal health. Join Childrens Hospital Colorado pediatric experts for a virtual Were passionate about providing answers, treatment and care for the full range of female reproductive health concerns, from infancy through adolescence and into adulthood. 1. The importance of patient/family preference along with individualization based on medical history and treatment goals is reviewed. Except for the cervix, any mass discovered on rectal examination in a prepubertal examination should be considered abnormal. Employee communication. For example, if a girl complains of . A nurse retrieves the patient from the office and takes her to an exam room. Past medical history should include information about congenital anomalies,systemic disorders with dermatologic manifestations, and growth and development.Congenital anomalies, and particularly renal anomalies, may be associatedwith gynecologic anatomic abnormalities. Pokorny SF, Stormer J: Atraumatic removal of secretions from theprepubertal vagina. They may ask for their mothers to be there, be fearful of the examination concept, and need more than one visit to achieve the goals of the visit. Pokorny has described another method for collecting fluid from a childs vagina using a catheter within a catheter ( ). Over the last decade, however, the management of ovarian masses has shifted toward a more conservative approach with the goal of ovarian preservation. Approximately 20% of female children infected with pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis) develop vulvovaginitis. Congenital anomalies, precocious development, and amenorrhea are covered in more detail in other chapters. A gentle, patient approach is important when examininga prepubertal girl. View a sample video Cultures for other organisms shouldbe done by placing the Calgiswab into a transport Culturette II with medium,or by sending the aspirated fluid to the bacteriology laboratory for directplating. The vaginal epithelium of a prepubertal child has a neutral or slightly alkaline pH, which provides an excellent medium for bacterial growth. The bacteriology laboratory should plate the swabs on standardgenitourinary media, including blood agar, MacConkey, and chocolate media.If you send a culture for N gonorrhoeae and the results are positive, thelaboratory should identify the species unequivocally in a premenarchal girlbecause of the possibility of sexual abuse. Accidental genital trauma often produces extreme pain and overwhelming anxiety for the child and her parents. Patient has this new skin finding, what should you worry about? Physical examination of newborn infant newborn examination checklist apgar score assessment. Sometimes doctors do pelvic exams if they think there's a problem. In this video, adolescent gynecologist Eliza Buyers, MD, discusses the management of abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) in adolescent patients. Finally, it isimportant to remember that urethritis can cause dysuria or hematuria, whichmay be mistaken for vaginal bleeding. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) promotes the inclusion of the pelvic examination in the primary care setting within the medical home. The pediatric gynecologic visit may be unique to both the child and the parent. She discusses how diagnosis requires both ovulatory dysfunction and hyperandrogenism, and she shares recommendations for PCOS treatment from lifestyle changes to possible medications. If on vaginal examination you visualizea foreign body, you may be able to remove it with a cotton-tipped applicatoror by lavaging the vagina with saline or warm water after anesthetizingthe introitus with viscous lidocaine. In this setting it may be helpful to use the extinction phenomenon, in which the examiner provides pressure on the perineum lateral to the introitus before insertion of the speculum. The examination can be a positive experience when conducted without pressure and approached as a normal part of routine young women's health care. The labia minora are thin, and the vulvar skin is red because the abundant capillary network is easily visualized in the thin skin. Dr. Appiah also reviews the expert consensus position statements that provide guidance on how providers should care for this population, including informing patients about options for fertility preservation and future reproduction prior to treatment. Tell the child that the examination willnot hurt, and if you are going to use instruments, that these tools areall specially designed for little girls.1Let the child look atand touch the instruments to be used, such as an otoscope or a hand lens.When talking with parents, it is important to carefully explain that thechild's hymen will not be altered in any way by the examination, becausemany parents do not fully understand the anatomy of the vagina and hymen.Basic diagrams of the anatomy may be helpful. Many dermatologic disorders, suchas atopic dermatitis, seborrhea, and psoriasis, can manifest as vulvitisor vulvovaginitis. The prepubertal vagina is narrower, thinner, and lacks the distensibility of the vagina of a woman in her reproductive years. However, many infants are infected with Chlamydia trachomatis during birth and remain infected for up to 2 to 3 years in the absence of specific antibiotic therapy. While the ulcers generally resolve on their own and most patients never experience another outbreak, about 25% will have subsequent occurrences. The child should be told thatthe examination will be similar to having her temperature taken or havinga bowel movement, and that a finger has a smaller diameter than a bowelmovement. Procedures such as vaginoscopy can be used for the diagnosis of gynecologic conditions in prepubertalgirls. In a primary care setting, nonspecific vulvovaginitis accounts for the majority of vulvovaginitis cases. Yuwoko. A visit with a pediatric clinician is an ideal time to ensure that a teenager knows the correct information, has the opportunity to make certain contraceptive choices, and instill the knowledge that the pediatric office is a safe place to come for help. Constipation or bladder problems can present as pelvic pain, so I also ask patients about bowel habits and urinary symptoms. When you give to Children's Colorado, you're helping us to reimagine children's health through patient care, education, research and advocacy. An ectopic ureter emptying into the vagina may only intermittently release a small amount of urine; thus this rare congenital anomaly should be considered in the differential diagnosis in young children. In this video, adolescent gynecologist Eliza Buyers, MD, reviews options for menstrual suppression, how they work, and various considerations for teens with complex medical issues. At night the milk-white, pin-sized adult worms migrate from the rectum to the skin of the vulva to deposit eggs. Therefore, a positive culture from the vagina ina 5-year-old requires reporting and evaluation for child sexual abuse. Menstrual pain and cramps are very common in women and affect 50% to 90% of female teens. For girls olderthan 2 years, the knee-chest position also permits excellent visualizationof the vagina and cervix without instrumentation.3 If necessary,an experienced examiner or pediatric gynecologist may use a small vaginoscope,cystoscope, hysteroscope, or flexible fiberoptic scope with water insufflationof the vagina to improve visualization. Loose-fitting cotton undergarments should be worn. Treatment is the same as for labialadhesions. The history and examination usually clinch the diagnosis of vulvovaginitisand vaginal bleeding, but selected laboratory tests such as culture arehelpful in some cases. Finally, trauma, either accidental or due to sexualabuse, may cause significant bleeding. W Webcam. The ambiance of the examining room may decrease the anxiety of the child if familiar and friendly objects such as childrens posters are present. Diagnose this skin lesion with newest Stanford 25 video and topic. The most common gynecologic condition of children is vulvovaginitis . Vaginoscopy is a diagnostic procedure that can be used to evaluate the inside of the vagina and is recommended for girls who are too young for a speculum exam or cannot tolerate one. The source maybe the vulva, vagina, endometrium, and occasionally the urethra. Physicians may elect to treat the primary symptoms of vulvovaginitis for 2 to 3 weeks, realizing that on rare occasions they could be missing something more serious. She also discusses the preferred diagnostic modality and when to consider surgery. Pediatric and adolescent gynecology: Gynecologic Examination Adult pinworms maybe visible at night. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1987;156:581. During a pelvic exam, a doctor evaluates your reproductive organs. What Is The Specific Cause of This Patients Clubbing? After you have established a rapport with the child and taken her history,you should explain the gynecologic examination to both the child and herparent. Stanford Medicine 25 Launches New Website, Medical Errors and Adverse Events from a Missed or Inadequate Physical Exam, Announcing the Stanford 25 Skills Symposium, Thyroid Nodule Overview - The Thyroid Exam. EMANS is Chief, Adolescent Division, Children's Hospital, and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston. Your doctor checks your vulva, vagina, cervix . A parent may stay in the room during the exam if the child does not mind ( Picture 1 ). A tape testmay be useful for suspected pinworm. Managing vulvovaginitis. The ideal pediatric endoscope is a cystoscope or hysteroscope because the accessory channel facilitates the retrieval of foreign bodies while at the same time allowing a vaginal lavage to be performed. Seborrhea also is commonly found on the scalp,behind the ears, and in the nasolabial folds. Other commonly seen diagnoses at a pediatric gynecology visit include labial adhesions, vulvar lesions, suspicion of sexual abuse, and genital trauma. Early identification and treatment can lead to improved quality of life for individuals with PCOS and prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. What Stands in the Way of Bedside Teaching? 12.4 ). The vagina will then fill with air, aiding the evaluation. The foundation of treating childhood vulvovaginitis is the improvement of local perineal hygiene. See a listing of all our Childrens Hospital Colorado locations including inpatient, outpatient, therapy, surgery facilities and more. Removal under anesthesia may be necessaryif a foreign body has become imbedded into the vaginal mucosa. Noninfectious causes of vulvovaginitis also are common. Tailor your gynecologic examination to the presentingissue. The tape is subsequently examined under the microscope. Bacterial causes include group A, b-hemolyticStreptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus, Branhamellacatarrhalis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, and Shigella.Sexually transmitted infections include Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydiatrachomatis, herpes simplex virus, Trichomonas, and human papillomavirus.It is important to note that these organisms also can be vertically transmittedat birth and herpes can be transmitted by nonsexual contact. 1 A vaginal self-exam is not the same as a vulvar examination. The vaginal epithelium of the prepubertal child appears redder and thinner than the vagina of a woman in her reproductive years. PDF Genital Examination of Young Girls - Royal Children's Hospital She also explains why it is important to check ferritin levels for iron deficiency and discusses the etiology of abnormal uterine bleeding, with most heavy menstrual bleeding in adolescents and young adults due to ovulatory dysfunction or inherited bleeding disorders. What is it? A child should never be restrained for a gynecologic examination . Having a relationship with a pediatric gynecologist can help girls take . The evaluation of childrens gynecologic problems involves considerations of physiology, psychology, and developmental issues that are different from those of adult gynecology . Most episodes of childhood vulvovaginitis are cured solely by improved local hygiene. In some patients, particularly those with difficult to feel pelvic masses, a combined rectovaginal exam is useful. This is especiallyimportant in girls who have persistent vaginal discharge, bleeding, or pelvicpain because it often is possible for an examiner to express vaginal discharge,palpate a foreign body, and detect masses. A discharge that is both bloody and purulent is likely not from vulvovaginitis but from a foreign body (see Vaginoscopy for Prepubertal Bleeding without Signs of Puberty later in this chapter), although patients infected with some pathogens, particularly Shigella boydii, often present with a bloody or blood-tinged discharge . Most young children can be examined in the frog-leg position; that is,supine with knees apart and feet touching in the midline. Approach to evaluation of premenarcheal child with a gynecologicproblem. 12 red rubber bladder catheter for the outer catheter and the hub end of an intravenous butterfly catheter for the inner catheter ( Fig. Systemic illnesses that can cause vulvovaginitis include measles, varicella,scarlet fever, mononucleosis, Kawasaki disease and Crohn's disease. Emans SJ, Woods ER, Flagg NT, et al: Genital findings in sexuallyabused symptomatic and asymptomatic girls. Pelvic Examination | NEJM Excoriations are common, and lesions in other areas of thebody or a history of allergy or atopy may help in making the diagnosis.Psoriasis, scabies, and autoimmune bullous diseases also can present asvulvovaginitis. Urethral prolapse also can present with bleeding. Uterine bleeding that is coming more often than every three weeks, lasting longer than seven days in a row, or resulting in excessive product use and frequent bleeding through clothes should be evaluated. However, young children can help define their exact symptoms on direct questioning. A parent or caretaker is usually present during the examination of ayoung child, and most children are comfortable with the parent sitting closeby or holding their hand. The catheter is placed into the vagina, and the salineis injected into the vagina and aspirated. How to Perform a Vaginal Self-Exam - Verywell Health Approximately 75% to 85% of ovarian neoplasms necessitating surgery are benign, with cystic teratomas being the most common. In life-threatening emergencies, find the emergency room location nearest you. Caring pediatric nurses are available 24/7 to help answer your questions. In determining the diagnosis, it may be helpfulto inquire about persistently wet underwear, recurrent fevers, unexplainedUTI, and abdominal or lower back pain. The classic symptom of pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis) is nocturnal vulvar and perianal itching, the treatment for which is the anthelmintic agent mebendazole. Newborns and pubescent girls sometimeshave significant vaginal secretions because of estrogen effect. That's why we conduct research to advance care techniques that can be used for our patients and kids anywhere. The child can assist you by holding herlabia apart. At the 44th National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners Conference, guidelines for prescribing oral contraceptives were discussed. Pokorny SF: Configuration of the prepubertal hymen. This may create considerable and understandable anxiety in the child and parent. Thefinding of genital herpes type 2 is a strong indication of sexual abuse.Coexisting primary oral and genital herpes type 1 may occur in young children,but a finding of type 1 in the genital area alone should prompt an evaluationbecause this is more likely to be acquired by abuse.14Trichomonaswill rarely cause symptoms in the newborn period and spontaneously resolveswith waning of estrogen levels. Thepediatrician may have the additional advantage of already having built arelationship with the child who requires a gynecologic examination. Will the Healing Touch Go Out the Door With the Stethoscope? Once the child is positioned, the vulvar area and introitus should be inspected. In some cases, nonspecific vulvovaginitis may be caused by carrying viral infections from coughing into the hands directly to the abraded vulvar epithelium. Specific vulvovaginitis. After viewing, providers will be better able to counsel patients and their families on treatment methods as well as provide them with updated resources on this topic. Your job will be easier if you adopt a relaxedand unhurried approach, which can help prevent anxiety in a child. Cultures for C trachomatis are recommended because of the possibilityof false-positive test results with indirect and slide immunofluorescenttests and insufficient data on tests that utilize polymer chain reactionand ligase chain reaction techniques. These data can be used to inform the design of teaching interventions to improve skill in this area. In this video, the Director of the Fertility Preservation and Reproductive Late Effects Program, Leslie Appiah, MD, discusses the prevalence of reproductive late effects and female risk stratification based on age and therapy doses. It is estimated that 80% to 90% of outpatient visits of children to gynecologists involve the classic symptoms of vulvovaginitis: introital irritation (discomfort/pruritus) or discharge ( Table 12.1 ) ( ). Cleveland Clinic reexamines syphilis testing strategies after rise in cases. The signs of vulvovaginitis are variable and not diagnostic, but they include vulvar erythema, edema, and excoriation. Begin the procedure with relevant elements of the general pediatric exam,including height and weight and examination of the thyroid, neck, breasts,lungs, heart, and abdomen. Vulvovaginitis: causes and management. Children are not skilled historians and will often ramble, introducing many unrelated facts. Older unestrogenized girls have thin, nonelastic hymens with significant signs of vascularity. Emphasize that the most important part of the examination is just looking and that there will be conversation during the entire process. A vaginal self-examination is a way to look at your vulva and vagina to better understand your body and to spot problems that may need medical attention. Before puberty, the girls reproductive organs are in a resting, dormant state. The genital examination of the infant through adolescence.Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 1993;5:753, 11. Many gynecologic conditions in children may be diagnosed by inspection . Dr. Ahmed Darwish - Pediatrics: General Examination - YouTube These patients require immunology or rheumatology consultations to prevent more serious and chronic autoimmune conditions, such as Behcets syndrome. It is recommended that the examination start with the nongenital areas , such as listening to the heart and lungs; an abdominal examination and inspection of the skin should be performed. After your examination is complete, congratulate the child for her cooperationand bravery. Occasionally,a narrow vaginal speculum can be used in an older child who is well estrogenized.10,11. Before the exam, you will need to undress and put on a gown. Other findings includeecchymoses and "blood blisters," which often develop after mildtrauma such as riding a bicycle. Many adolescent girls do not want other observers, such as mothers, in the examining room. The majority of symptoms improve with hygienic changes and sitz baths (warm water, no soaps or chemicals). Ideally children should feel they are part of the examination rather than having an exam done to them.. Tables 1 and 2 list the differentialdiagnoses of vulvovaginitis and vaginal bleeding. Those in middle or late adolescence (aged 15 to 19 years) may be more accepting of the idea of an examination and more likely to cooperate with the proper counseling and in the appropriate setting. Genital bleeding should always be assessed thoroughly. Ovarian torsion should be managed conservatively with untwisting and preservation of the adnexa, regardless of the appearance. During the exam You may be asked to help your child lower his pants and possibly have him put on a hospital gown. They may be discovered due to symptoms, during a routine physical exam or incidentally through imaging studies. Your pediatrician will describe each step of the exam. Help me decide. Using this approach for a 2-week period should resolve most symptoms in patients with nonspecific vulvovaginitis. Making the examination a positive experience, ifpossible, therefore is critical.2. Am J Obstet Gynecol1987;157:950, 6. Introduction to the Basic Pelvic Exam. Although anovulatory cycles are common in the years after menarche, there are established norms and, alternatively, abnormal findings that require further investigation. 12.1 , B ). Gynecological examination of the prepubertal girl can be challenging. Vaginal foreign bodiesare a common cause of bleeding, but children often are reluctant to admitto foreign body insertion. Gynecologic Examination for Adolescents in the Pediatric Office Setting Affiliated with the University of Colorado School of Medicine. We see more, treat more and heal more children than any hospital in our seven-state region. Position the patient at the very edge of the exam table, with her feet in stirrups, knees bent and relaxed out to the side. Often reassurance and sometimes delay until another day are the best approaches. A gentle, patient approach is important when examining a prepubertal girl. One of the most important principles to keep in mind when examining ayoung girl is to maintain her sense of control over the process. Urethral lesions alsoshould be considered. Vaginal bleeding is also associated with vulvovaginitis. Mycotic vaginal infections may be seen in immunosuppressed prepubertal girls such as those with human immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV) or diabetes or on chronic steroid therapy. At the 44th National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners Conference, data was presented on how to diagnose and treat polycystic ovarian syndrome in adolescent patients. If the bleeding is unexplainedor you suspect a foreign body or tumor and the vagina cannot be fully visualized,an exam under anesthesia by a gynecologist is necessary. The child's buttocks will now be heldup in the air and her back and abdomen will fall downward (Figure 4). Palpate the abdomen for masses and the inguinal areasfor a hernia or gonad. Examination of the vagina under anesthesia may be necessary if culturesdo not identify a pathogen, the child has a persistent discharge or bleedingand adequate examination is not possible, or you suspect a foreign body.Referral should be made to a gynecologist with experience in pediatric gynecology. Contemporary Pediatrics Resident Writer Program, Food Insecurity and the Dangers of Infant Formula Dilution, Getting into the Roots of Childhood Atopic Dermatitis, Opt-Out Chlamydia Screening in Adolescent Care, The Role of the Healthcare Provider Community in Increasing Public Awareness of RSV in All Infants, Choose article sectionPrinciples of gynecologic assessmentTaking the historyBeginning the examinationExamining the external genitaliaExamining the vaginaConcluding the examinationSIDEBAR: Common gynecologic findings in the prepubertal girlVulvovaginitisVaginal bleedingLabial adhesions, | Obstetrics-Gynecology & Women's Health, | Contemporary Pediatrics Resident Writer Program, | Food Insecurity and the Dangers of Infant Formula Dilution, | Getting into the Roots of Childhood Atopic Dermatitis, | Opt-Out Chlamydia Screening in Adolescent Care, | The Role of the Healthcare Provider Community in Increasing Public Awareness of RSV in All Infants, | Update in Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccines.
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