
unsolved game walkthrough eventide

unsolved game walkthrough eventide

The Magnifying Glass cursor indicates you can take a closer look at an area. Use the. Arrange the planks in a proper way to repair the hole. Walk up to the shelves on the left for a Hidden Object Scene: Completing this will get you a Gem and unlock (so long as you didn't use any hints during HO scenes): You completed all Hidden Object Puzzles without using a Hint. Empty it to be left with a Photo. Place the. Collect the Ethereal, Examine the wooden post closest to you. Examine the lock and input the code according to the symbols on the notepad. Zoom in on the wood on the ground to find Card 7/15, which will unlock: You found half of all cards from the Pantheon. Push the buttons on the left side of the box until you can grab the Sun Token. Walk up to the tent on the right for a Hidden Object Scene: Completing it will get you a Silver Plate. Here is an example of what it looks like: In this case, I would choose the bottom left rune, as it has no matching symbols. Place the FIREWORKS CAPS, FIREWORKS BODIES, FIREWORK STICKS, GUNPOWDER, DUCT TAPE, and FUSE (M); take the FIREWORKS. Fast-travel between locations using the Map! Youve completed the Slavic Fable adventure of Eventide Slavic Fable! Take the COIN (1/2) (V). Their locations are shown below. The solutions are shown below. Languages: English. Use the LATEX GLOVE; take the BICYCLE HORN (H). Click on the wooden doors on the right to open them. community members have thanked the author. Interact with the curtain above the desk and zoom in on it to find Ornament 16/30 on the right of the desk. Hidden-object puzzles are referred to as HOPs. Zoom in on the globe and use the Herb Token on the slot. Forest - Imp Card 1/14 2. Zoom in on the chest to find Card 15/15, unlocking: You found all the cards from the Pantheon. Zoom in on the door to the left of the stump and interact with both doors. Eventide 3: Legacy of Legends. Place the. The third landmark is to the left of the second and slightly up, and requires the knob on the + sign. Zoom in on the table on the right again and zoom in on the Broken Saw in your inventory. Use the Tongs to grab the Crank. Place the. Walk up to the small alcove on the left and use the Fern Tokens in the slots, then the Scissors on the Vault Key and pick it up. Examine the statue straight ahead. She will return your. Find the objects listed at the bottom of the screen. Sat, 25 Feb 2023 08:03:07 Cheats, Hints & Walkthroughs. Eventide: Slavic Fable > General Discussions > Topic Details. Go back to Storage. Use the Log from your inventory on the rock. Place the. Take a closer look at the leather bag hanging on the left. Use the, Find the items displayed at the bottom of the screen. Place the golden tooth that appears into the mouth of the right statue. Place the PITCHFORK; take the DRAWER KEY and YELLOW ELIXIR (A). Click to open the suitcase and collect the. Use the Dagger on the bag, then grab the scoop, use it on the bag and put some into the mold. Take a closer look at the display cabinet to the right of the tree on the far end of the room. The solution is shown below. Take a closer look at the clippings hanging on the line in the upper left corner. Zoom in on the top door and pick up the Gear Part. Walk up to the panel and interact with the bird to get the Hidden Token Part. Move the paper; use the STICK WITH TWINE (X). I've found that if you didn't and you go through again the game counts the cards you find after up to 30. * Your inventory bar will hold items until they are needed. Are you stuck? Use the. Collect, Examine the dummy to the right of the tower on the left. Tip: You will return to this area soon. Zoom in on the note and pick up the Chalice, then go back a screen. Heres a few useful tips and tricks to help you on your way. Zoom in on the fire and interact with the items on the floor so you can pick up the Owl Token. Take a closer look at the wooden statue toward the lower right, next to the stairs. Restore the, Examine the cabinet on the right side of the central pillar. Their locations are shown below. How to play Unsolved: Hidden Mystery Games with GameLoop on PC. Use the, Zoom in on the lit alcove on the right side of the tree. Zoom in on the chest and use the Key on it and pick up the Zmey Wing. Once the puzzle is finished, click on the golden leaf to open the box. Play the HOP to receive the BLUEBERRIES (W). Pick up the Smelling Salts and return to the Garden. Back out and zoom in on the cat, use the Bird Toy on it and pick up the Wheel. Use the. Go forward to the Hillside. Move the JACKET (V); place the PLANKS for a mini-game. Go forward to the Secret Room. Play the HOP to receive the METAL SAW (M). Follow the left fork in the path to the Outdoor area. Click on the, Zoom in on the flat stone on the ground straight ahead. Their locations are shown below. Open the cage; use the MAGNET ON A STICK (Y). Walk up to the left wall and zoom in on the letter. Click on the Eye piece revealed inside and restore it to the socket of the left statue. Click on the, Examine the small stand straight ahead. Zoom in on the door on the right and pick up the Knife. Use the Bottle of Water on the mold, then the Broken Blades and pick up the Blade Mold. Collect the, Zoom in on the keg to the bottom right of the door ahead. Open the case; take the STRANGE MASK (O). Our walkthrough covers every aspect of Eventide Slavic Fable Platinum Edition including all Ethereal Flower and Bestiary Card locations! Move the cloth (Q); place the 2 LOCK PARTS for a mini-game (R). Pick up the Broken Tweezers and Menthol. Back out and zoom in on the upper part of the tree on the left to find a Broken Gear. Do this three times to beat this first battle, unlocking: Use the Scepter on Perun then pick it back up. Zoom in on the cell straight ahead and talk with Baba. Ethereal, Back in the main area, examine the red hydrant straight ahead. Discuss this walkthrough in its Walkthrough Thread. Walk up to the broken wall again and pick up the Tea Towel to the right of the owl. 2 up 1, 12 left 1, 4 down 1, Target right 2. Ornament 23/30 can now be picked up along with a Boat Token Part. Zoom in on the dead tree, then the flowers, then use the Pincers on the Nail to get it. Place the OLD MAN MASK, MASK WITH HORNS, and STRANGE MASK for a mini-game (P). Click on the bottom right corner of the pages until you reach one with a lace insert. Adjust the depth of view with the knob on the right. The solution is shown below. Exit back to the Cloud House. Place the. Use the, Zoom in on the suitcase on the left again. All Reviews: Very Positive (502) Release Date: Jan 28, 2016 Developer: The House of Fables Publisher: Artifex Mundi Popular user-defined tags for this product: Hidden Object Adventure Casual Point & Click + 0:00 / 0:00 Autoplay videos Interact with the inkwell and walk up to the book for a familiar looking puzzle. Updated . Walk up to the altar to start a small puzzle. Help us fix it by posting in its. In your inventory, zoom in on the Candlestick Holder and interact with it twice, then use the Sheet Rope on it. Not to worry, though youll return shortly. Zoom in on the base of the altar to find Ornament 20/30 just sticking out of the right of the instructions. Pick up the last Gate Code Part and walk up to the door again. Glade - Glimmering Mirror 1/20 3. Click on the, Click on the purple sheet hanging over the wall straight ahead to remove it, then zoom in for a closer view. Pick up the Wisdom Token on the floor, then click on the left, right, then middle rock and pick up the Golden Bolt. Remove the hook (G); place the HOOK and OIL LAMP (H). Pick up the Bomb and go back to the Hall. Once the puzzle is completed, examine the note inside the box. Zoom in on the door and use the Bomb on the crack. Zoom in on the small plant on the right of the tree, interact with it and use the Glowing Amber on it, then interact with it again. You have completed Eventide: Slavic Fable. Go to High Island. Zoom in on the front right pillar and use both Star Tokens on the slot. Go back to Zmey Island and right to Zmey Nest. Use the BATTERIES; examine the flashlight. Items which are colored in red are too close to another item. Third Orb The third orb is worn by a Blue Hinox which you'll need to fight to get the orb and other treasures. Take a closer look at the round birdhouse on the left. Zoom in on the barrels again and use the Sealing Wax on the candle to get Hot Sealing Wax. Walkthrough Full Game From: V.O.R. Pick up the Broken Arrow, back out and zoom in on the middle tree. Interact with the bowl and candles that are on top of the Cloth and pick it up, then pick up the Full Moon Token that was underneath. The key to open the star box at the bottom of the screen is hidden behind the shovel at the top of the screen, Once youve located everything listed, the. Click on the. Zoom in on the left pillar to find Ornament 19/30 just poking out on the left, then pick up the Coin and move the leaf to pick up another Sequence Token. Take a closer look at the fountain on the left. Click on suspended sandbags and shoot them in order to drain them of sand, lowering the bridge. Use the Scale Pan on the chain, then put the Full Weight into the Scale Pan to start a small puzzle: After completing all three, go forward to the Poisoned House. Pick up another Wisdom Token and use the Gold and Silver Bolts in their slots. Now you can finally harvest your prize! Youve completed Eventide Slavic Fable Platinum Edition! Items will continue to free-float as you do this, so it may take a few attempts. Click on the valve to drain the liquid elixir. Pick up the Stone Sword and zoom in on the crate at the base of the stairs. Go forward to the Office. The solution is shown below. In this game, players take on the role of a det. Zoom in on the table on the right and use the Gloves to pick up the Glass Shard. Ornament 10/30 is on the table in this room. Use the, Examine the hole in which Lilacus was imprisoned to collect the, Zoom in on the area at the top of the steps on the left, then examine the work table to the right of Lilacus. Play the HOP to receive the WOLF TOKENS (3/3) (S). The solution is as follows: Scene One: Click the tourists, then Boruta, Scene Two: Click on the fern, then the book, then Boruta, and finally the human sacrifice, Scene Three: Click on Boruta, followed by the clouds of fear and sadness, Examine the chest on the right, beneath the archway leading to the Cell. T means the top row, 1-3 goes from left to right. 1. Play the HOP to receive the SCREWDRIVER (S). Enchanted Kingdom: Master of Riddles Walkthrough. Zoom in on the tree to the right and use the Slavic Spear on the branch. Find all of the parts on all 3 pages and pick up the Glue. After completing it, pick up the Prism. Pick up the Solid Tar, then zoom in on the book and pick up the Clouder Key Part. This guide will help you find all cards and flowers. Pour the mixture; take the BANDAGE WITH MEDICINE (Y). Zoom in on the stand and use the Wing on the statue, then take the Fern Token and use this on the remaining slot. Find interactive elements to progress the story. Go back down the hallway to the main area of the Dungeon. Place the, Examine the table next to Lilacus again and add the. Upon completing the puzzle, you will receive a vital clue to help you navigate the Maze. Once the puzzle is completed, the gate will open. Back out and zoom in on the back right window and pick up the small patch of Leather. Collect the Bestiary, Examine the suit of armor on the far left. Use the Map to fast travel to a location. Travel. Go back to the Spiral Staircase. Walkthrough Menu General Tips Prologue: The Wedding Chapter 1: Twisted Paths Chapter 2: The Curse of the House Haugwitz Chapter 3: Echoes from the Past Chapter 4: The Hidden Chapter 5: The Plan Chapter 6: The Fallen Angel Chapter 7: The Verge General Tips This is the official guide for Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride. Start your journey in the magnificent world of Eventide. Back out and go into the House. Walkthrough (AND) Walkthrough Part 1. Zoom in on the chest on the left and use the Bodkin on it. Back in the main area, click on the stained glass window on the right to enter another hidden object area. Both Hints and Skips are unlimited, but require time to charge based upon the difficulty youve chosen. Tip: You will be able to choose your difficulty both when starting the Slavic Fable adventure. Move the can and net; take the REEL and PLIERS (G). Walk forward. Click on the, Zoom in on the round door between the left portion of the path and the waterwheel. Place the. Zoom in on the pillar on the right of the door and interact with the plants till you can pick up a Sequence Token. I hope this walkthrough helped. Zoom in on the open doorway on the right. Here is a missable achievement. In order to reach the items shown in blue, you will need to open the containers which house them. Ornament 3/30 is just above the top shelf to the right of the stairs. Interact with the Sword until you can pick it up. Talk to Baba; take the ORNAMENTAL BRACELET (R). Click on the bush to the immediate right of the owl and collect the, Examine the box on the ground on the right and use the. Use the, Take a closer look at the display cabinet at the far end of the room. Use the, Examine the window on the right, then the panel on the right side of the window. Upon completing the area, the, Take a closer look inside the Cell and read the note left behind. Be sure to visit our blog for more great tips and tricks!

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unsolved game walkthrough eventide