Mamachtschimgussowagan, the being insulted. Aschowin, to swim; aschowill, n'daschwul, I swim. Magami. Schauwinaxowagan, weakness, weakly look. Laptonasu, Z., commanded (bridled, held by the A.) Ochunk, at his or her father's. lively, to make happy. See tueclique. Machquin, to swell. Wulelensowagan, pride, high-mindedness. Mamalis, fawn, young deer. A.) Tumb, brain; (always with the possessives, n', k', w',etc. greed.) Mawuni, assembled, collectively. Nentsitasin, to appear; (not in use. Gundakan, throat. Gelackelendam, Z., levity. Majauchsowagan, union, unity, agreement. A.) Thuppeek, spring, well; (means simply cool water. See chappik back and then tum again; to lie on the back isWasachtehin. Pepachgitshiminhis, manifold in the belly of animals. A.) Manuppekhasu, skimmed. Muchomes, grandfather. Eksasamallsin. Wochtschuhatteu, full. Tachpachiwi, humble, modest; little, low. A.) Nawalan, to pursue somebody, to follow some one. Ta, Natchen, it is all gone. A.) Taleka, crane. Lawat, long ago; (lawata. A.) Machtschimaquot. Tschipelendamoagan, strangeness, oddness. Machtschipak, shoe, (machtsin, whence moccasin. Pejeju, it comes. to be concerned Sasappis, lightning bug, fire fly. Wulenensin, to dress; (not in use; Wulak'ko, to have a -pili, otherwise, by far otherwise. Mehemendowan, to entreat somebody. Chessachgutakan, leather breeches. to miss one's Achpekok, wound; (arch., A.) Awullakeniman, to praise somebody. one's life until this time. A.) Nemen, to see. Quilawelensitchewagan, distress, anquish. Pomminehotin, to dispute with one another. family. Palliaan, to go away. Ktschin, to go out; (acktschin, impers. it is a troublesome time. Gischitelien, to be determined. Nachgohuman, to sing. Ekajah! Kschiechauchsowagan, holiness, innocence. Z., Machtiwitt L very little. Wtscheet, sinew; (u'tschghet. A. Sisi'lija, Z., the buffalo (this means Achschiechey, Z., a nest. Majawiechen, it is right, it is as it should be; it agrees, Chief Tamanend N'schinai, etc., I do it unwillingly. Papen'damen, to hear by chance; (error; it is an iterative Lattoniken, to search, to examine. Winamandamen, to feel pain. Machtauchsowagan, sin. exclamation of indignation. Tspinaxu, he looks strancle. Lachgalaan, Z., to anger. Lachxuagan, Z., anger. Eliwi, both. Mehittgus, twig. Achgiwalittin, to deceive, to cheat. Ikali, thither; (nellakli'. Pakantschiechtasu, finished, completed. Epit, he who is there; inhabitant. names one, root, lunsi. A.) Wulamallsin, to be well, to be happy. Bloeu, Z., a turkey cock. Apagihen, to come from planting. Ngagepchoa, etc., I am deaf, etc. Gunaweke, yet, awhile. Wingel, eatable. over another. Sachachachgach'ne, a straight course in a river. Nukachtachemawachtowagan, last will, testament. A.) Tachsigiu, it hails. Schingochwen, to be unwilling to go. Talala, white cedar. my friend. Niluna, we (including only the party speaking). Wewitschinaquot, it is likely: probable. Wishaqtie. Schapulinsch. exclamation used in answering. Tschipisin, to have a fit, to get fits. A.) Tchen, times. to be very sickly. Chuppecat, deep, high water. Tschipey, spirit, ghost; (also applied to the dead body. Witschi, with, at the same time. Aspenummen, to lift up. Sukachqualles, negro. A. Munhacke, Z., a badger (see monacque). Nelowauchsin, to lead a heathenish life, to be a heathen. Quischimawan, to appoint somebody to an office. Tachquoakches, fall skin. Wikian, thy house. A.) frompquihilleu, it has a hole. hickory nut.) form. Pehachpamhangik, seafarers. Petaschowen, to swim hither. scheye.) Nipenachhen, summer hunt. Wachganessu, Z.. lean (bony, from wochgan. Schiwa'pew, Z., blue (wulih'ke, blue, at Lohikan, forefinger; (lit., the pointer. Sisquahoasu, a plastered fire place. Pegenawan, to dress somebody, to clothe someone. Pescngonk, nine. Anechwunaltey, bark canoe. Ikih! Pechuwelendam, to think one's self near. Taquiechen, join together. Natschuwallen, to fetch a load. Tschitanissohen, to strengthen. Eluwiahoalgussit, the beloved above all things; best beloved. Gendowewagan, week. Mehakachtey, coal of fire. Woalak, hole in the ground. Mitachkaniechink, manifest. boat. Litchewagan, thought, sentiment, opinion. Nguttokuni, one night. Lenni Ndauwat, scarce, rare; rarely, seldom. Wingewochqueu, a raven; (out of use. A.) Tetuptschehellak, wagon, cart; (from tuppett, referring WebThe other part is their Cantico, performed by round-Dances, sometimes Words, sometimes Songs, then Shouts, two being in the middle that begin, and by Singing and Drumming on a Board direct the Chorus: Their Postures in the Dance Lenape Patatammoewagan, merit. A.) Pechuwihhilleu, the time is near. Challanunschi, sumach. Kschiechhensin, to wash one's self. A.) A. Wulakhelan, to take somebody in care. Ehoalid, my lover. Eluwitschitanessit, the strongest. lazy. Nowoaktschochwen, to go a crooked road. Sedpokuniwi, early in the moming. Wulitehemen, to hew well. Sakhaken, to stay out from home so long. Wonipakquihilleu, the leaves come out. A.) Migihillan, to bow one's self down. Gischquik, day. Hattelu, having. Tschikhikan, broom. Mbil, Z., beer; mbilheen, to brew beer. -undachqui, here, hither, this way; -wuntschi, Anixigischuch, (the month in which the ground squirrels Wtakaquenimo, tough tree. Wikinditschik, married people. Achquetahen, to shoot at a mark. Gohan! Woapachsaney, white blanket. Gilkissin, to laugh: (achgilkissin. Plipitehan, to knock somebody on the head. Kpiktschehican, Z., a cover, a lid. Gachti, almost nearly; close by; wsami, almost Miechaninaquot, shameful. Elikhikqui, at this time. Komelendam, to be free from trouble or care; (not in use. There were likely 10,000 to 12,000 Lenape people in the Delaware Valley in 30 to 40 communities during William Penns time. Wachgutey, petticoat; (wachgotey, A.) Wuliechtagun, he makes good again. Tschinga, pike fish. Metachgelonen, to have told a ready lie. Hapichque, Z., a rib (opichque, a rib; opochquan, Undachlitti, a little this way. Nonetschik, sucking babes. WebThe Lenape are considered to be one of the oldest tribes in the Northeast, existing for over 10,000 years. A.) Waselandeu, clear sunshine. Mauwi, go and tell. exclamation of grief. Tangelensochwen, to walk humbly. Machtonquoan, to have a bad dream. Pikschummen, to cut fine. Titpikat, cold night. likhikqui, once, sometime or other;-tamse. (tach'hunnan, A.) Muschgingus, rabbit. Wulilissowagan, goodness, kindness. a fowl with young ones. man.) Tachtamse, now and then, often. Tschitanigachen, established, firm, sure. Tawonni, although. Tauchsittam, to hear privately. Wipungweu, Z., brown. Pecho, soon, by and bye; linitti, directly, in Manunxin, to be cross, to be angry. brace one's self for a jump, A.) Eenhiken, to pay; (enhe'ken. grateful. Klakauchsowagan, divertisement, light-mindedness; (from Machtschikamik, hole, grave. A.) bark, which is called wiquey. Nonschetto, Z., a doe. A.) Kuwe, pine; (see Cuwe.) Allunshikan, bullet mold. A.) dream, etc, (to dream good things. A.) Minall, Z., huckleberries, pl. Gischuch, sun, month. Schingattam, to be unwilling, to dislike, to disapprove. sense in this and most of the following words. A.) Kinhochkus, pike fish. see there; lo! Nachenum, raccoon; (usually espan. Pimiechton, to make slanting. Witahentin, to help each other. A.) Owoaton, to know; (weswaton, to become conscious. Ninutachpin, to be from the beginning. Putamohen, to cause to escape. A.) Chaasch, eight. Mequit, bloody. Haki, earth ground. to lend a hand. has reached full age and the fibers hardened. now achsinall, A.). in the north; lowanne lenpe', Z., northern Kittakima, great king; (the word sakima, of which this A.) Machelemuxowagan, honor. Nitaton, to be able to make something, to know how to Patient; (a person who waits. Messikanelan, to hail. Schingiptikan, leather string, rope. to each other. for. Sukachsin, iron. Wulilawemkewagan, our comfort. Wulonquoam, to dream something good. Tschikhammen, to sweep; (tschikikkammen, A.) A.) Kittelendamwagan, earnest. Amimi, Z., a dove. A.) Pachhalqueu, noon. Woapanacheen, good morning. yes (lazily). Awullakenimoagan, praise. Ichauwi, rather. talk. (he looks weakly or in pain. Wipentin, to lie with each other, to sleep with one another. Jukik, these. Allemitschellachton, to roll along. Quischktonhen, to whisper. Wuntschi, of, on account of, from, therefore. Nachquoawe, anything. A.) A.). A.). Sisstimmoek, bell. Amangachgenimgussowagan, the being elated by praise. Anehku, bark; (anechuin. for someone, to take care of somebody. Pachhaquuoakan, iron wedge. exclamation of indignant surprise. A.) Achibis, to bind up or dress a wound; (dub.,perhaps from etc. also and usually wangundin. Lachauwelendamoagan, concern. Woachejekumin, to be light. Mamalachgook, striped snake. Natenan, to take somebody. A.) Quetit, little girl. Mantowagan, spiritual power (from manitto.) Mattelemuxin, to be despised. Wendamen, to fish with hook and line. Wulamoewaptonamik, true word, true saying. an aid, assistant (now used exclusively for man or wife. Wiguitik, bill of a fowl or bird. Wulelemfleu, it is wonderful. It harmonizes, it corresponds. Tiskemanis, little fisher bird. Kpaskhasu, stopped. Siquonachen, spring hunt. Metakhan, to cover somebody. Tetanktitit, little one. (this means "raw;" off. Wulamoe, long ago; (out of use; chiihnne is the present A.) Ganschiechsin, to cry aloud. Passihillachgechquiminschi, swamp oak. A.) Machtakenimgussin, to be ill spoken of. Lowulen, it burns in a flame. Lenni, hand it; (linachke, Z., reach your feathers. Alakqui, 'tis a pity! Happa, yet a little while; a little longer. Gachgamun, roasted com; (alludes to the noise made in Schachachgennemen, to make straight. Tauwiechen, open. Tschannilissin, to do wrong, to make wrong. Allummeuchtummen, to go away weeping. Nil, these. A.) Pakenummuihhilleu, it grows dark. Wditechen, to think. Palsowagan, sickness. Wdelinamen, to imagine, to conjecture; (error; it means A.) A.) A.) Getschihillalittin, to hetray each other. Mallachsche, as if, as it were, like unto. Luppoewagan, cunningness, wittiness. Schibhasu, spread out. Nallahhemen, to sail up the water. Aski, must, necessitated, obliged. Wdoon. to give one an advantage. Lelemin, to let, to suffer, to permit, to grant. Patamoewigawan, house of prayer, temple, church. Mamtschitschi, the last time, at last. Ahoaltowaganit, he that is love. to make. Taktaundachqui, anywhere. form of the shell, A.) Amuigenan, to raise somebody up. Tachquoch, land turtle. Gachgamuniminschi, hoop-ash. A.) Tepelendamoagan, sufficiency. Eluet, as he saith, his saying. A.) Delaware, also called Lenni Lenape or Lenape, a confederation of Algonquian-speaking North American Indians who occupied the Atlantic seaboard from Cape Henlopen, Delaware, to western Long Island. Passikachkhen, to make boards. A.) A.) Mehokquinewagan, bloody flux. Mahonink,H., at the deer-lick. Elsija, as I am, as I do, Witisin, to esteem; (not in use. Gischigachink, grounded. Gegeyjumhewagan, rule, government. Achgiguwewagan, sport, pastime. Nenajunges, horse; (from najundam, to carry burdens Dulheu, Z., bosom, breast (with possessives). Spanquewaaan, wink of an eye. Wingi, fain, gladly, willingly. exclamation of surprise. Tutaam, to set on, to set at, to incite one to do something. Meschiechen, to slip, to fall. Mawachpoagan, tribute, tax. Tetauwiwi, between. Machtatenamuwi, unhappy, discontented. Ekhokiike, at the end of the world. Wuliton, to make well. Z., he saved my life.) Ktemakauchsoagan, poor, miserable life. Nukti, once more; only one. Nihillowet, murderer. Gischenaxin, to be ready, to be prepared. Atschimolsoagan, counsel, advice. Alaaptonen, to break off in speaking. Abtschiechgochgihillen, to bleed to death. Juchnook, well! Neka, he, she, it. a woman; no native word for milk is known. Latschessowen, to enjoy riches; to possess. Ktschukquihhilleu, it moves, it stirs. Alawossin, to be unable to perform; to be incapable of Papachgillintsch, the flat of the hand. ak) book, letter: (applied to any writing or writing What is thy wife's name?). Tengandasuwi, pierced through. very good. Won, this, this one. Achquetschiechtowagan, temptation. TekaLiwontowit, the patient, meek, mild God, Lamb of God. Pemapuchk, rock. A.) Tallachpaje, cold moming. Kommotgen, stolen. Gigitowalan, to speak with somebody, to talk to some one. Nachohalemin, to be alone. or small. The Pachkam'an, to beat somebody, to strike someone. Nhakewelendamoagan, hope. Schiwamallessin, to feel grief, to feel sorrow. testimony, direction. Tetpissin, to be in a like manner, to do in a like manner. bait. Nechoha, alone. Schaxowagan, covetousness. Bonihen, to lay on (wood on a fire). H., sit Ochquaso, belt of wampum. exclamation of grief. Thinaquot, Z., cool (anything that looks cold. Taktauntschi, from somewhere. Wiakat, enough and to spare; plenty, abundance. LENI LENAPE Nechink, the third time. A. Nguttapachki, one hundred. Winhattak, bad accident; (not in use. Nachpikin, to be by nature. A.) Wdallachquelendam, to grudge, to be unwilling to give; Tumhican, Z., an axe; see Temahican. Miechanissowagan, shame. just now, Woachejek, light. Quilutamen, to fall upon. Lenapehoking is the Lenape name for Lenape land, which spans from western Connecticut to eastern Pennsylvania, and the Hudson Valley to Delaware, with Manhattan at its center. (Courtesy of Curtis Zunigha) At that time, Lenape communities were only loosely connected, and they moved seasonally, according to Wierzbowski. Am, well, indeed. Kpahi, shut the door; (kpah'hi'. Miwelendamen, to forgive. other. Tilaku, cool evening. A.) Wulaptonen, to speak favorably. Elemamek, everywhere; (lit., as it lies; the sense "everywhere" Ajappawe, early in the morning. Tachquambeso, tied together. ). Delachgapachgunk, in the clift of a rock. Tpoquik, by night; (tipocuniwigischuck, Z., the A.) Tauwatawik, an uninhabited place; (achtawawek. Lenni-Lenape | Princeton Magazine Nik, these, those. Gischachgenutasti, concluded, settled, determined. Natenuxowagan, fetching, reception. A.) the water; (gamink. Pishikamen, to go to meet somebody. Pottenin, to take off. Mattonheen, Z., to curse (to give bad words. ah! Nguttelendin, to be of one mind, to have one object. Putawen, to blow; (puta'tamen, to blow as in starting A.) Elemussit, he that is going away. Pundhikan, steelyards. Awossin, to warm one's self. A.) Windasu, mentioned, named. Lowilaan, the rain is over. A.) Tschitatinambeso, tied fast. Ajapeu, buck. A.) to finish a work. Tschetschpissin, to disagree, to wrangle. Pindhikan, ramrod; sausage. one who leave the road; pachgi- hillan, to leave the road Nennachgallit, stammerer, stutterer; (nachnachqueu. A.) Mattaptonen, to speak uncivil, to talk roughly, to scold. Memoschanigat, toothless. Ahoalan, to love somebody; ahoaltie'que, E., A.). Ahoatam, to esteem, to value. Glikenikan, sumach. ), but. A.) is too bad, it is inferior. A.) A.) Nisktonhewagan, noisy, lying, nasty talk. Ganschalogan, to do great wonders. Mitachpin, Z.. to be born (lit., to be seen in Gispuin, to be satisfied, to have eaten enough. Guthattachgat, single thread, untwisted. Yanewi, Z., always. Skattsin, to be loathsome. commandment. Lennowechum, male of beasts. Petachdonamen, to come to seek. Allogalan, to send somebody. Tangelensin, to be lowly minded, to be humble. Windamen, to mention. Gochgachgaschowin, to swim over. Klakelendam, to be rakish, to be extravagant, to be dissolute, Wetegakil, his messengers; (out of use. Wulaptonamik, good tiding. Achgumhok, cloud. Lalchauwulinschaja, fork of the fingers. (not in use. Littonhen, to preach in such a manner. the legs in front. Scheychellat, Z., a forerunner;scheyiaclipitstchik, Getternaxin, to be poor, to be miserable. Tulpe, turtle, water turtle. A.) Wonanno, cheek. Miechinquawon, eyebrow. Nalauwi, heedless. Woclioanihm, seed. Gegeyjumhet, ruler, governor. Piwitak, aunt; (n'militak. Kschiechen, clean. Gauwoheen, to lie down to sleep. leaves (of the trees) tum red (in the autumn). Alamachtagen, to stop fighting. Ajanhelendamoagan, indifference. incapacity or inability. Pakandaptonen, to finish a discourse. The results are limitless. Sakuwit, mouth of a creek, mouth of a river; (more exactly Amanganachquiminschi, Spanish oak. who is A.) be; Iinaquot, what is it like, nehechen, how then, Sleepy, drowsy (arch., A.) Aptatschin, to freeze to death. a mark or sign; kichkinet, one who understands the marks. Liwiechen, to rest. A.) Pachgandhatteu, all is ready. Hakihen, to plant, to farm. Megungi, wholly, entirely, purely, quite, alone. Woapelechen, it looks white. Ink (suffix), in, in the, on, out of. Mamachtschiman, to revile somebody, to reproach some one, Pendamen, to hear; to understand. Niskalamuin, to make an ugly noise, to cry. Z.) in the grass. Achgelunen, to lie. Nachgihhilleu, it stops. The Lenape seek Pa. recognition, and a return home - WHYY A.) Wulelendamuwi, joyful, merry. Witauchsundowagan, fellowship. Schajahikan, seashore; (w'shajahitcan. Ochquetit, little girl. exclamation of laughter. Gagiuhokewagan, deceit. Mechhanneck, large creek, large river. To notice. Naninga, a double plural termination denoting deceased Nochnutemaliuwet, watchman, keeper; (mechnotaliwet. Chiquasu, patched, mended. Moochwetit, little worm. A.) Glakelendam, to be merry, to make sport; (to be excited. Miechanimgussin, to be made ashamed. to let somebody have the preference. ak, skin; leather; machtschilokees, Z., Machtschihillen, spoiled, corrupted. Mosigawan, cow stable. from above. Likhikquiechen, so as.
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