
allah puts someone in your life for a reason

allah puts someone in your life for a reason

Allah made you a Muslim because he wants to see you in Jannah. So someone succeeds at work, school, or career and they think "I've earned this". Tawakkul is having full faith that Allah (SWT) will take care of you, even things look impossible. Until we realize that it is only Allah who is the source of Peace, we will never be able to attain true peace of mind. Surely, Allah has all (His) servants in sight. [Quran, 40:44], Keep making dua & trust Allahs Plan & Timing, And I entrust my matter with Allah. Even when He removes a person from our live, we must say " alhamdulilah " because there is most definitely a reason for it that we can't comprehend at that moment. 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Check quote these Allah quotes and share them with your friends and family. Always put your head on ground and shed your tears on. since youre close to him try asking questions as in why he doubts and if he is open for explaination. Faith in Gods way of arranging things into your life so that, in the end, it will all make perfect sense. People can give great advice, but only Allah SWT gives perfect Guidance. Every cut that bleeds, Allah heals. They will be toxic for you, and it doesnt mean they are evil per se, but they may be unknowingly hurting you. As a Muslim, I attempt to find solutions religiously, and I occasionally look for Islamic quotations images to help me with my present condition or problem. Do not force the religion on your family. Perhaps God has seen or heard something from this person and realized they are not for you. Her topics of interest gravitate around the fields of the human mind and the interpersonal relationships of people. Don't despair if you're feeling depressed, lost, or burdened by your misdeeds; Allah is there for you. She refused and eventually they ended in a divorce because as she learned about her rights as a wife, she realized that her husband was not giving her rights to her. Allah Says, Allah puts people in your life for a reason (Islamic Prophet Muhammed (saw), I will tell you the distinguishing marks of a person for whom the fire of Hell has been made unlawful and who is a forbidden person for the Hellfire to consume: He is a man who bears a sweet temper, tender heart and is soft-spoken. Allah comes in between a person and his heart. May Allah fill our hearts with the love of the beloved Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) & inspire our tongues to send many blessings on the prophet & guide us to his Sunnah. My life goes the way Allah has planned but not the ways I have planned. yahya Adel Ibrahim. One day, a man from another State whom I had never met contacted me and told me that someone told him that I was facing hard times and needed some help. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Remember Allah during every situation with ones time, heart and deeds. when you can pry to the one who created it. Allah still loves and shows mercy to those who disobey Him. Surely, Allah has all (His) servants in sight. [Quran, 40:44]. They will help you become better and overcome your shortcomings. Share about your life. Cat Stevens, Allah will help him who moves in the way of Allah. God puts people in your life for a reason. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There is no difference between white and black, short and tall, poor and rich. Allahs blessings are more than treasures. And finally, I believe that when we do meet the one that is meant to stay with us forever well just know. in surah al-isra, He doesnt refer to it as helping the miskeen or giving charity to the miskeen Allah refers to this act as giving them what is their right and what they deserve. In her words, she explained that she believes that the first driver was put in her life to teach her not to trust people blindly, and the second was a sign to her that her prayers would be answered, and the third gave her a sense of hope in mankind, and that there were still good people out there and to never lose hope. and when you ever question your fate asking, why me? Just remember, no matter where you are, Allah knows, Allah knows. both the apparent ones and hidden ones, for that leads to his love. Jealousy comes from counting others' blessings instead of our own. The more you are close to Allah you will be close to humanity. Allah removes people from your life for a better reason Allah owns your happiness so dont look for it far from Him. He is a man of God who loves God as much as you love Him. But he will empower the humble! Turn to Allah and you will find His Mercy heal every aching part of your heart and soul. Allah puts people in your life for a reason and removes them from your life for a better reason. Indeed, He is Praiseworthy and Honorable, [ Quran, 11:73]. Allah has ways of putting people in our lives, and putting us in the lives of others because He is the master of planners. No one besides Allah can rescue a soul from hardship Quran [53:58]. He was a man of his word, and sent me the funds and so I booked my ticket and left! Will eventually see Allahs hand in everything because worry ends where faith begins. There's A Reason Why God Brings You Closer To Certain People And Then God sees that, and therefore, He takes them out of your life because He wants you to be happy. There is a reason why you both got attracted to each other. The Quran reflects Allah's words, and the Muslim community adheres to every word stated in the Quran. 100 Best Collection of Allah Quotes - Islam Quotes About Life Your email address will not be published. We just have to learn to understand the roles they played in our lives at those times to grow intellectually, emotionally, socially, and even spiritually. Allahs plan is always much better than our dreams. 3- The third is often times, people will become arrogant or prideful in their lives. People can give great advice, but only Allah SWT gives perfect Guidance. We are the same. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); "He who believes in Allah and the Day of Resurrection, do not let him harm his neighbor. [Rumi]. Prophet Muhammed (saw). Never disrespect women when Allah SWT dedicated a whole surah called Surah An-Nisa. Surround yourself with those who remind you of Allah and become happy. Access - Bible Alhamdulilah for the first husband, because even though he wasnt meant for her, if it were not for him, she wouldnt have learned about Islam, and resulted in her finding her soul mate! [Hadith Qudsi]. Even when He removes a person from our live, we must say alhamdulilah because there is most definitely a reason for it that we cant comprehend at that moment. Every breath we take, every step we take, and every minute we spend should be a source of gratitude to Allah. Indeed, Allah is the best of planners. Allah never said the road would be easy. Only Allah can feel the real pain you have. The beauty of Islam is that its never too late to ask ALLAH for forgiveness but we also have to remember you never know when youll die. Prayer is an amazing exchange. But He said I will be with those who have patience. The greatest way of staying positive is counting all our blessings & being constantly grateful to Allah for every little thing. Therefore, it's important to be wary of who you allow access to your life. You are ready to promise to love him through good times and bad times. [Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Sahih Bukhari]. And whosoever has faith in Allah and the Day of Judgement, let him speak only of what is good or else remain silent. we must clean our hearts if we want to invite Allah. Allah (SWT) knows what He is doing. 150+ Islamic Status, Captions and Quotes in English Post a Comment Post a Comment Popular Posts. Put your trust in Him. Before I get started with Allah Quotes. Who is Allah? walk towards me, i will run towards you. When you love someone, you will take care of them But when you love Allah, He will take care of you. I hope you guys like our collection of Allah quotes list. How many times have we all felt overwhelmed and hopeless? Every tear that falls, Allah catches. He returned with a bag full of new clothes that he bought her. So lose not heart, nor fall into despair, for you will be superior if you are true in faith [Surah Al-Imran 3:139]. ALLAH always knows what is best for you. When we repair our relationship with Allah SWT, He repairs everything else for us. she began to panic and she sat down and cried. O Allah, You are the best of planners so please guide us believers and give us the strength to trust in your plans. [Quran 10:44]. Allah will not take anything from a believer without replacing it with something better. and He is the Highest, the Greatest Surah Baqarah | 255 | Holy Quran. Put Allah first, and you will never be last. Dont run after them. To be able to thank Allah for a blessing is a blessing within itself | Imam Shafii. In Sha Allah you will be given so much love one day that you will forget about any heartbreaks you suffered. [Quran 2:286]. The man who built the Titanic was asked, how safe it would be? If you have Islam then you have everything, Fajr is the key to unlocking the start of a beautiful day, full of Allahs blessings. If you are in trouble and don't find a way, Allah will make ways for you. It's who is most righteous. If you are moving on from any kind of relationship, this book is your new best friend. If Allah is all you have. {Say: Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our protector: and on Allah let the Believers put their trust.} Allah has a special affection for people who are grateful to him. Allah puts people in your life for a reason and removes them from your life for a better reason. 100 Allah Quotes - Islam quotes about life, Verify Allah SWT forgives all sins | Al-Quran 39:53, Allah SWT will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to mankind | Sahih Al-Bukhari Book 73 Hadith 42, When you make dua, it is a sign that Allah SWT loves you & has intended good for you | Imam Ibn al-Qayyim. Allah youve to do is prove that youre worthy of it. Ma Sha Allah Boht boht Shukiya ap ka. Your email address will not be published. Allah made you a Muslim because he wants to see you in jannah. Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in their hearts. Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us). Dont run after them. Allah is the best of planners. So here are Some reminder quotes on Allah is the best planneras follows: And Allah is the best of planners. [Quran, 3:54], They plan, and Allah plans. Indeed Allah is the best of planners. If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery & nudity common in the next generation. Nothing on the earth or in heaven is hidden from Allah. Allah has requested us to be grateful to Him at all times, and He will continue to bless us. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Looking back she realizes that maybe her first husband was put in her life to have Islam introduced to her to expose what Islam really was, and wasnt, and what a good Muslim husband was and wasnt. God had planned everything before you came into the world. When was the last time you read the Quran? It is He who created you; it is He who knows what is best for you. You are ready to spend your life with them. La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah. Allah (SWT) knows what He is doing. Im sure if you contemplate about people you have encountered in the past and present, you may awaken your mind and spirit to their purpose and make use of it! both the apparent ones and hidden ones, for that leads to his love. God may remove someone from your life if He sees that you have become dependent on them. It's a way of seeing life and the world. The more you read The Quran the more youll fall in love with The Author. Islam is known as the "loving religion." We were the most humiliated people on earth & Allah gave us honor through Islam. We Clean our house when we invite someone. She took his offer and while traveling over a few days, she became really sick, and the man cared for her. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon him) and upon his family and upon Muslim ummah. We all are the slave of Allah. You both love each other and cant wait to spend the rest of your lives together. Copy. Allah SWT alone has provided us with food to eat, water to drink, a bed to sleep in, a house to rest in, and a family to adore. 41+ Beautiful Islamic Quotes About Love in English - Ultra Updates If Allah loves you more than a Mother, You Shouldnt be ashamed of crying to him like a baby. when you talk to someone about something like this you need to have a friendly attitude and need to be open for what the person is saying. We Clean our house when we invite someone. I am collecting quotes from 3 years for this blog. Allah Loves you more than you can ever love him. Who can you serve and sacrifice for in your life? Remembering Allah during every situation with ones time, heart and deeds. Allah really blessed me with this persons kindness. PPHI Jobs 2023 Sindh Latest March Advertisement Apply Online Allah has something better planned for you. Allah SWT has a special affection for Muslims. Just because the answer wasnt yes doesnt mean Allah didnt answer your prayerTrust in Allah, his plan is much better than ours. You feel peaceful about your relationship, and that is the main sign that shows you are with the person who is right for you. The company of a bad friend is like the blacksmiths bellows; if you are not affected by its black dirt, you will be touched by its smoke. Stop worrying, stop stressing, and trust Him! Dr. Bilal Philips. Allah still loves and shows mercy to those who disobey Him, so imagine how much He loves those who obey Him. Allahs timing is perfect in every matter. Have patience. Allah is always with you. If you read all of the quotes, you will find every solution to your problem. With an ironic tone, he said: Not even God can sink it. And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. This conversation led me to meet some Muslims and eventually learn more about Islam, and take my shahadah.so, alhamdulilah for this person entering my life! Until then, we should embrace the lessons and never stop evolving. There is no situation that are experiencing along. No matter how many times you have harmed and sinned, we must remember. [Hadith Qudsi]. [Al-Araf verse 204]. Anonymous. If you have a general question or comment please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Allah is displeased when you stop asking Him and mankind is displeased when asked | Ibn Al-Qayyim, And those who strive hard for us, we will certainly guide them in Our ways; and Allah (SWT) is most surely with the doers of good | Surat Al-Ankaboot (29:69), Walk alone until Allah sends you someone to walk with, To Allah belongs the East and the West: Whenever ye turn, there is the presence of Allah (SWT) | Surah Baqarah 115. [Anonymous]. He then turned around and told me to keep it all of it! The proof is in your actions when nobody can see you except Allah. He just answers them in different ways for us. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Allah SWT can make your hardest breakdowns become your biggest breakthroughs. Allah puts people in your life for a reason and removes them from your life for a better reason. Maybe they are angels that God sent to teach you something and help you heal, and when they are done their purpose is to fly away to someone elses life, the person they were meant to be with. All those who have followed Allahs view knows the importance of life and have a strong perspective about things. Surely Allah is the best of planners. Allah has ways of putting people in our lives, and putting us in the lives of others because He is the master of planners. People mat . Allah puts people in your life for a reason. #islam # When God puts you in a situation to meet someone new, He puts you there to enlighten someone or to make someones life better. walk towards me, i will run towards you. I will forever be grateful to Allah and this man for such a blessing! In the end, its just you and Allah. When Katherine looked to remarry, she was armed with the knowledge of marriage in Islam, and her rights, and knew what kind of man to look for that would help her grow in her Islam. Allah is the best of planners. Those who happily leave everything in Allahs hand. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Even when you think He hasnt answered you, He plans in your favor. Believe that Allah has a better plan for you. It was a common misconception that cheating customers equaled making more money. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. God knows what you need at any time, and so, He will bring just the right people to offer you what you need. Count your smiles instead of your sadness. Allah will never disappoint the sincere believer. A plan far greater than you can imagine. Sometimes what you want, isnt whats best for you. And hold fast all of you together to the rope of Allah (SWT) | The Holy Quran (3:103). Have faith and be inspired by Allah's forgiving words. They will only want what is best for you, and if they sense you are not happy with them, they will walk away. They invest to defame Islam but end up reverting to Islam.. surely Allah is the best of planners. Put Allah first, and you will never be last. He forgives whom He wills and punishes whom He wills. Reflecting on His many favors and blessings. It triggered her to learn more about it, because her husband never talked to her about religion. enough to leave your bed and pray Fajr?, Allahs timing is perfect in every matter. Having your heart softened as it is worshiping Allah. This means we can change our destiny, as we are the masters of it. Required fields are marked *. The happiest people are those who have found that Allah is enough. the is no situation that you are experiencing alone. When we open up about our weaknesses and challenges with others, it helps them see the ways . When God removes someone from your life, it is usually a sign that He is about to bring someone else in. | Narrated by Abu Hurayrah Sunan Abi Dawud 4811, SubhanAllah. There is no other deity besides Allah, the ever-living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. The Muslim Is the one from whose tongue & hand the Muslims are safe. Allah SWT is always with you. If you lose something it means Something better is coming from Allah. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. Why wish upon a star? I said to Allah, I hate life. God speaks to you in various ways. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. When the people close to you approve of him, it is a sign that he is right for you. Indeed nor lose hope in the mercy of Allah except the most ungrateful people. we must clean our hearts if we want to invite Allah. We plan, and Allah plans. The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for yewerethe fewest of all people: But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. (Deuteronomy 7:6-8)[See also Deuteronomy 14:1-2; Psalms 33:12; Psalms 89:3-4], But thou, Israel,artmy servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend. Allah is the best of planners, so trust His decision, be patient & say Alhamdulillah. These Allah quotes and HD images are generally based on your daily activities. Trust Allah when things dont work out the way you wanted. He's better than me. (9:51). Whatever happens in your life, Allah has a great plan for you. You are exactly where He wants you right now. While God places individuals in your life, so does the enemy. So which of the favor of your Lord would you deny | Quran 55:13. Thouwhom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thouartmy servant; I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away. (Isaiah 41:8-9). Certainly, He is Al-Muqit, The Nourisher of hearts. I feel Allah sent me this man, to give me an opportunity that would have otherwise been impossible. When the world pushes you to your knees, youre in the perfect position to pray. The Heart made by Allah & for Allah Only (I love Allah Quotes). so imagine how much He loves those who obey Him. If your heart is broken that someone has walked away from you even though you didnt do anything wrong and everything seemed perfect, then its probably Gods plan. Allah hears you heart intention, before your lips whisper your request. There are websites on the internet where Allah's quotes can be found. My Life may not be going the way i Planned it, But it is going exactly the way Allah planned it. It is by purpose, not chance. The Sweetest time of the day is when you pray because you are talking to the one who loves you most. 8 Reasons Why Muslims Go Through Problems & Difficulties 1,294,028 God's Plan Nothing terrifies me more than being so close to someone and then watching them become a stranger again. As the day went on, another truck driver stopped and he was carrying chickens. When you suffer for your sadness and loose, remember your sins are wiping out and you are getting saved from hellfire. If something doesnt turn out the way you planned, remember that Allah is the best of planners and He knows whats best for you. By the time she reached Chicago, she felt like she wanted to just die and her misery be over with. Allah SWT has given us all the life we have now as a gift. we must clean our hearts if we want to invite Allah. Be happy with whatever Allah has blessed you with! Indeed Allah is the best of planners. When you dont understand whats happening in your life, Just close your eyes, and take a deep breath and say, Ya Allah, I know this is your plan just help me through it. No one besides Allah can rescue a soul from hardship Quran [53:58]. Say alhamdulilah because each person was sent for a purpose. Dont be proud of every guy wants you, cheap items have many buyers be a rare stone that only the pious can afford you, reach and get you in a Halal relationship (Nikkah), God is gentle and loves gentleness in all things.- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Mufti Menk. Allah will always make a way for you even when there seems to be no way out. If you want to change, start with the book of Allah. If you have any question or suggestion then just comment below or contact us. Islam means submitting your will to Allah. This pride builds up and accumulate. so imagine how much He loves those who obey Him. Islam is not a set of rules. When someone walks out of your life, it means that God has taken them away for a reason. Allah has planned it beautifully, so wait patiently. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. He knows whats best for you. I only complain of my Sorrow and my sadness to ALLAH. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. God wants to be your priority. Once overcome that period of test will then just remain a memory of the past. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. If Allah brings you to it, He will bring you through it. Everyone receives Allah's blessings. Who are your friends? But he will empower the humble! If you are in doubt ask ALLAH. How foolish are we to rush our prayers, when Allah is the owner of time? You have to be brave and havefaithin yourself to let them go. Bow down to Allah put your forehead on the ground, Talk to him and pour your heart out, Reflect, regret and repent. Sometimes you cant explain why you are attracted to a specific person you just are. How does this attraction occur? Ishma Khan on Instagram: "Allah puts people in your life for a reason Allah Puts People In Your Life | Kata-kata indah, Kutipan agama Every believer should believe in Allah and know that Allah is the best planner. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Constantly holding something in your earth against a person is a disease trust Allah and let it go. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. He Allah is The Best Planner. Perform Salatul Istikhara. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Keep your good deeds between you and Allah people arent going to provide you with Jannah only He Can. No one besides Allah can rescue a soul from hardship Quran [53:58]. They plan, and Allah plans & Allah is the best of planners. You are exactly where he wants you right now. Allah SWT hears all of our prayers, whether they are silent or loud. Whatever is in the heavens and what is on the earth belongs to Him. Allah knows what is best for you and when you should have it. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. ALLAH is the best of Planners. Allowing your heart to reflect on his Names and Attributes. This person offered to help me in whatever way I needed, not knowing anything about me. you often dont appreciate what you have until its gone!. Allah There is no deity except Him, the ever-living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. show them the beauty of the religion through your own practice. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in their hearts. I explained that I didnt have a religion, but explained my beliefs, and that person told me that I was a Muslim. When you heart is breaking and our pain make you fall: remember, just Remember Allah Sees it all. Pray and be Patient. They are there to open your mind and heart to new things and improve your life. O Allah, change me until I am someone You are pleased with. With no money, or phone, etc. Alhamdulilah! You are exactly where he wants you right now. Seeking closeness to Allah by performing voluntary deeds after having performed obligatory ones, for that leads one to the highest levels of Love. Allah alone is sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us) | Quran 3:173. I had never heard of Islam, or Muslims before having this room-mate. When I'm upset, happy, depressed, puzzled, or confronted with an issue, that is. 3. [Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Sahih Bukhari]. This life is a gift from Allah, and we must strive to live it in peace. Each person taught me something and shaped me into the person that I am today. When you are tempted to lose patience with someone, think how patient Allah has been with you. If Allah brings you to it, He will bring you through it. Read Also: Death Remembrance Quotes from Famous People. So no matter what mistakes youve made return to him with regret and repent.

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allah puts someone in your life for a reason