A striking difference between 2016 and 2017-2018 has to do with the environment. Cerise Valenzuela Metzger, Director of Public Relations, cmetzger@chapman.edu The top five things Americans worry or are concerned about are: 1) Having identity stolen on the internet, 2) Corporate surveillance of internet activity, 4) Government surveillance of internet activity, "The sky is falling (and a serial killer is chasing me)". The Chapman University 2015 Survey of American Fears included items on paranormal beliefs ranging from Bigfoot and psychic powers to haunted houses and the power of dreams. <]>> Science X Daily and the Weekly Email Newsletter are free features that allow you to receive your favorite sci-tech news updates in your email inbox, Phys.org 2003 - 2023 powered by Science X Network. Extinction of plant and animal species, American Healthcare Act/Trumpcare (55.3%), Pollution of oceans, rivers and lakes (61.6%), Not having enough money for the future (39.9%), Pollution of oceans, rivers and lakes (53.1%), Not having enough money for the future (57%), Not having enough money for the future (50.2%), People I love becoming seriously ill (56.5%), The US will be involved in another World War (48.4%), Extinction of plant and animal species (54.1%), People I love becoming seriously ill (35.9%), Global warming and climate change (53.2%), The Affordable Health Care Act/Obamacare (35.5%), 12. As an academically distinguished center of learning, Chapman University attracts extraordinary students and faculty from around the globe. by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert system. The noticeable increase in the top ten fears have ranged from: 2016: 35.5% to 60.6% 2017: 44.9% to 74.5% 2018: 52.9% to 73.6% 2019: 55.7% to 77.2% Americans are becoming more afraid. GFK (Knowledge Networks) And, the vast majority (78 percent) believes an emergency kit would improve their chances of surviving a disaster. Seasonal phobias of ghosts (8.1%) and zombies (10.6%) continue to make the list. The data is organized into five basic categories personal fears, acting out of fear, natural disasters, paranormal fears and domains of fear. The researchers continue to improve the survey as its results and continuing interviews provide more information about fear, as well as how best to collect fear-based information. The 2016 Chapman University Survey of American Fears explored how Americans as a whole view this small subgroup. Sciences, Dodge What makes speaking in front of a large crowd so scary? Additionally, the survey asked respondents if they have rethought everyday activities due to fear of terrorism. "Survey shows what Americans fear most." What they learned is more than half of all Americans believe the government is concealing information about the 9/11 attacks; as well as the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Chapman University Survey of American Fears Fear of Extremism and the Threat to National Security. Performing Arts, Crean College of Health and Behavioral Economic fears include economic/financial collapse (53.7%), financial fraud (24.3%), not being able to pay off college debt of myself or a family member (43.0%) and not having enough money to pay my rent or mortgage (43.4%). In addition to the set of fears examined in previous waves, the survey team took a closer look at two fear related phenomena: Americans' beliefs in conspiracy theories and fear of Muslims, sometimes referred to as "Islamophobia.". Now celebrating its 155th year, Chapman is known for its distinguishing strengths in leadership and civic engagement, in the arts and entertainment disciplines, and in specialized sectors of technology and science. People with the highest levels of paranormal beliefs have the following traits: Roughly one percent of the U.S. adult population are Muslims. The 2017 survey shows that the top 10 things Americans fear the most are: 1) Corruption of government officials (same top fear as 2015 and 2016) 2) American Healthcare Act/Trumpcare (new. "Through a complex series of analyses, we were able to determine what types of people tend to fear certain things, and what personal characteristics tend to be associated with most types of fear," said Dr. Christopher Bader, who performed the analysis. Regardless of the sources, the prevalence of anti-Muslim sentiment is a concern.". The Complete List of Fears, 2019 Chapman is categorized by the Carnegie Classification as an R2 high research activity institution and offers personalized education to more than 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students. In the top 10 fears cited in the survey overall, "terrorist attack" ranks second, with 41 percent of Americans being afraid of a terror attack--and more than 60 percent believing the United States is likely to experience a large scale terrorist event (such as 9/11) in the near future. Reporting and analysis from the Hill and the White House, Americas top fears: Public speaking, heights and bugs, Having a lower level of education, particularly having only a high school diploma/GED or less, was the most consistent predictor of fear,", Watching television talk shows with frequency proved to be strongly related to fear,", or antipathy to people who aren't like them," in, Regulators seize ailing First Republic Bank, sell remains to JPMorgan. are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! ", What aren't they telling us? More than 1,500 adults from across the nation and all walks of life were surveyed. Our survey indicates Americans are more likely to report a shoplifter than a terrorist.". However, this means that nearly three-fourths of Americans do believe in something paranormal. Support, Chapman University Survey of American Fears, Daniel Canogars Pareidolia Multimedia Artwork Unveiled at Chapman University, Sandi Simon Center for Dance Ushers in New Era for Dance at Chapman, Chapman Students Find New Power in the Work of Nobel Laureate Nadia Murad, Corporate tracking of personal information, Government tracking of personal information. 2096 0 obj <>stream Another 40 percent believe the government is hiding information about extra-terrestrials and global warming; and one-third believe there are conspiracies surrounding Obama's birth certificate and the origin of the AIDs virus. Most indicative is nearly one-third of respondents believed the government is concealing information about 'the North Dakota crash,' a theory we asked about that - to our knowledge - we made up," Dr. Bader continued. 0000000793 00000 n For the first time ever, the fear survey included a question regarding Russia using nuclear weapons. endstream endobj 2095 0 obj <>/Size 2073/Type/XRef>>stream Turns out there's indeed a wide variety of things frightening. And as in the previous four years, the fear that our government is corrupt far exceeds all others we asked about. Democrats are slightly more likely to be afraid of ghosts. ", The survey also looked at the personal characteristics that are significantly associated with higher levels of paranormal belief. In 2016, the highest level of fear reported by our respondents was for corrupt government officials at 60.6%. "For a nation that touts its commitment to religious liberty, the prevalence of these beliefs should be disturbing," said Ed Day, Ph.D., chair of the department of sociology at Chapman University and one of the three researchers on this survey. Centers, Center for 2073 0 obj <> endobj We found a major disconnect between peoples expectations of what would happen in a disaster and the reality of a disasters aftermath, said Ann Gordon, Ph.D., and lead researcher on the disaster portion of the survey. Americans believe that both Islamic Extremists and White Supremacists represent a threat to national security. Homeland Insecurity: Terrorism, Mass Shootings and the Public - Faculty Books, March 21, 2023 by Grace Galusha '23 | News, Every March, in Honor of Womens History Month, students in Wilkinson Colleges Women and Gender Studies minor gather to tell stories of women past and present that have made their mark in the activist, academic, and political spheres. For general inquiries, please use our contact form. By 2017, the top fear (corrupt government officials) was up to 74.5% and five of the top ten fears were expressed by more than half of the population. cognitive restructuring is process that builds confidence because it replaces negative thoughts with positive thoughts called affirmations. The survey was administered by GFK (Knowledge Networks) a consumer research company with expertise in probability samples. x\o6 ]e" Imq~jK,g73l)1?,c~;w}=2W g!/j3@3"BX !b;`,~uv;xb~c?^_}Ry}5X4!%*T{N={F0=_9'L/:u:Fx"G)xa>Oh G/,9^Yei9|76VObwLQfR^%`\oCS:$Kpnb$C~ G7bu}M$qW7!@_SOhf4$}K}M4i Z9q> PpR/ 8r^XS L9;g"oqflMXRsoRa%{1h>*hV$xeEh; p!]M|vyD$%6qT#Ea;v Gbg.s(50|Q0`lxc1ssA?d1K9;\LJ&eSg"]6YVI\Y) CJB/0C4s-O8,4On#{N. 9 spot on the list. In the top 10 fears cited in the survey overall, "terrorist attack" ranks second, with 41 percent of Americans being afraid of a terror attackand more than 60 percent believing the United States is likely to experience a large scale terrorist event (such as 9/11) in the near future. Those top three fears are connected in a kind of hand-wringing trifecta, said Christopher Bader, Ph.D., who led the team effort. But Republicans weren't significantly more fearful on any of them. Centers, Center for Questions? and Terms of Use. Each year the survey digs deep into Americans fears and examines their potential causes as well as the consequences they have on daily life, voting patterns and personal and societal behavior. Chapman University sociologists and researchers have released the ninth annual Survey of American Fears revealing 92 terrifying trends and new insights into the nations top fears. College of Science and Technology, Wilkinson College of Arts, Data were collected between May 5, 2016, and May 18, 2016. CCPA/CPRA: Do Not Sell or Share My Information. ScienceDaily. As greater distance is placed between the United States and the height of the coronavirus pandemic, it will be interesting to see if environmental concerns continue to reemerge in the top 10 list, or if Americans continue to find their attention diverted to other issues. The recent media coverage of a potential recession plaguing the country, in combination with the negative economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and inflation woes, could help to explain the presence of both the fear of not having enough money for the future and the fear of economic/financial collapse in the top 10 list of 2022. 2012-2023 Chapman University, The Chapman University Survey of American Fears (CSAF), The Chapman University Survey on American Fears, Crean College of Health & Behavioral Sciences, Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, & Social technology (Tech Xplore) and medical research (Medical Xpress), For the first time, in 2017, four of the top 10 fears were centered around the environment. 60 in the Best Business School rankings released April 25 by U.S. News & World Report. Economics, College of Humanities, and Social Sciences, 4. Top 10 Fears for 2022 % Of Very Afraid or Afraid. "Results from the Chapman University Survey of American Fears 2016 show significant portions of the U.S. population distrust Muslims and believe the nation is justified in singling out one religious tradition for increased law enforcement scrutiny," said Dr. Day. The survey shows that the top five things Americans fear the most are: 4) Being the victim of a mass/random shooting. Not having enough money for the future, 8. The survey further examined how Muslims are viewed relative to other segments of society based on trust--only "strangers" were more distrusted than Muslims. One in five Americans is afraid Extreme Environmentalists are a threat. Also, a greater number of women than. A comprehensive list of the all the fears from The war between Russia and Ukraine and the media attention this conflict has garnered explains this fear. xA 04(F~\GczC. Others talking about you behind your back, Computers replacing people in the workforce, Financial fraud (such as a Ponzi scheme, embezzlement, etc. In June of 2018, a random sample of 1,190 adults from across the United States were asked their level of fear about ninety-four different phenomena including crime, the government, the environment, disasters, personal anxieties, technology and many others. Fears of environmental degradation and climate change were prominent among Americans in previous surveys, however, over the past few years, there seems to be a shift away from these fears with focus falling elsewhere. Undergraduate by 0000004630 00000 n Despite evidence to the contrary, Americans do not feel like the United States is becoming a safer place. <> Corruption of government officials topped the surveys list of the 10 things Americans fear most. The 2016 survey shows that the top 10 things Americans fear the most are: "The 2016 survey data shows us the top fears have shifted from last year's, which were heavily based in economic and 'big brother' type issues to include more health and financial fears this year," said Christopher Bader, Ph.D., professor of sociology at Chapman University, who led the team effort. "What we found when we asked a series of questions pertaining to fears of various crimes is that a majority of Americans not only fear crimes such as, child abduction, gang violence, sexual assaults and others; but they also believe these crimes (and others) have increased over the past 20 years," said Dr. Edward Day who led this portion of the research and analysis. summer night joy harjo,
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