In the days when rats could cause a societal collapse and when poisonous reptiles posed a serious threat, having a cat on hand was incredibly beneficial. I dont understand the dream I had about the spider web. Asmodeus is not happy with him. Sorry. Those are protective deities, you know. Itzpapalotl is called the Obsidian Butterfly, though she is often associated with bats and deer as well. Bastet is an Egyptian goddess with the head of a cat. On top of it all, Highlanders are built like Mishipeshu, too theyre a very muscular breed. Hey! Belial has sent them after me and Im a damn arachnophobe. Many Pagan deities are associated with various aspects of the human experience - love, death, marriage, fertility, and so forth. Although we see the goddess Bastet as the Egyptian cat god, as a deity she was the goddess of protection, pleasure, and good health. It would just sit beside me as I looked up on how to do a certain spell. It is always interesting to see how people across the globe can worship deities so similar to one another, however does no one else find it bizarre how mesoamerican societies worshiped and included cats in all sorts of rituals, despite being in the new world and having no contact with the old world yet? Brew it as a tea and drink it in Freyas honor. It was the size of my hand and just looked at me on the opposite side of where I was sleeping. She is a cat goddess because she is often illustrated as riding in a chariot drawn by cats. Freya, Norse goddess of fertility and the home, rode in a chariot pulled by two cats. ago I could say Bastet (egyptian), goddess of cats, love, music, dancing and fertility who is a cat-woman and Freya (norse), goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war, gold and magic who rides a chariot drawn by cats. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Required fields are marked *. The practice is recorded by Herodotus in 440 BCE; it is suggested that the mourning period ends when the eyebrows grow back. Probably. pagan101 posted this. Whenever I study on the topics (read articles, practice sigil making, learn about myths, etc. Farmers left offerings for the cats in order to ensure a good harvest. It can also be argued that if Sekhmet were his mother, Maahes also got her attitude. But as I began exploring world mythology, I found that theres a lot more to cats, deities and miracles than I first thought. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, is mostly depicted with owls and snakes; however, Athena aids Heracles in slaying a monstrous lion. Interesting fact: statues were carved in such a way as to make them look like they were standing when viewed from the front and walking when viewed from the side. He particularly loved families and children and was strong enough to fight off lions with his bare hands. Cats in ancient Egypt were so adored that the Persian king Cambyses II exploited Egyptians reverence when conquering Egypt in 525 BCE. In some places, Dionysus was linked to the lion. In all, while the jackal-headed Anubis was celebrated as the messenger and attendant of the gods, Mafdet was the guard and executioner. And I had a dream when I was 5 that I was incased in a huge white thick spider web all the way to my neck. She also sleeps with my parents most of the time, so it's weird to me that she chooses ME over my parents when I study. The guy that Asmodeus grabbed in my dream was him. Ceridwen, the Welsh goddess of wisdom and mother of the famous bard Taliesin, was attended by white cats who carried out her orders on Earth. READ MORE: Ancient Egyptian Weapons: Spears, Bows, Axes, and More! The cats of today arent too different. She protected women, children and cats. It felt and looked so real. Ancient Egypt Timeline: Predynastic Period Until the Persian Conquest. By the time of the New Kingdom, Mafdet oversaw a realm of Duat (the Afterlife) where the enemies of the pharaoh would go. Felids will respect and be then respected. It is intricate, handsomely crafted, and just a good-lookin statuette. HOME; SCHOOL; BOOKS; The Roman goddesses Diana and Juno have close ties to big cats, as well. 3 Deities That are Associated with Spiders [With Stories] - Magickal Spot If you have the space and desire, adopting a cat from the shelter is the highest form of flattery to the cat goddesses and male cat gods. Today, the Maneki Neko amulet is used to draw business and money into ones livelihood or to cleanse the aura (depending on which paw is raised or both). Over time, this role became associated with the menacing Sekhmet. Thats where Mafdet comes in. Sometimes they have a bull's body, instead, but we cat lovers prefer the feline form. My friend keeps seeing spiders and feels its a sign. The Celtic deities are known from a variety of sources such as written Celtic mythology, ancient places of worship, statues, engravings, religious objects, as well as place and personal names. I'm Latvian and I follow Latvian paganism, so I'm not too educated on other pagan deities. Spiders in Norse culture? : r/Norse - Reddit She was the goddess of war and would protect the pharaohs of Egypt as she led them into battle. Fierce felines were a staple of many ancient civilizations. A List of 5 Deities That are Associated with Crows [With Stories] The other part is becausejust look at them! You live your life to the fullest I was tolerating all kinds of torment and hurt on a regular basis at the hands of someone I cant avoid. The ancient Egyptians honestly just really loved these fierce felines. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To learn more about the Otherworldly Oracles website Privacy Policy, visit our Privacy Policy page here. The user with this ability either is or can transform into a Spider Deity, a god/goddess who represents or is associated with spiders. I was thinking that it may be a sign of a deity. Was it Asmodeus, Lucifer, Belial or Lilith?? In norse mythology there is Angrboda, Hel, Fenrir, Loki, Odin, Hati and Skol, Geri and Freki, All of which are, or are related to wolves. Spiders Deities weren't common in mythology but were very important among the civilizations that embraced them. ), my cat comes into my room and cuddles on my bed with me. Wiccan Samhain: Correspondences, Associations & Traditions Top 10+ What Deity Is Associated With Spiders Tell us: What are your favorite myths and folklore about catgods and cat goddesses? . 7 Cat Gods From Around the World | History Cooperative Nowadays, its really not much different we dont worship or fear them anymore, but we do arrange our lives around them. My lust for Asmodeus is very very strong. The Greeks saw the Egyptian cat goddess Bast alive in their Greek goddess of the forest - Artemis. Long ago I would kill them. You may be thinking, Hecate is associated with dogs, but she is indeed also associated with cats. It's a hassle to explain, but lately cats have been showing to me like crazy. but the cat was not destined to be venerated in Christian Europe, for the Church with its violent repudiation ofpaganism succeeded in reducing the status of this once sacred animal to that of a devil During the persecution of the Cathars the belief was fostered that these heretics worshipped the Devil in feline form, and the stage was set for the cats unwitting participation in the witchcraft tragedy., Martha GrayGrimalkyn: The Witchs Cat: Power Animals in Traditional Magic. Kittens were most frequently used in these instances. []. He was said to have evolved from one of. Meanwhile, Pharaoh Ramses II had a lion as his royal pet. Do you think your cat is a descendant of feline gods? In one Hungarian witch-trial transcript, the prosecutions witness recounts how upon encountering two cats at night, whom he perceived as nocturnal apparitions, he began to talk with them, informing them that he wasnt afraid of them because Lord Jesus Christ is with us. The cats, he claimed, responded with peals of human laughter. This has unfortunately excluded many stories about cat gods from Native American and other First Nations tribes, among others, and for that I apologize. Sometimes shes shown riding on the back of a tiger, though some sources say this is incorrect. I wod enjoy knowing more about this wealthy , Oh, Some Cats can be Cuddly-Warm and Silkily-Soft And Come-Courting-Rubbing around your Legs Others would be Frowning-Growling-Meany and -Sneak-Snot But All that doing is to test you out HeartKit or HateCat?!?!?! Realms: war, devouring captives, storms, the suns heat, blades, Fun Fact: Maahes epithets include Lord of Slaughter, The Scarlet Lord, and The Lord of the Massacre. As you can tell from Maahes epithets, this lion god means business. Freya is the Norse Goddess of lust, love and beauty. I tried looking up things related to spider demons and I just get lots of results related to dungeons and dragons/world of Warcraft The Gayer-Anderson cat is a bronze statue from Egypt's Late Period (664-332 BCE) adorned with gold ornaments. The reason being that like angels and demons, deities are incredibly powerful, devoid of human traits and emotions. She may not have been a lion like the other deities on our list, but her punishment was swift. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Gods of Death I couldnt go into all the stories of gods and goddesses who shape-shifted into large cats, or this post would have been about a mile long. Celtic deities can belong to two categories: general and local. 1. Let us know in the comments below! I had a friend who is now an asshole and tries to tell people that Asmodeus is evil, he is dark, he is not what I think he is. In all seriousness, no other face jumps out at you amongst the ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses than that of a cat. I am new to the witchcraft practice & have a lot more research to do. Animals - Witchcraft Terms and Tools - Witchcraft Its thought that Nergal might have served as an explanation to people as to why they still experienced seemingly senseless suffering if they were presided over by otherwise benevolent gods. One of the biggest throughlines with Egyptian cat gods is their relationship with a solar deity. Much of the time, kitten mummies were sanctified and offered at a temple or sold to individual buyers. Ancient Egyptians believed that Mut had a significant protective function besides her role in creation. Occasionally people are able to wander into the "quarantined" area and get stuck (and eaten). Spider Symbolism and Meaning and the Spider Spirit Animal - UniGuide He was beyond the understanding of both the other gods and mortals and so humans could stay secure in their faith while being able to attach some kind of explanation to otherwise indiscriminate violence or anguish. Therefore, feline domestication aligns with the development of agriculture in the region. She is a professional member of the Cat Writers Association, and has been a speaker at the BlogPaws and Cat Writers Association conferences. the Egyptian goddess Bastet]. He was not the only ancient writer to write that Artemis and Bastet were the same goddess. She embodies Badb, Macha and Nmain. In fact, Bastets earliest depictions show her as a lioness; it isnt until later on that she gains a cats head. When I want to do a spell is the only time it shows up. Beyond all the folklore about beckoning cats, helpful cats, temple-guarding cats, prophets being kind to cats, and cats serving as omens and familiars, there are a tales surrounding cat goddesses and cat gods that we rarely hear about. Highlander Shorthairs are actually descendants of lynxes, which makes them a solid pick to be Michipeshus cousin. The Mesopotamia had its share of male cat gods, surprisingly enough. There was likely an increase in cat mummies because of the public need to feel secure in tumultuous times. Ai-Apaec, a god of the pre-Inca civilization known as the Mochica, was often depicted as an old man with a wrinkled face, long fangs and cat-like whiskers. One of the dreams he had the feet of a spider and claws of a mantas or crab, he moved extremely fast and agile. Thumbnail:Photography by EgyptianStudio on Thinkstock. [] Multiple ancient cultures associated cats with their deities including the Egyptians, Persians, Indians, Norse, and more. Liked it? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I wonder about the little waving cat you see at Chinese restaurants. Theres something about our feline friends that makes us as willing to respect their wishes as our ancestors were to respect the gods. Are there any deities associated with cats? In his jaguar-form, Tezcatlipoca becomes the deityTepeyollotl and rules over the dark, animals, caves, and earthquakes. Mishipeshu is a supernatural creature from Ojibwa legends whose name means great lynx. It looks like a cougar with horns, and its back and tail are covered in scales instead of fur sometimes it was said that Mishipeshus horns and scales were made of pure copper. So yall my only hope lol. I consider myself to be interested in many different paths, so I have no yet decided a path just yet. The contemporary fear of black cats, like their associations with witches and Halloween, may be Celtic in origin, although some have traced the connection to the Greek goddess of witchcraft, Hecate, who was associated with cats. For more information, please see our They received collars of precious metals and jewels, trinkets and toys, and ate table food alongside their owners. Also, the sphinx makes an appearance on Athenas headdress in an ancient sculpture of her that once stood in the Parthenon. READ MORE: Ancient Civilizations Timeline: 16 Oldest Known Cultures From Around The World. Wildlife was sacred to our ancestors. Religion/Culture: Ancient Babylonian MythologyRealm: Destruction, war, and the god of deathModern Cat Breed: Bombay. To have one around was a blessing from the gods themselves. Any cat goddess would appreciate catnip as an offering. They may be a derivation of an ancient cat goddess like Freya. Mishipeshu was the cause of waves, whirlpools, rapids, and generally turbulent waters; sometimes breaking the ice under people during the winter. In panic they fled to Aigyptos (Egypt) . Cats are seductive and playful creatures, so its no wonder Dionysus was associated with them. The Jaguar God of the Underworld, as you may have guessed, has some very important duties. Mut is a part of the Theban Triad, joined with her husband, Amun-Ra, and their son, the lunar god Khonsu. No matter which deity your cat may have descended from, your kitty certainly deserves your respect, adoration, and warm cuddles. If you work with Bast, keep a cat statue on your altar and offer bowls of catnip to her. The Mayans had several jaguar figures and deities in their myths. Egyptian Cat Gods: Feline Deities of Ancient Egypt Sure, cats are cute, but theyre more than just pretty faces. The ancient Egyptians saw Mafdet as a swift-footed cheetah, though there are some depictions of the goddess as a mongoose instead. Its a hard distinction to make sometimes. She is known to bless women with babies and also protect them. 5 Feline Gods & Goddesses Your Cat Could Be Related To If your web page requires an HTML link, please insert this code: Cat Gods: 7 Feline Deities from Ancient Cultures. Since then Ive been lusting for him. Additionally, Maahes affinity for war and devouring captives has caused historians to draw parallels between him and the Nubian deity, Apedemak. Mut (alternatively Maut and Mout) is the mother goddess of Egyptian mythology. I'm not picky. The Greek goddesses Artemis and Athena both have connections to cats. Also, having a cat purr when you pet it is enough to just be ready to dedicate your life to it forever. The Greeks saw the Egyptian cat goddess Bast alive in their Greek goddess of the forest Artemis. From the cat god Li Shou of the ancient Chinese pantheon to the witch goddess Hecate of ancient Greece, there are plenty of other cat gods in other cultures. Bast is probably the most well-known of all ancient cat goddesses. Win a Tomlyn Cat Wellness Pack Sweepstakes: OFFICIAL RULES. Can we blame the early Egyptians? Many dieties at one time are connected to cats. dr heavenly sister passed away; jacqueline dalya cause of death; sunningdale golf club membership cost; ultra wideband in phones; gainesville sun obituaries and funeral notices Or donate directly via Paypal TC Staff They were present in Africa and in Native American cultures. In folklore and mythology. :) well, at least for me. In her cat form, Bastet would fiercely defend her father from Apep, the serpent demon of chaos. [] Bast (Bastet) catnip, myrrh, frankincense [], As therian to honour feline gods was my priority in paganism, but I couldnt find too much until now :3. monitoring_string = "44e5bb901650ec61e9e0af1ff1bef5fe", Barong Ket is a panther- or lion-like leader. She stepped up as the fierce protector when Bastet took maternity leave and ruled with an iron fistor claw. We got that much. Sorry. And I must say he sounds amazing, not just sexually but what he can help people with. Thats the size of a medium-sized dog! I love cats and have always felt a connection with felines. READ MORE: Native American Gods and Goddesses: Deities from Different Cultures, Religion/Culture: OjibwaRealm: Goddess of water, protection, and winterModern Cat Breed: Highlander Shorthair. She is usually represented as a woman having the head of a cheetah, with braided hair that ends in scorpion tails. Religion/Culture: Ancient Egyptian MythologyRealm: Goddess of warModern Cat Breed: Abyssinian. For me personally spiders have always been a sign of Asmodeus around. With all things in mind, cats were highly regarded in ancient Egypt. He was extremely pissed. 1/5 Bastet -- The Egyptian Goddess (Picture Credit: Panteleimon/Getty Images) Bastet is an Egyptian goddess with the head of a cat. Are we talking about gods, cats, or cat gods? The disk highlights their relationship with the sun itself. This fear of witchcraft and the cats connection to witchcraft led to an estimated 50 million peoples death in the 14th century, or 60 percent of Europes entire population, The Craft, The Devil, Familiar Spirits, and Validation, "This makes me love jack-o-lanterns even more. He was often known as the furious king and was frequently invoked for protection, while also being called the burner for his association with the high summer sun and his penchant for mindless destruction. While a cat mummy can be regarded as a pet that has passed on, a cat mummy can equally be a holy offering. The spider god is not the only ancient animal artwork to have appeared in Peru over recent months. Looking at a lineup of the Egyptian pantheon, you may feel like youre being watched. More than that, Bastet kept harmony in the home. The entire thing turned out to be a family affair. When they fled they had changed themselves in anticipation into animal forms . I'm not sure if she had a literal association with spiders though. Her physical, earthly form, is entirely feline. In Sekhmets most famous myth, she was so bloodthirsty that Ra or Thoth had to get her drunk enough to sleep so that she would stop slaughtering mortals. The kasha revealed their true forms during funerals when theyd leap down from their perches to snatch corpses from coffins; its believed that a person whose body had been stolen would not be able to enter the afterlife. Thanks to her realms, Mafdet is most commonly depicted wielding a staff of office. Spiders are cunning and carnivorous arachnids who are commonly seen figures in haunted houses and Halloween decorations. Realms: domestic harmony, the home, fertility, cats, Fun Fact: Of our cat gods, Bastet is the only one that can actually take the form of a cat. Thats right: theres no house cat here. Hod, a god of nobility, schooling, war, and obstacles. But I have felt and connected to the loving side of him Even though he still can make me swoon but he makes me feel safe and taken care of. The natural death of a cat within a family would cause the household to go into mourning. norse deities associated with spiders - These were practiced alongside the traditional Egyptian religion. pagan deities associated with cats. No, but literally: hear us out. There were many large size feline deities though. As their predators were wiped out, the domestic cat, the rat population rose. Another culture that also has a cat goddess is Hinduism an ancient religion practiced mainly in India. The kasha would either eat the bodies or carry them away to the underworld, where they were to be judged for their wickedness during their lives. Actually, there are many gods that people worshipped that were, or were connected to more than just cats. This may sound weird, but I'm a beginner to both Paganism and witchcraft. Other than this depiction, Asherahs link to cats isnt well documented though she has been called the Lion Lady. The cat has been a beloved pet for centuries, but what about before the domestication of cats? One wouldnt have to search hard to find an archaic wall painting that depicts a house cat snuggled up to its favorite person. Though seemingly insignificant compared to his successors that ushered in the popularity of Ra, Userkaf founded Egypts Fifth Dynasty. Not necessarily a demon but Arachne is definitely a being to consider. Cats were associated with the gods Mafdet, Banstet and Sekhmet, all of which had the head of a cat. Because cat goddesses and male cat gods are special deities, they should be treated with special care and attention. How old is the United States of America? Plus, theyre very curious about water and even like to swim sometimes. How were Cats Worshipped in Ancient Egypt? This overlap blurs the line a bit when attempting to separate social exaltation from religious veneration. and our In Indonesia, Barong Ket is a panther- or lion-like leader of good spirits who fights the demon queen Rangda. Her name, when written, was used for "spider" and she was even said to weave a spider web around herself. He looked down at me and replied, I will take u, but u have to be my queen. The History of Cats Cats in the Ancient World, 7 Ways Black Cats Bring Good Luck Around the World, Special-Needs Rescue Kitten Loves His Bunny Friends, Catster Magazine Subscription Maintenance, Thank you Top 5 Cat Behaviors Explained. Wanting a beloved pet to be buried with oneself to accompany them in the afterlife isnt far-fetched. It is intricate, handsomely crafted, and just a good-lookin' statuette. His wave welcomes good luck & waves is more customers. It isnow believed that it was the rat populations that carried the plague bacteria within their fleas where the bacteria could multiply. I would appreciate if somebody could name a few gods/deities that are associated with wasps/hornets/spiders or tbh any insect. Every sixth day after the full or new moon is known as Shasthi after her name. In some cultures, the spider is portrayed negatively. Then I had another one in my bedroom to, a wolf spider. Gods/deities associated with spiders/wasps? : r/witchcraft - Reddit While Bastet represented Lower Egypt, Sekhmet was Upper Egypt. Together, they represent duality: life and death, mercy and wrath, submission and domination. Cybele, one of the most ancient Greek goddesses, rules over large cats like the lion and tiger. She hails from ancient Egypt and was depicted as a black cat or as a woman with the head of a cat. It seems excessive, considering the difference between cats and gods is that the gods were thought to rule over every aspect of human life. I gave up one morning and just cried my heart out in front of Asmodeuss sigil. Scan this QR code to download the app now. So is Lady Lilith. Cookie Notice If cats nowadays can do that, one can only imagine how fearless their ancestors were.
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