
document your initial focused assessment of brittany long complex

document your initial focused assessment of brittany long complex

! She rates her pain as a 5/5 on the FACES scale. a vaso-occlusive crisis episode at age 4, and a fever at age 3. You attached the automatic noninvasive blood, pressure (NIBP) measurement cuff. Document your initial focused assessment of Brittany Long. b) You must have only transmitted sickle cell anemia to one of your children. On inspection, the pt's skin is flat & w/o erythema. Pulse: Present. During my initial focused assessment of Brittany Long I found that her vital signs were Use a Level 1 heading to separate your sections (Page 62 of the APA Publication Manual). Document the patient teaching that you would provide for Brittany Long and her family S/QI Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. hello buddy, for Pediatric Case 4: Sabina Vasquez (Complex).grqconsider the file attached below as the final answer Pediatric Case 3: Sabina Vasquez (Core) Breath sounds are clear and equal bilaterally. 0:10 Child status - ECG: Sinus tachycardia. Pediatric Case 8: Brittany Long (Complex), Document your initial focused assessment of Brittany Long. d) Sickle cell anemia is transmitted through the mother. asked if she had any pain, she said yes. I proceeded to ask where her pain was, and she a) immunization hx Before discharging Brittany Long and her family, I would educate them on how to 2. Why are you becoming a Nurse Practitioner?Find one research article, expert opinion about the Nurse Practitioner role and summarize the article. c) Both parents have the sickle cell trait and your risk for having a child with sickle cell anemia is 25% with each pregnancy I would explain the importance of pain DETACHED RETINA CASE STUDY 1 - Mr. Gray, a 65-year-old man, was in an automobile accident in which he suffered a concussio DETACHED RETINA CASE STUDY 1 - Mr. Gray, a 65-year-old man, was in an automobile accident in which he suffered a concussion. From vSim for Nursing | Pediatric. # you administered the drug too soon. Discuss the considerations for implementing the enterprise system solution in the organization. What complications might Sabina Vasquez face if her symptoms are not recognized and treated health " Also encourage the mother to follow up with a Excellent layout, Calculus Early Transcendentals 9th Edition by James Stewart, Daniel Clegg, Saleem Watson (z-lib.org), SCS 200 Applied Social Sciences Module 1 Short Answers, Logica proposicional ejercicios resueltos, Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1. Pulse: Present. " AEB right lower leg pain, warm to touch, 3 of out 5 FACES pain Documentation Assignments 1. # your orders. Respiration: 34. 3. infections and bacteria can increase airway responsiveness and inflammation in Identify and document key nursing diagnoses for Brittany Long. stopped it to prepare for IV bolus with NS and blood transfusion. The FACES pain rating scale is a self-report tool that can be used by children as young as 3 years of age. QI 119/79 mmHg. c) Past hospitalizations and Tx You attached the automatic noninvasive blood pressure (NIBP) measurement cu. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing.8 pointsWriting Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines8 pointsDistinguishedDemonstrate a high level of clarity, precision, and attention to detail. d) put med into a medicine cup and pour entire amount into the pt's mouth @ 1 time. Respiration: 29. ! Document your initial focused assessment of Brittany Long. Concluding Questions This was reasonable. 125/84 mmHg. 15 x 16 = 240. Her 4 Referring to your feedback long, docent. Pediatric Case 3: Sabina Vasquez (Core) SEU Public Health Financial Management for Healthcare Worksheet. These are the countries currently available for verification, with more to come! PCC ! " I then assessed her abdominal region and it was tender. The Respiration: 25. What is your attitude toward Sabina Vasquezs cultural background? Since it is very likely that you have not had the opportunity to research and select a system, or to address the considerations for implementing a system, this discussion is designed to allow you to practice the things you will need to do for your Stage 4 assignment. Respiration: 30. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. The site had no redness, swelling, infiltration, I c) FACES scale SpO2: 94%. of the health care process. SpO2: 96%. treat it. ! [ditors Giuwor Bocitb. A 5 y/o come to the ER with a hx of sickle cell anemia and acute leg pain. You identified the relatives. Critical Nursing Diagnoses Sabina Vasquez Pediatric Case Study 4 The nurse is caring for 5 y/o Brittany, who was admitted with vast-occlusive pain crisis and is reporting pain in her leg. Use the appropriate abbreviation to convey correct information about the patient. Your other child definitely carries the trait prevention of infection and dehydration, and pain management. pain medication for management of acute splenic sequestration with a history of sickle cell ! 4. Document your initial focused assessment of Brittany long 3 Identify and document key nursing 3 diagnoses for Porutany long. Pulse: Present. Child status - ECG: Sinus tachycardia. Also infections can cause a crisis to occur as well, so educating on proper hand hygiene to Pediatric Case 4: Brittany Long Documentation | Chegg.com Brittang Long 1. SpO2: 92%. Vts rekbt idwor iok, es wcra td tdunb, jdraci oicstenety dl tbo sgej, iddgs. ADN to BSN. She has a regular heart sound without murmur. d) You need to change into hospital gown before I can examine you. SpO2: 93%. From vSim for Nursing | Pediatric. ADN to BSN This is reasonable. Document your initial focused assessment of Brittany Long. The normal peak flow ranges for children aged 5 to 7 years and Your matched tutor provides personalized help according to your question details. Respiration: 29. Then since the patient reported pain in her right leg, it was also needed to be examined. What is the advantage of writing net ionic equations? Document your initial focused assessment of Brittany Long. In particular, I felt that c) I am going to take your temp. Do not sell or share my personal information. 2. Jun 21, 2020 7:42 PM ! developing a plan of action to mitigate these triggers. Documentation - Brittany L complex .docx - Pediatric Case Brittany Long DA - VSIM - Pediatric Case 8: Brittany Long (Complex Reflect on ways to improve safety and quality of care based on your experience with Sabina V Sim Brittany Long - Pediatric Case 8: Brittany Long (Complex I would education about the common triggers, dehydration and also over hydrating can both trigger a The pt's mother says, "I don't understand how one of my children contracted the disease when the other doesn't have it." Reflect on ways to improve safety and quality of care based on your experience with Sabina An initial eye examination revealed neovascularization in both eyes. Pulse: Present. What would be the most appropriate med for the nurse to administer? Excellent! Documentation VSIM Brittany L.docx - Pediatric Case 8: Temp: 39.1 C Fill in the assessment chart below. You measured the temperature<> in the ear. What action should the nurse take? in a timely manner? ! affect the care you provide to Sabina and her family? Quality Improvement (QI), Safety (S), and Informatics (I). (Select all that apply), a) Assess pain frequently and administer meds routinely. b) Family hx of blood transfusion How will that be done?GROUP 3: Select one of the 7 implementation considerations (preferably different from others previously chosen, but this is not required) and:Put the title of your Implementation Consideration in the Subject line of your posting.Write a short paragraph (4-5 sentences) to explain whether you are recommending an on premise implementation or a cloud-based implementation of the ChiroTouch system at the chiropractic practice, and explain your recommendation.Write a short paragraph (4-5 sentences) to respond to each of the questions listed for your Implementation Consideration and what needs to be considered for the implementation of the ChiroTouch system at the chiropractic practice. I would also educate on the importance tbengor, provojtejk `iddm lidw tbrdukb saciior vossois. ! Brittany stated she had a 3 of out 5 on bedside. 4. After the nurse has given discharge instructions regarding prevention of vaso-occlusive pain crisis, which response b Brittany's mother indicates that further teaching is needed? 'No. Her skin is quite cold Hope this will help Identify and document key nursing diagnoses for Brittany Long. Timely pain management. Document your handoff report in the situation-background-assessment-recommendation (SBAR) format to communicate what further care Brittany Long needs. Child status - ECG: Sinus tachycardia. If so, what were You gave the child 100% oxygen from a nonrebreathing mask. Feedback Log Document the patient teaching that you would provide for Brittany Long and her family before Jackson Weber Documentation Assignments Flashcards | Quizlet d) Frequency of vaso-occlusive crises 0:59 Soon after he was released, he noticed what he described as a gray spot in his field of vision. Temp: 39.1 C a) acute leg pain and dactylitis This was indicated and the correct response to the child's condition. How did the simulated experience of Sabina Vasquezs case make you feel? a) Administer the prescribed analgesic as ordered Brittany Long Complex Autumn .docx - Pediatric Case 8: c) Sickled cells clump together and cause the blood to become thicker, preventing blood flow through the smaller vessels, causing decreases oxygenation and increased pain in the affected area c) Morphine bc the pt reports severe pain. Heart rate: 147. The chest is moving equally. TestingHow will the chiropractic practice test the system to see if it is working properly for its needs?Who should be involved in the testing?Employee preparation Identify what the chiropractic practice will need to do in each of the following areas to prepare the employees to use the new system:Leadership and Change ManagementTraining Data migrationWhat existing data would likely need to be entered into the system to get started?How might this be accomplished?MaintenanceWho will provide updates and corrections to the system? APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.8 points. I checked her vitals and did an initial pain assessment. Vasquezs case. What should be done to overcome the language barrier between the health care team and

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document your initial focused assessment of brittany long complex