Tap water contains chlorine and chlorimine that are toxic to fish. White spots may appear on your fish if it is sick. Does he look as tough he's thin or sick? Plecos are supposed to be fairly hardy fish, and this likely made you confident enough to purchase some even as a beginner. Below, youll see some of the common signs that show that your pleco fish might be dying. The Complete Answer, Can Plecos And Shrimp Live Together? Threw him in the tank anyway and it survived. Weve touched on the diet already, but heres some more in-depth information. Most Plecos are nocturnal and we don't get to see them eat. One day, I was excited to see the male had trapped the female in a cave, so I was expecting some babies.However, the next morning I waked up noticing the fish death in the cave. So I just went to put food in the fish tank. AquariaCentral.com, a division of Monster Aquaria Network, LLC. Very bad water conditions might even directly kill the fish. People dont monitor the water parameters closely enough, which winds up killing the fish. Another option is giving it an Epsom salt bath, which will help remove the fluid build-up in the fishs abdomen. You must log in or register to reply here. One of our goldfish is sitting at the bottom of the tank and not moving. To test if your pleco is dead or not, you can try to touch it and see whether it reacts. You called it a he is it actually male? This can be caused by many things, such as poor water conditions, stress, or poor nutrition. Touch the fish and see if you can get it to spring up. I thought the pH controller was set okay so I wasn't too worried. Why is my Pleco Floating Upside Down? (4 Quick Solutions) We found him on the carpet under his bed and it looked pretty dead. Is there a way to tell if a pleco fish is about to die? Then it has cloudy eyes. Do Plecostomus Need A Filter / Air Pump? {Why Is My Pleco - HelpUsFish A swollen belly isnt a good sign. He is just sitting on the bottom of the tank not moving or trying to eat anything. An oxygen deficit is caused by one of the following reasons: A lack of oxygen should be reacted to immediately with a big water change and the addition of an airstone. I wouldn't worry too much about yours! Both eyes will appear to protrude if there is an infection present. It was a bristlenose pleco. Plecos are often misunderstood because they dont like to be shown off, which makes sense given their wild origins. If all he is getting is algae (either fresh from the tank or wafer form) he may not be feeling very good. It could simply be that the pleco fish succumbed to an illness during the night. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Ammonia and nitrites build up then bacteria build up to convert them into something less harmful to fish. If the plecos are in a community fish tank, then itll be important to ensure that they are kept only with compatible tank mates. When done cleaning he put them back in, minus the pleco that had jumped out of the bucket. Are there females in the tank with him? Are its gills moving or does it appear to be motionless? 2005-2019 Monsterfishkeepers.com. There is a man that works at Petco who actually knows what he is doing, and when my friend asked about getting a common pleco for her 75g, he said he only recommends them in a 150 gallon tank or more to fully thrive. Abdominal swelling can be caused by many things including the following: stress, tank conditions, and constipation. One of the biggest myths is also that plecos clean your tank. Hello, and thanks for visiting Avid Aquarist! What should I do?! Youve learned so much about signs that your plecos are dying. They clean algae, but they make a bigger mess in your tank. How Often Should You Take Your Bearded Dragon Out Of Its Cage? If an injury is to blame, then it might get better on its own if you keep feeding the fish and monitoring the tank conditions carefully. How to Tell the Age of a Cockatiel (Age Chart Included! It was not just one of my plecos but several. There are over 100 species of plecos, so it is essential to do your research to learn the best source of nutrition for your pleco species. You must log in or register to reply here. Feed food before lights out and he is likely to come out when it is dark to feed. Isolate the fish and then treat it to try to get the swelling to go down. One of the most common questions I hear is why do my pleco likes to hide and not come out. If you have an aquarium with plecos and/or snails at, Many aquarists doubt they can keep plecos and shrimp together. It could also mean that the fish is constipated, though. Another reason for a pleco not moving is that it is dead. Checking the tank conditions and monitoring the fishs behavior are things you can do to determine the cause of the swelling. There are common signs and symptoms among fish diseases that show your fish is battling more than just a common sickness. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. He's doing good now. Plecos living in an environment with other fish could also be stressed. If your plecos seem to be losing color rapidly, then its a sign that theyre dying or getting very sick. Not real sure though since don't feel like doing an experiment. Also, algae is starting to grow on the glass so I dont think that hes roaming around much at night either. Ive had the pleco for 4-5 months now and hes usually very active day and night. For plecos, most types need a tank thats 30 gallons in size, but there are smaller species (like bristlenose & clown plecos) that can live in a 20-gallon tank. Low immune system. Depending on the species, feed a varied diet of both vegetables and protein-rich foods that sink to the bottom. He is breathing, but he isn't moving. Regular water changes are an important part of fish tank maintenance. A healthy probably pregnant bristlenose pleco female. Home Aquatic Problems & Solutions 7 Signs Your Pleco Is Dying and Needs Attention. We need the oxygen to flow and the current from a filter or movement of . He just started acting crazy the last couple of days. Most likely, the fish have fin rot due to poor water conditions in the tank. Pleco males usually fight to assert dominance and defend their territory. They like to hide normally so he is quite happy. My pleco is laying on it's side still breathing but not movi By entering this site you declare Another potential problem involves the oxygen levels in the tank being too low. Often, people use aquarium salt to treat this issue, but you can always consult an exotic veterinarian if you have questions. Poor water conditions usually cause bacterial infections. Popeye can be caused by a few things. An ammonia spike is one of the most likely causes of the sudden death of your pleco or other aquarium fish. If the fish is hiding among the plants or in a cave and not moving, thats perfectly normal. Come join the discussion about flora, fauna, health, housing, filters, care, classifieds, and more! White spots on the body can be seen as signs of ich. Researching before owning your pleco will give you the necessary information and guidance on preventing and treating these issues when they happen because not every fish owner is perfect. 7 Signs Your Pleco Is Dying and Needs Attention, The average life expectancy of plecos is between 10 and 15 years. I had this fish gang for 2 years together now, with only minor If you want your plecostomus to be more active, one suggestion is to provide it with live plants and driftwood to use as hiding spots, feed it live insects and invertebrates, and offer it a variety of tank mates. In most cases, it is poisoning by ammonia, nitrite, or other nitrogen. Feed your pleco a varied diet, that meets the species needs. It is an extreme problem with oxygen to have, but it can occur if you don't do a good job maintaining the tank. I went and asked to the shop from where I got that pleco. Make sure to test your water if there are any abnormalities. So I sighed, and accepted I was going to lose him. I would watch him closely, make sure he eats. he has been banging in to the top of the tank really hard. Pleco catfish don't move . In order to keep your Pleco happy, you will need to ensure that the tank is heated and supplied with a filter. If this is the case do a 25% water change as soon as possible. Especially because plecos love oxygen-rich water (they often live in fast-flowing streams and rivers) adding an airstone or pointing your filter outlet in a way that it creates bubbles is useful. What's wrong with him? Provide adequate space and decor (ornaments and positioning of objects) so there is no danger for your pleco. JavaScript is disabled. Tank mates: one guppy, one otocinclus.. in a 20 gallon tank. My fish is alive and moving, but isnt breathing? Quarantining and giving medicine is the most effective way to cure this disease. How can I make my plecostomus more active? Of course, some of the fish might simply have genetic issues. For a limited time, download my pleco catfish ebook below on how to care for these beautiful animals. Help!! Although a cloudy eye most likely isnt deadly, it is an indicator that something is wrong and should at least be examined. Ich can be treated by using medication that will get rid of the infection. Therefore, it is important to notice your fishs behaviors when they become sick. My pleco did the same thing, he still hides in his cave for long periods of time but if I sneak up on the tank he is usually swimming around. Today he is floating upside down in the top corner of the tank. Fixing the water conditions will usually be enough to get the fish to become more active again. Put the torch on dim and slowly turn it up and the Plec is there. in 60 degree water less than 1\4" deep! If this isnt the case, check your water parameters for a nitrite spike. Vicki, I think it was the CO2 as well. Why Do My Plecos Always Die And How To Keep Plecos From Dying? - AG They arent necessarily fish that will swim around and show off for you during the day under normal circumstances. Paralyzed pleco - Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community Weve touched a little on improving the tank setup for your pleco catfish. My Pleco Is Laying On It's Side Still Breathing But Not Movi The best way to prevent your Pleco from dying is to feed them a variety of food and provide at least 10 gallons of water for them every day. Although some plecos do like to eat algae, not all of them do. Feb 14, 2004. 5 Tips for moving into your new Home with pets, [] injured while moving. Wouldn't the fish survive for at least a few days even if it was suffering from a disease? Open the lid of the tank and turn on the artificial lights. Can Betta Fish Live With Guppies And Tetras? Home Aquatic Problems & Solutions Why is My Pleco Not Moving? Yes this normally happens with Plecos. Malnutrition can also lead to constipation, especially when too much protein is fed. Do Plecos Sleep? Do They Play Dead? [Explained] - eFishkeeping One time a buddy was cleaning his tank and took all the fish out and put them in a bucket. This disease is called ich (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis) and can be fatal if not treated. Plecos are often wrongfully accused of eating and destroying plants. When I first set up my pressurized co2 system I was gassing my fish out. Perhaps it seems lethargic and it might even be laying on its side. Loss of color, rotting fins, and white spots on its body are some of the common signs that a pleco might be dying. if he is acting strange i would try to get him in a small treatment tank with lots of oxygen, dose a general med and salt would be a good start till you can figure out what is wrong with the little fella. It isnt uncommon for some baby plecos to die even if youre doing your best to care for them. Its possible that your pleco is feeling threatened by the filter, so its hiding behind it to feel safer. My betta is laying at the bottom of the tank and breathing heavily. JavaScript is disabled. If you want fish that are livelier during the day, youd be better off looking for a different type of fish. But what they carry and what will work I couldn't say. It can also be due to stress, so separating the bloated fish from its tank mates will ensure a stress-free environment for your pleco to recover. Rapid temperature changes, irregular feeding schedules, and poor water conditions also contribute to stress in fish. Over the past couple of days hes stayed in a little cave all day and night. Just keep an eye on him. 11 Signs Your Pleco Is Dying [+ How To Save It] | Keeping Catfish Just laying on the bottom. I like your, I found it interesting when you explained how you'd bond with your pet snake and improve recognition. If you notice your pleco is breathing rapidly or gulping at the surface, its most likely because of an oxygen deficit. Also, theyre nocturnal fish that rest during the day. If your pleco is sleeping: They will typically be in a motionless or relaxed position, with their fins and gills not moving as much as usual.
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