hbbd``b` $ F!w'`= LR %Ho - Please enable javascript for the best experience! I have to admit I was quite surprised at learning that school board members get an actual salary. Although not required by law, the EDR calculates salaries of elected county constitutional officers and school district officials as a service to county governments and A city council determines the salary for its members and the mayor (see RCW 35.27.130 for towns, RCW 35A.12.070 and RCW 35A.13.040 for code cities, and RCW 35.23.091 for second-class cities). The amount has remained at $1,000 per month since 1997, with the exception of FY2011-12 (Ordinance 2011-21) when commissioners voluntarily took a 20 percent cut in salary for one year only during the economic recession. 2. The next commission did not take action to continue the salary cut, so it reverted to $12,000 per year. The average worker in the US has actually taken a loss in wages, if one accounts for inflation. sample letter to support asylum seeker person. They resemble state or federal constitutions and they must be approved, along with any amendments, by the voters of a county. 5 The Florida Legislature's Office of Economic and Demographic Research, Salaries of Elected County Constitutional Officers and School District Officials for Fiscal Year 2021-22 (2021), . To date, there are 20 charter counties in Florida. Calendar and Meetings | Publications and Forms | FAQs | LIDS | Policies and Procedures The OHPA charter allows commissioners a salary of $2,000 per month. Delivery Address. According to the 2020-21 Salaries of Elected County Constitutional Officers and School District Officials, using the statutory formula school board member salaries would range from $26,691 (Lafayette) to $46,773 (Broward, Miami-Dade, Hillsborough, Orange and Palm Beach), with a statewide Prior to 1984, the Florida Department of Community Affairs salaries for county constitutional calculated officers; however, that authority was deleted from law during the 1984 egislative l session. Senators whose terms begin on the first day of the legislative session in January of 2023 and all members of the House will receive $43,977 annually. 1300-Up 1100-1299 1040-1099 940-1039 850-939 780-849 Panhandle Area Educational Consortium 250 Day Compensation Plan for 2020-2021 Effective July 1, 2020 Pay Grade 1 Executive Director Pay Grade 2 Administrator of Business, Technolo & Su lemental Services Administrator of Instructional Services Administrator of Research & Develo ment Risk Mana er Phone: 804.786.0786. C/A's Workload: Ratio of Sentencing Events to Felony Defendants. Below is the update entitled Local Elected Officials Salaries 2.0.]. First Regular Session | 74th General Assembly. endobj Actual through April 30, 2020. endstream endobj startxref stream If my information is incorrect, please notify me and I will print the correction. endobj %%EOF Sign up for our daily news delivered straight to email. % ARRA - Federal Stimulus Funds for Sheriffs' Offices and Regional Jails. 2 0 obj %%EOF Current Annual Salary. All members whose terms began prior to January 2021 receive $40,242 annually. <> Senators serve four-year terms, while members of the House of Representatives serve two-year terms. 1 0 obj Material in this article is drawn from that report. <>>> 2967 0 obj <>stream During calendar year 2021, all members of the General Assembly received $40,242 annually payable in twelve equal monthly amounts. (A) Beginning in calendar year 2020 and in each calendar year thereafter through calendar year 2028, the salary amounts under sections 325.06 and 325.11 of the Revised Code shall be increased by one and three-quarters per cent. Attorneys, Directors {La-c 6T`xQ:L$&`W_7:8UHyQ%,"aL$&^v *j]}t/f>39F 3CmUu4&'A&F j[%Hpk}bKg]%-Unb@#!MAfFpDj nKQxQ Since 2010 Congress has annually voted not to accept the increase, keeping it at the same nominal amount since 2009. { This site is best viewed using Internet Explorer 5.0 and above. Fax: 804.371.0235. Meet the authors Contact information. hb```ea0n 9X(s%i{fc`0e=rNtG2|"4vng04I' Tn``h@ ,L0?O @ l3d+u,n-{9 H#Loi8FPeZ LcXQ %PDF-1.6 % sa7lF=2X"1R9qta#Or~,Dbh{7. These changes do NOT apply to county commissioners, coroners, or <> Table 2 shows legislator salaries for calendar years 2023 and 2024. It is hard to imagine A school board member putting in 68% of the time that a schoolteacher does to get that commensurate salary. hA[ IG! Mark: I, too, am rather amazed at the 7.5% increase. Collectively these counties are home to more than 75 percent of Floridas residents.. Accounts for the tax increases though! 74th General Assembly -- 2023 and 2024 salaries. We will email you 1 time per day at 4am with our current articles! If Nassau County had a Charter form of government, the salaries of Constitutional Officers, County Commission and School Board could also be set by local government. While the compensation increases are in statute for calendar years 2019 and 2020, Ohio Constitutional restrictions generally prevent non-judicial elected officials from accepting salary increases in-term. 3 0 obj In a Charter County, the county and its officials are governed by the Charter. This chart shows historical information on the salaries that members of the United States Congress have been paid. Salaries of Elected County Constitutional Officers and School District Officials . suggestions about this site to the webmaster. The salaries for the constitutional officers are set by the state using a formula based on the Countys population. The salaries noted above are based upon the assumption that the general officers and the sheriff receive the statutory minimum amount. 5 The Florida Legislature's Office of Economic and Demographic Research, Salaries of Elected County Constitutional Officers and School District Officials for Fiscal Year 2014-15 (Sep. 2014). Being a school board member was a lot of work, but was seen as a civic duty. In Georgia, it is just the opposite. 3. Salary Increase History: General Assembly Approvals for Constitutional Officers. (a) Notwithstanding the provision of any other law to the contrary, an elected officer of a unit of local government that is a participating employer under the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund shall not receive any salary or other compensation from the unit of local government if the member is receiving pension benefits from the Illinois . But it wasnt until 1973 that the Legislature authorized a salary compensation formula, which was established to provide uniform compensation among counties with similar sized populations. Jail Superintendents, Commonwealth's hbbd``b` $ F!w`= L %Ho 18 aPx#^iL!4Ch6lc4$hZ mF Qj"@Sil!4Ch6lclD"&@VN B*%=v@;G ga= l|Y^'hZ``1n0CL9:"H$R?3A"j. Posted on June 29, 2022 of Finance, Salary Increase History: General Assembly Approvals for Constitutional Officers, FY08 New Positions Approved The same legislation also made similar increases to various statutorily required supplements for those particular county officers. In Florida, all counties are Constitutional Counties, unless they vote to be Charter Counties. Provide a __ % salary, Schedule of salaries, honoraria, travel exp, elected etc march 2014 443553, Salaries of Elected County Constitutional Officer s and. In 2021, the secretary of state received a salary of $146,260, according to the Council of State Governments. Finalized salaries of elected county constitutional officers and elected school district officials for fiscal year 2009 Edit Overview View 1 Edition Details Reviews Lists Related Books Publish Date 2008 Publisher Florida Legislative Committee on Intergovernmental Relations Language English Pages 23 5744 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5699F46175CD1641AF7A228CFA85B5BD><36CDE167C3FF9F429BC3DE632501A5CB>]/Index[5727 35]/Info 5726 0 R/Length 94/Prev 521231/Root 5728 0 R/Size 5762/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream %PDF-1.5 County Treasurers, Assessors, and Clerks; 3068 0 obj <>stream 4 0 obj Members of the General Assembly receive the same salary each year of their term, unless an exception is made in statute. From 1985 through 2009, the former Legislative Committee on Intergovernmental Relations continued the annual salary calculations for county . Elected official salary. Current county officials must wait until their next term of office after the Legislature, with the salaries of County Commissioners calculated pursuant to Florida Statutes section 145.031. {l`nM .K84nag!zC!yY%:R[he``s [5Vbvog|d+ln%bwMr=Y04mc}D{]-ua\9]BI)FEIETtq1__[z Within the past 5 years the state changes the base salary for that position to bring it in line with other constitutional officers, accounting for the significant increase over the 5-year period.]. % 0 To my knowledge, no local official is currently opting voluntarily to accept a lower salary. 1 0 obj (1) As used in this section, the term "constitutional officers" includes the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the Attorney General, the Chief Financial Officer, the Commissioner of Agriculture, state attorneys, public defenders, sheriffs, tax collectors, property appraisers, supervisors of elections, clerks of the circuit court, county In accordance with the statutory requirement, this document provides salaries for the following county officers for 2022 and 2023: <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> The OHPA charter allows commissioners a salary of $2,000 per month. Office of Economic and Demographic Research (EDR), Budget news from Nassau County No decision. stream We are grateful for Suannes many contributions to the Fernandina Observer. FY08 New Positions Approved for Constitutional Officers. 3056 0 obj <> endobj Therefore, the minimum salary of the county mayor in a particular county may be higher than the amounts listed Contact us. Also, it is interesting that there has been a 7.5% increase, minimum, for most positions over the past five years. The commission voted in 2019 to give 2.5% raises to Arkansas' 194 judges and 28 elected prosecutors, as well as $2,500 pay increases to the seven Supreme Court justices and 12 Court of Appeals . During recent years commissioners voluntarily worked for half salary ($1,000 per month) while the Port of Fernandina was experiencing financial difficulties. Certified Cumulative Annual Factor: 3.6524 Salary Salary Schedules for County Officials 9 Elected County Constitutional Officers Population Group Numbers County Population Range Base Salary Group Minimum Maximum Rate -Clerk of Circuit Court -Supervisor of Elections II-County Comptroller -Property Appraiser -Tax Collector ss. H(}020,adfchfhb!aV[ V%;*5300*@Q+. While salaries for the Board of Nassau County Commissioners and the Nassau County School Board Members are also set according to the state formula, that is not the case for the City of Fernandina Beach Commissioners or the Ocean Highway and Port Authority Commissioners. Another interesting fact is that each elected official, ie County Property Appraiser (Tax Assessor), County Clerk, Sheriff, Tax Collector, etc, has a lobbyist group supporting them and we, the tax payer, pay for the lobbyist group. endstream endobj startxref 0 o](O3"50Q2!Wvy/BHa[')mPy ?l}Ca!+RvJ?`6an.~McUu43;d6d@"3M!h+&]50? &4KJ7,.EP2J#i,6[R5vWzwe_}4TqEF(Xzh< R@$/PPB"gY:`c@F+V)p;cc+=}n.Fksi~E5Drv7t2y\S`$%H=RH{zr0Jl- ;/3Rn1e#Wvi>8D%4ZP [To amplify on the table above a bit, the number of Regular Meetings per month is fixed by law or charter. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. 7Sections 28.35(3)(a) and 29.008, Florida Statute s. 8. %%EOF State law requires salaries to be paid in twelve equal monthly amounts. Management Services annually (DMS) certifies the remaining two components, the annual factor and cumulative annual factor, used in the salary formula calculations.11 Traditionally, this annual certification has occurred in late summer , typically during the month of August or September.12 Prior to 1984, the Florida Department of Community Affairs calculated salaries for county constitutional In 2009, the Legislature authorized district school board members and elected school superintendents to reduce their salaries on a voluntary basis. 8-24-102(e)). Therefore, members receive a full month salary in January at the beginning of their term, and their last month of salary in December at the end of their term. Management Services annually (DMS) certifies the remaining two components, the annual factor and cumulative annual factor, used in the salary formula calculations.11 Historically, this annual certification has occurred in late summer during the month of August or September.12 Prior to 1984, the Florida Department of Community Affairs calculated salaries for county constitutional and maximum salaries for all elected county officers. These rulings cited above did not apply to charter counties or those counties, like Duval, that have a chartered consolidated form of government. (50 ILCS 145/25) Sec. Federal Stimulus Funds for Sheriffs' Offices and Regional Jails, Constitutional Those revised base Ad/ m:He~rp+@o!'St=R{jV1^,s7 o&Ll[0M8DoPx~-"'_l One of our readers suggested it might be time for an update, and the FO agreed. }, Home | Board and Staff Directory | Restricted Access | Constitutional County Surveyors. r8p]}*=?7oU5z= Suanne Z. Thamm is a native of Chautauqua County, NY, who moved to Fernandina Beach from Alexandria,VA, in 1994. @L+{hUKJ1(#sq,=`ZIaKp\`ebiV*4YLOQ{YO( This code includes the adjusted numbers for salaries in calendar year 2019. %PDF-1.5 If we had a Charter government in our county, we would have a greater degree of control! Nassau County and Fernandina Beach City voters head to the polls for the August 2020 Universal Primary Election starting Monday, August 3, when Early Voting begins. 139,958. In September 2019, they issued an annual report entitled Salaries of Elected County Constitutional Officers and School District Officials for Fiscal Year 2014-15. )?DUzArE=y5:eYw_q2I9;],b$,$8=[6;=yywzr~Y=ph0DD){nXhR}`.'zX]y4tzrSQtmfH&e S{`\0N)rytw(dCeO ICSgjc+j1m~=jg^** rYF/>#wj4T4doUOPt'#gY_&,rQ?z"bhSP(x2:N6behRfn#=J1!12` OPRed)0N+>} -#Cs~{#KX35nz{L%^\$|| =pqeRLoumC5) nW= August 2, 2020 This document has been updated to reflect Senate Bill 22-065, which sets 2023 salaries for full time coroners in category II, III, and IV counties whose terms begin in 2023 equal to salaries for commissioners, treasurers, assessors, and clerks. endstream endobj startxref For more information on Charter Counties in Florida, visit the Florida Association of Counties website or search the Fernandina Observer website for a series of articles on Charter Government that I wrote in 2015 (republished in 2019). 73rd General Assembly -- 2021 and 2022 salaries. However, school board members in Florida, California, New York, Virginia, North Carolina, and Alabama receive salaries. [8] 2018 c. Board of Commissioners and other elected officials, whose salaries are addressed below. Thus, a municipal board may reduce council members' salaries, if adopted in the annual budget ordinance, without their individual consent. The City of Fernandina Beach, which has a home rule charter, does not compensate city commissioners by formula. endobj According to the 2020-21 Salaries of Elected County Constitutional Officers and School District Officials, using the statutory formula school board member salaries would range from $26,691 (Lafayette) to $46,773 (Broward, Miami-Dade, Hillsborough, Orange and Palm Beach), with a statewide %PDF-1.7 % In accordance with this requirement, the memoranda below provide salaries for the following elected officials: Pursuant to Section 30-2-102 (2.3) (b), C.R.S., every two years, the Director of Research of the Legislative Council adjusts the amount of each annual salary in each specified statutory category for county officers based on the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for the Denver-Aurora-Lakewood area. Charters are formal written documents that confer powers, duties, or privileges on the county. In September 2019, they issued an annual report entitled Salaries of Elected County Constitutional Officers and School District Officials for Fiscal Year 2014-15. The . endobj hbbd``b`$h $ Vf"$&X@~ ~H[ b``Mu@ jk [Note that the increase in salary for the Supervisor of Elections might be slightly misleading. County Coroners; and In 1968, the electors of Florida granted local voters the power to adopt charters to govern their counties. 7 Section 145.17, F.S. Ratio of Sentencing Events to Felony Defendants, ARRA - Full Post ArchivesAdvertise with us The Ocean Highway and Port Authority (OHPA) is a Special District and determines its own compensation as well. 1809 0 obj <> endobj -~dKjkS{nhf] ?.a}*hyJwRwK=KW_DI)/XX]Aw 3-> County officials' salaries are set by the county legislative body. 5727 0 obj <> endobj 25. For most elected officials, salaries are set via ordinance by their legislative bodies. Cancel your subscription at any time. As a result, only the 2020 COLA is added to the updated base salaries. x][s8~OU3lT&cF2D )L"Sh'']^\Em/_/l9K4b/_pH2DXb71W/?|!&a6:_$T;`nj4_M'6(PDb!Y\B=\Z( But many boards notably the County and the City of Fernandina Beach meet much more often in Special Meetings and Workshops.]. In calendar year 2022, all members of the General Assembly whose terms began on the first day of the legislative session in January of 2021 receive $41,449 annually. Health care and other benefits end on December 31 immediately before the end of their term. 3062 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<1E5498490EE02F4ABFC3A5E760CB291F>]/Index[3055 14]/Info 3054 0 R/Length 55/Prev 235282/Root 3056 0 R/Size 3069/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream [8] 2020 In 2020, the secretary of state received a salary of $141,000, according to the Council of State Governments. 2022 and 2023 Salaries for County Officers, Deadline Schedule for the 2023 Regular Session, Colorado Open Records Act Maximum Hourly Research and Retrieval Fee, Rules & Regulations of Executive Agencies, RFP to Provide Staff Support to the Colorado Youth Advisory Council, Salaries for Legislators, Statewide Elected Officials, and County Officers, Remote Testimony and Remote Participation Policies, Services for Persons with Disabilities and Grievance Resolution Procedures, State of Colorado Accessibility Statement. 160A-64 states that "the salary of an elected officer other than a member of the council may not be reduced during the then-current term of office unless he agrees thereto." (emphasis added). 0T_SCx-A&kl9!\.>%mG;LtJ_Q6wvlpJQhCN= V&!gujtE.Jc] As a result, only the 2020 COLA is added to the updated base salaries. Then in 2011, the Legislature authorized county commissioners, clerks of circuit court, county comptrollers, sheriffs, supervisors of elections, property appraisers, and tax collectors to voluntarily reduce their salaries. 6 Op. You will get another chance to run for constitutional officer positions in 2024. I was on a school board in California, where we got $240 per month. 8 Section 145.141, F.S. I beg to differ with you,according to John Hopkins,men that Yep April, Ill have another plate of that as soon as Never have I seen clown target children in a display of sexu Would love your thoughts, please comment. If you are considering a run for elected office, a look at the compensation by position might help you decide. This website requires javascript to run optimally on computers, mobile devices, and screen readers. Elizabeth Mann Levesque wrote a report in 2017 entitled What should we pay School Boards? Four of the five countywide constitutional officer positions in Brevard clerk of courts, property appraiser, supervisor of election and tax collector have an annual salary of $153,928. The attorneys for the Commonwealth and their successors who serve on a full-time basis pursuant to 15.2-1627.1, 15.2-1628, 15.2-1629, 15.2-1630 or 15.2-1631, Code of Virginia shall receive salaries as if they served localities with populations between 35,000 and 44,999. Consequently, salaries of county and constitutional officers are set by the state formulas. endstream endobj 1810 0 obj <. According to the Florida Association of Counties. !Z-/A7o ?;)]@G O >,csguEIShim4 r H_P =Y>2j)$ OHfD8WMJD5y%2Ai!ylr95_27Crh_+m9A >`U\;Wd1hmT`=.u <> Section 12 of the City Charter allows the Commission to set its own salaries by ordinance. The Office of Economic and Demographic Research (EDR)is a research arm of the Legislature, principally concerned with forecasting economic and social trends that affect policy making, revenues and appropriations. b. Oakland County Road Commission members. <>>> **Senators whose terms begin in 2023 and all House Members. 3055 0 obj <> endobj Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> %%EOF 2962 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<245CD763659C78439EBFD046A1D279AC>]/Index[2955 13]/Info 2954 0 R/Length 55/Prev 229897/Root 2956 0 R/Size 2968/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. hb```,,B cbKA? V}+pc xuqy In a Constitutional County, only the Governor can remove an elected official from office. According to several Florida constitutional scholars, the establishment of charter government was designed to remove the resolution of local problems from the state legislatures busy agenda and to grant the county electorate greater control over their regional affairs. Submitted by Suanne Z. Thamm SCOPE OBJECTIVES & METHODOLOGIES for Fiscal Year 2020-21 Salaries of Elected County Constitutional Officers and School District Officials for Fiscal Year 2020-21 Summary: The practice of determining the compensation of Florida's county constitutional officers by state law was sanctioned by the Constitution of 1885 and has been maintained since the 1968 constitutional revision.1 However, it was not until 1973 that the . <> Section 2-2-307, C.R.S., governs the salaries of the members of the General Assembly. endobj [6] 2020 In 2020, the commissioner received a salary of $128,972, according to the Council of State Governments. (1) Any board of county commissioners, with the concurrence of the county official involved, shall by resolution guarantee and appropriate a salary to the county official, in an amount specified in this chapter, if all fees collected by such official are turned over . [7] 2019 In 2019, the commissioner received a salary of $128,972, according to the Council of State Governments. Serving Amelia Island, Fernandina Beach, Jacksonville and beyond. 1830 0 obj <>stream The salaries for the constitutional officers are set by the state using a formula based on the County's population. %PDF-1.7 % Legislation passed by the General Assembly in 2021 updates the base salaries for magistrates as of January 1, 2022. [In 2015 I wrote an article for the Fernandina Observer entitled:Have you ever wondered how the salaries of local elected officials are set in Florida? The bill also requires these salaries to be adjusted for inflation in the same manner as those for other positions, beginning in 2024. However, a look at the compensation for those headaches may reveal why many candidates think it is worth the headaches. *Senators whose terms began prior to 2023. v;N)*f#*>D0\`;kjF/9pTv[l{I=hh3P'#6_3f.8|0 C s9^&5ahLJ5pX$M_\}%OLQ*xa(N0(V--h'WMyape|u$b6k7{EY^e3hatcYAMdX. 5KhW-/Hb[)`OJ\A)oGD'N~9w }s-(dNGmx)R6s9vy*jr~/J]'.L dBvUPd},3VyA{.GtD c`>0y4 from 2007 through 2019, plus adding a 5% increase to the base salaries. &a r:/$_h`~:qX(\D (i Elected Office. salary paid to any other county constitutional officer (T.C.A. for Constitutional Officers, C/A's Workload: County Sheriffs; 9. hb```ir@(jX0p.gX %-.,uy@y@*l/vAtvYq`cX&T _ f`ipX^\` 8 13. (B) Beginning in calendar year 2021 and in each calendar year thereafter through calendar year 2028, the salary amounts under sections 325.03, 325.04, 325.08, 325.09 . Section 2-2-307, C.R.S., governs the salaries of the members of the General Assembly. Education and Employment Committee, Instructional Materials Fact Sheet (2020). However, with the transfer of the operating contract from Kinder Morgan to World Wide Terminals Fernandina last year, commissioners voted to restore their salaries to $2,000 per month. Reflecting on LAs 174 percent raise and quoted from a 2010 survey: Nationally, 62.3 percent of board members report that they receive no salary, while 14.3 percent receive an annual salary of $5,000 or more and 2 percent earn a salary of more than $15,000 per year. The same report found that the majority of board members in large districts receive a salary, but only 7.8 percent of respondents from large districts earned over $15,000 a year for their service.. %%EOF However, over recent years port commissioners have voluntarily worked for half salary: $1,000 per month. The same legislation also made similar increases to various statutorily required supplements for those particular county officers. My, isnt government fun! 9 The initial . :X"p._0 G#sy|,gx-3^!oQm@&34M2BSR"""JB:~mm&MkA#tL[lS$m+@IrL\$v7Qse!o"P[. pm[+z~TR5Mm}P5\6p4p40D40t40pt0[t0t4ht L ,`YF A( 2@ `8rlP? endstream endobj startxref hbbd``b`HqU%Lu %oO endobj Member salaries are adjusted at the beginning of each term to equal 25 percent of a county judge's salary during the first year of the term. G.S. Att'y Gen. Fla. 79-87 (1979). S}Z!Q,N$~+`&"`bpFNyqPV^a]lJ The Florida Legislature's Office of Economic and Demographic Research Report Salaries of Elected County Constitutional Officers and School District Officials for Fiscal Year 2019-2020, September 2019. Currently, Nassau County School Board members are compensated at a level that is 68 percent of the newly state-approved $47,000 salary for starting teachers. In 2021, the commissioner received a salary of $132,841, according to the Council of State Governments. Legislation effective January 1, 2022 updates the base salaries for magistrates. Nassau County is not a charter county, of which there are twenty in the state of Florida. Officers Budgets and Salaries. base salaries. As explained in "Salaries of Elected County Constitutional Officers and School District Officials for Fiscal Year 2020-21", a report of the Florida Legislature's Department of Economic and Demographic Research (attached):
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